Screenland (May-Oct 1931)

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SCREEN LAND Marie dressler's Own Story A new chapter in the life of the Laugh Queen By tAarte Dressier The most beloved woman in Hollywood, Miss Marie Dressier, resting in a sunny comer of the upstairs sitting room in her Beverly Hills home. This installment of her own story, which began in the March issue, is the most intimate and amusing she has written. You ivon't want to miss it! PART III. L\ST month I had just started to tell you about home, sweet home in Hollywood, when we were J cut off. Now I'm going on with my story and just try to stop me ! I want to give you my idea of a house. Or rather, a home — there's a lot of difference, you know. "When things began to look pretty good for me I gave up the first house 1 had chosen and selected another one. This was situated on a rock. It had a patio, a swimming pool, and a view of the ocean. The view was immense, hut the house was small and cosy. I always keep my houses simple. Chintz is more to my taste than priceless, musty fabrics valued because some king and queen had a deuce of a time when they lived with them. Palace stuff never inspired the song, Home, Stveet Home. 1 like firm chairs when I sit socially. I've had more than my share of collapsible stage furniture so that my aversion to antiques may easily be explained. I do feel, however, that ancient furniture in the home should always carry weight limit signs like country bridges ! A house should be small enough and the furniture so arranged that there are no bunkers in the way of a straight drive to the kitchen ; for around the kitchen the real home is built. A home with sloppy meals — whether they are prepared by the maid or the madam — leads to the divorce court sooner or later and the woman who can give her husband better meals than any other woman wins — sometimes! I've always wondered why folks who were so anxious to get their bumps felt and their palms Marie tells 'em! Newspaper men crowd around the star as she returns from one of her trips to Europe. Miss Dressier is popular with the ship-news men; and that's an achievement!