Screenland (May-Oct 1931)

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62 SCREENL AND There is one beauty upon which all people agree and that is the beauty of fine, glowing skin. Loretta Young has that beauty. Beauty is more than skin deep! But skin beauty is a deep subject, so listen to this expert advice on complexion care By Anne Van Alstyne THERE are two great essentials for the beauty of the complexion. The first is: Keep your skin clean. The other is: Keep your skin soft. If you keep your skin clean, which means clear ; and soft, which means rested and well-cared for, the fairest beauty prizes will be awarded unto you. For there is one beauty upon which all people agree and that is the beauty of fine, glowing skin. Your complexion may be one of several tints — and, thank goodness, we have come to realize within the last few years that there are other facial shades besides white and less white, besides blonde and brunette. Today we are individual in our beauty. We emphasize our own beauty assets, knowing thereby that the defects will be ignored. Only the most unsubtle girl today uses "white" powder on her "white" skin. Even the old reliable "flesh" powder, which used to be just plain pink has gone, to be replaced by light rachel, dark rachel, and some forty other shades. And very right that is, too, for Caucasians though we may be, there are those of us who have tawny skins or dark olive skins or pale olive skins ; there are those who have blonde skins, all little pastel highlights and other blondes with skins like white gold. And there are girls who are tanned till only their hair color tells whether they are naturally fair or dark. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder and people disagree about the most beautiful color for eyes and hair. They also disagree about shapes and sizes. Some people— many men, by the way — champion little girls and find them most attractive. Yet Peggy Hopkins Joyce, who is very tall, holds the American matrimonial record and on the screen there is the one and only Garbo, who is really a lanky bigboned Swedish girl. In this LET'S BE BEAUTIFUL! It isn't hard, it's comparatively easy in these days of scientific rules. Anne Van Alstyne knows all the rules, and she will give you personal advice on your own beauty problems. Please enclose a self addressed, stamped envelope for personal reply. Address Anne Van Alstyne in care of SCREENLAND, 45 West45th Street, New York City. country we are all for diet and slenderness, yet Europeans find our women much too thin for attractiveness. So in every attribute of feminine beauty personal inclination influences what we call attractive or ugly. In all save the skin, that is. The tribute to lovely skin is unanimous. Fine skin means beauty, even though the individual features be irregular. Uncared-for skin full of blackheads, large pores, or other unsightly blemishes means ugliness, even though the features they defile be flawless. Yet isn't that really a thrilling thought? Isn't it really thrilling to know that you can have the first, the unanimous requirement for beauty, no matter what your figure or your features may be? For you really can. Any girL granted she has good health, can have good skin. It's really all marvelously simple, too. You don't need lotions, creams, rouges or lipsticks, either. They are aids. They are great, big wonderful helps, if you don't mind my raving. But they aren't essentials. The only essentials are health, diet, exercise and cleanliness. Now if you think I am just a little bit touched on the subject of health, diet, exercise and cleanliness when it comes to beauty, you are more than half right. If you want to tell me that I say one month that the combination of health, diet, exercise and cleanliness makes for hair beauty, and then this month tell you it makes for skin beauty, you will be quite right. I said it last month and I say it this. I expect to be saying it when I'm an old lady with white hair and not much else except a memory. I'll say that it gives you beautiful fingernails and beautiful eyes, too. For it does. It's all true. The great thing I want to get over to you girls who are really sincere in your wish to be more lovelv is that the