Screenland (May-Oct 1931)

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104 SCREENLAND been able to meet so successfully the practical demands of your early opportunities, but under this name you are not known to your public, but instead as Janet Gaynor. Changing your name had therefore a tremendous psychological importance upon your life for in taking the vowels of this name, a and e for Janet which are numbered 1 and 5 and added to 6; and a and 0 for Gaynor, which are numbered 1 and 6 respectively and add to 7, a final total of 4 is found by the addition of the 6 for Janet and the 7 for Gaynor. Then if we go farther and place the proper number values under each letter of this name as follows, and make an addition of all of them another total of 4 is found by reducing the 14 of Janet and the 35 of Gaynor. Thus : J-a-n-e-t G-a-y-n-o-r 115 5 2 7 17 5 6 9 1—4 3—5 5 X 8 = 13 or 4 Without any influence of 4 in the original name of Laura Gainer you were in some way led to adopt for your public efforts a name that is a number 4 both in its vowels which reveal its 'Ideality' or motive and in its 'Expression' or ability. As Janet Gaynor it is therefore perfectly clear that your success has been due more surely to hard work than to your being really a creative artist. The capacity for hard work was just what you needed so that your inherent sense of adaptability which was good for mimicry might be trained, organized and expressed by your number 8 'Expression' as a form of actual success. Under this name of Janet Gaynor you are going to like hard work better ' than almost anything and it will turn out that you will be remembered as a sincere hard worker, as one who expressed herself simply, without show or pretense but in a manner calculated to appeal to the masses who themselves are the workers of the world. You will come to believe that after all you might easily do worse than settle down to happy conventional married life, for 4 is not a particularly social or professional number but it is making you set about the job of living very seriously. I know that many students of the science of numerology would not consider the name that you had chosen to work under a very lucky one, inasmuch as its number 4 is seldom connected with public success and attracts a lot of hard work which no one seems to be anxious for ! However, 1 think you know that the vibrations of this name have helped you to perfect your technique, to concentrate upon the job in hand, to improve your physical endurance. Just as our names reveal the quality of our natures and our latent ability, so our birthdates when reduced to numbers enable us to discover our path through life, the direction of thought and action which will prove to be the way to our greatest success and happiness. The addition of the numbers in your birthdate, Miss Gaynor, produces the number 6. October is counted as 1, the 6th day as 6, and 1907 as an 8. The final number 6 which is termed in numerology your 'Path of Life' or 'Destiny' number, tells that you have a good prospect of living out your life without great tragedy. There are strong indications of home life and companionship in the more substantial phases of social life, which after your thirtieth year should bring much satisfaction to the sensible desires for sane expression which are so characteristic of your name numbers. There was a strong link formed with professional life and the stage in your childhood and this seems to manifest in some expression on your part around your seventeenth year. There is, however, an undercurrent of experience in your life until your thirtieth year, that being isolated in nature and a little unhappy, tends to drive you deeply within yourself to turn your attention to study, to interests that are rather individual and hard for those associated with you closely to share. The periods of meditation, aloneness which this vibration seems to hring you, will add to your original nature more poise, self-control, and greater intuitive powers. The number of this early period of your life continues its influence until your thirtieth birthday and being related to our mysterious, subjective number 7, gives the reason for your being more retiring in your private hours away from the studio. This influence, which has had a great deal to do with bringing you into the line of a professional career, ends with great changes in your life in 1937. These changes will lead to a retirement from the screen and from public life and to your introduction into the happiest phases of your domestic experiences. Jeanette MacDonaJd can act as well as sing. Proof — her work in "Don't Bet on Women." A period related to number 7 is not the most fortunate time to accept marriage, the heavier obligations of family life, or of social prominence. This means that until you are thirty years of age you will seek more and more to find your happiness not in married life or social advancement but by added concentration upon your work ; and you must not expect to dodge phases of misunderstanding within your family circle. Even in your childhood, when, of course, you were also under the subjective influence to which number 7 is the key, you had some strange and not entirely happy changes in your home life and relationships. Many of the efforts you have made since to establish happiness in personal relationships have proved disappointing, but by this means are changing your more practical temperament into that of the artist. When one cannot do what he wants to do, if he be as practical and as adaptable as your numbers show you to be, he accepts with good grace what has to be done and does not permit progress to be held up by childish resistance. Your public will be interested to know that the year of 1928 marked the end of one phase of your screen work, a phase that it is probable you will never be able to repeat, although, because it was slightly more romantic and less sophisticated than what has followed, I expect that you would really prefer it. It is interesting to note that basing their understanding of your style on such work as you did in "Seventh Heaven" they allowed their sentimental fancy to weave a private romance with yourself and Charles Farrell as the principals. 1929 came along, a year that numerology points to as being one of an entirely new beginning in your life. You took advantage of this influence, surprised and in some measure disappointed your public by attempting a different kind of role in "Sunny Side Up," and by marrying someone else. Your marriage to Mr. Lydell Peck from San Francisco will, according to numerology, be extremely important in your experience and your material success. There is a degree of harmony between your numbers which ensures a measure of happiness, but the most interesting point is in the fact that your husband's number is 6 which has been found to be that of your 'Path of Life.' This relationship in numbers between people often means greater importance and material advancement than real personal happiness. It is indicated that your paths may separate before 1937. and then you will recall that your own birthdate indicates the more permanent phases of your home and family life as after your thirtieth birthday, which suggests a second marriage. The end of a new cycle arrives with 1937 and so fortunately, for the delight of your thousands of fans, I can promise that you have, since your last birthday, commenced a stronger phase of your public work. This will, in 1931 and 1933 especially, mean greater success, more parts to play and more roles in which you will be cast to suit the demands of your public. 1930, however, is indicated by numerology as one of your least satisfactory years from all angles. Its nervous number of 11 brought you discouragement and disappointment as well as nervous disorders of the body. This year meant discipline both in relation with your work, your associates and your health. Your public will always consist in the majority of those movie-goers whose tastes are simple, who prefer natural feelings portrayed without sophistication or too much subtlety, neither of which qualities come very easy to you for they are not in your numbers. If you can be cast in roles that are physically active and romantic, and offer you opportunity to appeal to the simpler emotion in stories that are not far-fetched, your clean cut personality will remain a favorite for the next seven years, which will bring you to the year of 1937 — when, as I have remarked, you will be perfectly happy to seek seclusion and to live your life in ways that concern things that, if they had come into your life in your earlier years, would have meant that you would never have been a movie actress at all ! * With your complete chart before me, Miss Gaynor, I am forced to draw a final conclusion and that is this. Your success is and will continue to be due to a fine mixture of imitative talent, early opportunity, and a growing capacity for hard work. You have deserved a large measure of success because of the large part of your own thought and effort you have been able to bring to your work under the fortunate influence of the name Janet Gaynor. As you absorb and express the number 4 of this name, you will never be found among the class of entertainer who tries to get something for nothing, whose personality and work partakes of the gaudy or spectacular.