Screenland (May-Oct 1931)

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for May 19 3 1 109 Love on the Rebound — Continued from page 33 to smoulder, the sophisticated Ina Claire fanned it into a new life. Love's feet may falter in John's life but never its flame. Since her divorce from Phil Plant, Manhattan millionaire, Constance Bennett's male admirers have been filling her home like Penelope's while Ulysses was away on his little jaunt. I expected to find her subdued but she was more radiant than ever. "How," I asked, "does it happen a person who is deeply in love with someone, falis out of love with that someone and immediately proceeds to fall in love with someone else? If you were so deeply in love with the first person, why wouldn't you be broken-hearted and not be able to think of anyone else?" "That's just it," she answered, "it's because you are broken-hearted that you fall in love again so easily. You become cynical, and if you're a man you turn womanhater, or vice versa if you happen to be a woman. And there's no one in the world quite so open to a heart attack as a person on the rebound." "How's that?" "Well, all anyone has to do is to sympathize with the bereft person, tell him, or her, how misunderstood he is, how he was never properly appreciated, etc., etc. I, for instance, might be exactly like the person he had just fallen out of love with, but he would consider me the direct antithesis. All the virtues that had been lacking in the other one, he would find in me simply because I sympathized with him. I don't say I would always be able to hold a man I'd caught on the rebound, but I repeat that a person re-acting from a violent love af fair is more apt to fall in love than anyone else. It's what helps you to get over the first affair quickly and painlessly." Certainly there has been no paucity of men to help her over the heartache her marriage caused her. All one can do is to applaud the valiant for their efforts and to regret that they cannot all be fittingly rewarded. It looks as if Henry Falaise is favored. He's Connie's cavalier — and she may be a Marquise one of these days ! Harold Lloyd may be a one-woman man but there have been at least two women in his life who counted. Bebe Daniels was his first leading lady and in those dear, dead days she seemed to be all that counted. As suddenly as the explosion that injured his hand, the affair died out and it was while his spirits were rebounding from the depths to which they had sunk that Mildred Davis captured and held his fancy. Loretta Young, beautiful as a day in spring, seems born for love and men have not been lacking in her life to help her fulfill her destiny. How deeply her heart has been involved, one cannot say, but the affection existing between her and Arthur Lake appeared to be more than a passing fancy. When a requiem had been sung over their dead love, Loretta attended a party alone with the naively girlish idea of showing him "she didn't care." And her searching heart brushed lightly against that of Grant Withers', himself recovering from a rather tempestuous affaire de coeur. What was that little ditty Chevalier used to sing? "To see you, is to love you — And to love you is gr-rand !" So grand, in fact, that it was only a short time until Loretta was answering to the name of Mrs. Grant Withers. Gary Cooper knows about love on the rebound. New in pictures, he appeared with Clara Bow and Esther Ralston in "Children of Divorce." Gentlemen, may prefer blondes — but the flaming locks of the Brooklyn Bonfire obscured his vision to such an extent that the beautiful but placid Ralston registered not at all, apparently. Gary and Clara went here and there together. But Clara's affections are as stable as the ball on a roulette wheel and after a short time Gary was all but forgotten. When the barge of Clara's love began touching at other ports of call, the brig of Gary's did not flounder exactly helplessly on the Black Sea of Despair. No less a personage than la belle Brent, (first name, Evelyn), took her place at the helmsman's wheel. An expert pilot she proved herself, for one heard no reports of storm ruffling the smooth surface of their attachment. Whether the tranquil sailing became monotonous to the Silentish Man of the Great Open Spaces, or whether Evelyn herself grew bored with the inarticulate love the lean Montanan is supposed to go in for, no one will ever know. But presently the fiery Lupe was seen with Gary. Nor did the latter pine in lonely solitude. Her heart, rebounding from shattered dreams with Gary, was caught and tenderly guarded by Harry Edwards. And it was not long thereafter until he found himself promising a parson — or justice of the peace, I forget which — to love, honor and cherish the girl. And so it goes— in Follvwood ! WWW arettc Beec Gum MAKES THE NEXT SMOKE TASTE BETTER How good your smoke tastes after dinner! It's the same way after you chew Beech -Nut Gum. It stimulates your taste sense — makes the next smoke taste better, more enjoyable. Remember, always, there's no gum quite so good as Beech -Nut. Also in Spearmint and Winter green flavors. Made by the makers of Beech-Nut Fruit Drops and Mints — In the United States and Canada. When you write to advertisers please mention SCREENXAND