Screenland (May-Oct 1931)

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18 m\ 51 The Smart Screen Magazine Delight Evans, Editor Alma Whitaker, Western Editor Frank J. Carroll, Art Director June, 1931 THIS MONTHS PROGRAM Vol. XXIII, No. 2 FEATURES: COVER PORTRAIT OF GRETA GARBO Thomas Webb LIFE SKETCHES. Marlene Dietrich Henry Rood, Jr. 16 A NEW SLANT ON GARBO Paul Hawkins 18 CONFESSIONS OF A GANGSTER'S MOLL Mrs. Edward G. Robinson 23 MEXICAN DIVORCE. Fiction Charles Winfield Fessier 24 MR. ARLISS LOOKS AT THE MOVIES George Arliss 26 THE ORIGINAL CHANEL Herbert Cruikshank 27 IS ROMANCE SYNTHETIC IN HOLLYWOOD? Ruth Tildesley 28 WHEN THE MOVIES DEMAND BRAINS MORE THAN BEAUTY John O'Hara 38 WE WANT BLONDES. SAYS HOLLYWOOD Marie House 32 IS HOLLYWOOD A GODLESS TOWN? Alma Whitaker 52 MARIE DRESSLER'S OWN STORY Marie Dressier 54 ARE WOMEN LESS FAITHFUL THAN MEN? Ruth Tildesley 58 PERSONALITIES : BARBARA COMES BACK TO BROADWAY. Barbara Stanwyck 22 REVEALING RAMON. Ramon Novarro Ralph Wheeler 31 JUST FINE AND LANDI! Elissa Landi Constance Carr 34 LIL REFORMS. Lihjan Tankman Sydney Valentine 51 HER BEST FRIEND WON'T TELL HER! Evelyn Brent 57 SENNETT: CHAPTER II. Mack Sennell Rosa Reilly 65 COMPSON CLOSE-UP. Betty Compson Mary Howard 66 WHAT ABOUT CAROLE LOMBARD? Betty Boone 83 THE BOND BONFIRE. Lillian Bond Myrene Wentworth 130 SPECIAL ROTOGRAVURE ART SECTIONS: STARS AS THEY ARE. Exclusive Portraits by Cecil Beaton. Joan Bennett, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., George Bancroft, June Collyer, Torn Meighan, Tallulah Bankhead, Gary Cooper, Fay Wray, Loretta Young, Richard Arlen, Dorothy Mackaill, Walter Huston, John Wayne, Kay Francis, Tna Claire 35-50 THE MOST BEAUTIFUL STILL OF THE MONTH 67 PORTRAITS: Adolphe Menjou, Jean Harlow, Neil Hamilton, Nancy Carroll, Jack Oakie, Billie Dove, Dorothy Lee, Edmund Lowe, John Boles, Rose Hobart, Greta Nissen, Paul Lukas, Carole Lombard. FASHIONS: Posed by Screen Stars 74-75 DEPARTMENTS : REVUETTES. Guide to Current Pictures 6 SLAMS AND SALVOS. Letters from the Audience 8 HONOR PAGE. Norma Shearer 14 EDITORIAL 17 REVIEWS OF THE BEST PICTURES Delight Evans 60 KEEPING COOL AND LOVELY Anne Van Alstyne 62 PICTURE PARTIES Grace Kingsley 64 CRITICAL COMMENT ON CURRENT FILMS 84 THE STAGE IN REVIEW Benjamin De Casseres 86 SCREEN NEWS : 88 THE TRUTH ABOUT COSMETICS Mary Lee 94 PICNICKING WITH LOUISE FAZENDA Blanche Meredith 95 ASK ME Miss Vee Dee 96 CASTS OF CURRENT FILMS 110 ADDRESSES OF THE STARS 114 A[ext <_yV/ONTH! The big mid-summer issue — July — will be on sale June first. And here's a friendly tip — don't miss it. Beginning with a particularly exciting cover, and continuing right through the book, including the very last page, this issue matches the summer season. It has that carefree vacation spirit. For one thing, there will be an art section of bathing girls in the new beach fashions — and when we say bathing girls, we mean Hollywood's prettiest and youngest stars, 1931 style. Fashion and beauty! Then the fastest-rising young man in motion pictures begins his own story — Phillips Holmes is the name, and we know you'll want to read his own account of his life and career, illustrated with family photographs never before published. It wasn't easy to persuade Phil to let us have his baby pictures! You'll be amused, too, at the article revealing your film favorites' bad habits — yes, we know the old-fashioned idea was to pretend that movie stars have no bad habits; but it's more modern and endearing to know them as they really are. This isn't all — but we want to save a few surprises for you to discover for yourself, in that July issue out June first! Published monthly by Screenland Magazine, Inc. Executive and Editorial offices, 45 West 45th Street, New York City. Alfred A. Cohen, Chairman of the Board ; Delight Evans, Vice-President; H. C. Olpe, Secretary. Chicago office: 919 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Manuscripts and drawings must be accompanied by return postage. They will receive careful attention but Screenland assumes no responsibility for their safety. Yearly subscription $2.50 in the United States, its dependencies, Cuba and Mexico; $3.00 in Canada; foreign, $3.50. Entered as second-class matter November 30, 1923, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y.. under the act of March 3, 1879. Additional entry at Chicago, Illinois. Copyright 1931. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations. Printed In the U. S. A,