Screenland (May-Oct 1931)

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52 SCRE ENL AND What part does religion play in the lives of the screen stars? Will Rogers is deeply religious, although he marches under no specific label. Here's a view of Hollywood — famous the world homes — prosperous shops — and you' 11 find By Alma Is Hollywood a AN ill-informed preacher referred to Hollywood /\ as a godless town. Nothing could be further / % from the truth. The majority of picture people, just like the rest of us frail humans, have felt the necessity for spiritual solace and divine guidance. Of course they don't prattle about it and exploit it. but a recent painstaking survey has convinced me that there is as much sincere religion in Hollywood as anywhere. Some of these picture people will admit that they are not regular attendants at any particular church. Some of them have evolved spiritual philosophies of their own, rather than accepting any established creed, but it is rare to find one of them who is wholly indifferent to the importance of religion in life. The Roman Catholic Church can boast many devout members. Ramon No varro has always been an ardent Catholic, as are his entire family. His sister is a nun, and another sister may take the veil. A brother is preparing for the priesthood. Ramon himself is said to have expressed a desire to retire sometime from the world and enter a monastery. Marion Davies is a Catholic and finds time for her religious duties, in spite of the endless calls upon her. Eddie Quillan and his entire family are devout Catholics, and would not even consider opening their Christmas presents before attending church on that sacred morning. Tom, Matt and Owen Moore, Sally O'Neil, Gilbert Roland. Anita Page, ZaSu Pitts, all proudly claim this religion. Colleen Moore has found Norma Shearer and her husband, Irving Thalberg, are steadfast church-goers. Maurice Chevalier, the French playboy of stage and screen, is devout. Mary Pickford has a deep strain of the spiritual in her make-up. Ramon Novarro is one of the most devout members of the movie colony.