Screenland (May-Oct 1931)

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for J u n e 19 3 1 115 Is Hollywood a Godless Town? Continued from page 5) June Collyer, Junior Coughlan, Trixie Friganza, Eric Von Stroheim, Eddie Dowling, John Ford, Winfield Sheehan, William K. Howard, Leo McCarey and Sam Taylor. Polly Moran is a member, too, and declares herself "rabid Catholic"— although, interestingly, she sometimes listens to Rabbi Magnin's Liberal Jewish sermons over the radio with particular interest. There are not nearly as many Jewish actors as one might suppose, although several of the producers embrace that faith. Norma Shearer adopted Judaism when she married Irving Thalberg, and both she and her husband are steadfast churchgoers. Carmel Myers is the daughter of a Jewish Rabbi. And of course, everyone knows Charlie Chaplin is of the Jewish faith, but not, perhaps, that he is a deep student of the Bible. The Christian Scientists can claim a great many Hollywood followers. Corinne Griffith attends this church and her recent testimony appears in The Sentinel. Conrad Nagel was an usher in the Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist, in Hollywood for some years, and is now a regular attendant at the one in Beverly Hills. Mary Pickford was formerly a Catholic, but after her divorce from Owen Moore, became a deep student of Christian Science. She often attends the Wednesday night meetings at Santa Monica, and at one time testified frequently. When in town the Beverly Hills Church sees her an attendant. Douglas Fairbanks was once an altar boy in a Denver church, but is now interested in Science with Mary and occasionally accompanies her to services. Doug, Jr. and Joan Crawford attend the Christian Science Church and are also deeply interested in Metaphysics. The first Mrs. Fairbanks, young Doug's mother, is earnest in Metaphysical belief, and it is through her that this young couple have taken up its study. Joan and Doug were married in a Catholic church in New York, Joan being a Catholic at that time. Since their Metaphysical interests, however, both have changed markedly in their attitude on all phases of life and work, and have forged ahead amazingly. They credit their religion with making these new successes possible. Belle Bennett has been an earnest student of Christian Science for the past three years and proclaims that she has found it a great solace during her many sorrows. There have been six deaths in Belle's family during that time and she tells how Science saved her from insanity. Little Philippe de Lacy attends Christian Science Sunday school regularly. Through Philippe, his foster mother also began attending the church, since she noted the self-control and serenity her boy was gaining from this teaching. Other Scientists are Leatrice Joy, a member in good standing, Charles Ray, Enid Bennett, Charlotte Greenwood, Fanchon and Marco, Ernest Torrence, Nigel de Brullier, and DeWitt Jennings. The Episcopal Church, also known as the Church of England in that country, boasts a number of regular members. Joan and Constance Bennett are both Church of England, and Victor McLaglen's father is a bishop in that creed. Richard Barthelmess was raised in the Episcopal Church, later went to a Chris QUALIFY FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO WIN $650.00 THE hunt is about to start. The hounds have been unleashed and are impatient to pick up the scent. Somewhere in the pack are two dogs exactly alike — identical to the eye in size, pose, markings on the legs, bodies, heads and tails. How well developed are your powers of observation? How quick is your eye? Can you find the twin dogs? 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