Screenland (May-Oct 1931)

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for June 19 3 1 129 ters. I have to work overtime to read my own fan mail but I'll tell Clara you want her picture the worst way and she may respond, for Clara is a good little scout and is anxious to please her public. Her next picture is "Kick In." B. V . D. of Texas. So you've been timid about writing me. Put your reserve in your pocket and give me your hand and we'll have a get-together meeting and talk about your favorite, Clive Brook. He was born June 1, 1891, in London, England. His mother was an opera singer. He has grey eyes, brown hair, is 5 feet 11 inches tall and weighs 149 pounds. He is a proficient violinist and has written a number of successful short stories. He came to America to make one picture and has remained six years. He is Captain Levison in the Fox production of "East Lynne" with Ann Harding and Conrad Nagel. Puzzled from Zanesville. I don't blame you, who wouldn't be? If the first request for a photograph from a star fails to bring the coveted prize, write, write again — more than that, I can't advise you. Buck Jones' wife is Odille Osborne but I don't know her birthplace. Sally Eilers and Hoot Gibson were married June 28, 1930. Conrad Nagel's wife is Ruth Helms, a non-professional. John Gilbert is 33. Tom Mix is 44. Monte Blue is 31 and James Hall is 30. A Hobo in Hoboken. You are ready to place a heavy bet that the screen stars never see any of their fan mail. I'll take you up on that for I've known many to fairly eat their mail if you know what I mean. Charles Rogers has been reported "this way and that" about several screen beauties but my private deduction is that Buddy's best girl friend is his mother. No cause for tears there. Dorothy S. Roderique La Rocque, better known as Rod, was born Nov. 29, 1898. in Chicago, 111. Rod's father was French and his mother English. Rod has black hair, brown eyes, is 6 feet 3 inches tall and weighs 181 pounds. I do not know Lon Chaney's wife. He left a son who has never been in pictures. Leatrice Joy and John Gilbert were divorced when their daughter was just a baby. Chickie. Clara Bow won't mind your calling her names if they all begin with darling, adorable, and every other sweet nothing. I have rather a hazy suspicion you like Clara — excuse me if I'm wrong. A great cast was assembled to make her last picture, "No Limit"— Norman Foster, Stuart Erwin, Harry Green, Thelma Todd and Dixie Lee. Arthur Rankin Fan. It isn't that the old players are forgotten but with the new crop of screen material coming on, sometimes it's a bit difficult to locate our old friends. Arthur Rankin has been appearing in shorts (comedies) for quite some time but I haven't his address as he works for several studios. Donald Keith was born in Boston, Mass. He is 5 feet 11 inches tall and weighs 155 pounds. His real name is Francis Feeney. His wife is Kathryn Stuckuzze. Brown Eyes, Cleveland. Just a rough guess, but you're quite easy on the optics. Gary Cooper is 30 years old and Colleen Moore is 28. • Colleen's last release was "Footlights and Fools." She toured the country in "On the Loose," a stage play, since releasing her last picture. Among Gary Cooper's newest films are "Morocco" with Marlene Dietrich and "Fighting Caravans" with Lily Damita. Gary, at the moment, is recuperating from an illness. Theresa M. The principals in "Hangman's House" were Victor McLaglcn, Larry Kent, Earle Fox, Hobart Bosworth and Belle Stoddard. The film was released in 1928. Eva Von Berne made but one picture in America — "Masks of the Devil" with John Gilbert and the late Alma Rubens. Ruth F. So you're crazy to be a radio announcer — well, for the love of mike ! Lilyan Tashman was born in New York City and at the age of 16, made her debut in the Ziegfeld Follies. In 1924 she entered motion pictures. She has a delightful sense of humor and is very popular with the film folks. She is 5 feet 7 inches tall and weighs 119 pounds. She is the wife of Edmund Lowe. Arlena P. We are always glad to welcome an old friend and to hear that you like Screenland better than ever. Ramon Novarro's name is pronounced Ramon with a long o as in moan. His new picture is "Daybreak." Robert Montgomery was a stage favorite on Broadway before going into pictures. He was born 27 years ago in Beacon, N. Y. He is 6 feet tall and has wavy brown hair and blue eyes. He was married in 1928 to Elizabeth Allen. Their daughter, Martha Bryan, was born Oct. 13, 1930. Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery recently visited New York for a vacation. Luvcnia G. You will find quite a few colored people on the screen and stage but to give you instructions on how to become a player is more than I can do. "Hallelujah," a King Vidor production, used an entire negro group of players. Although none of the cast had ever worked before in pictures, they gave excellent performances. Juks S. R. You want to be at the tc, don't we all ? You'd like the stars to s back all the money and stamps you' v spent on them without the long lookedresults. Too bad you have been diss pointed. Nancy Carroll is the wife Jack Kirkland and they have a > ou daughter. Nancy is 24 years old and great little actress. Somebody. How do I know you art Warner Baxter was born March 29, 189 in Columbus, Ohio. Score one for Ohi' Warner spent 14 years in various stoc y companies, vaudeville and Broadwa\ before he obtained his first picture as leading man for Ethel Clayton in Own Money." But it was in his first ta\ ing picture, "In Old Arizona," that J ner showed the world what he cou His new picture is "Doctor's Wives with Joan Bennett. Just Nee. Don't ever tell me I have a funny name ! Rudy Vallee's one and only film was "Vagabond Lover." Sally Blane was his sweetheart in the picture. Stanley Smith appeared with Nancy Carroll in "Honey." Mitzi Green was there, too. If you ask me, she's my favorite actress. Go ahead and ask me ! Jeanne T. To appeal to my intelligence puts me right on my toes for I love to dance around with words of more than one syllable. Reginald Denny has light brown hair, blue eyes, is 6 feet tall, weighs 178 pounds and is married to "Bubbles" Steiffel, better known as Betsy Lee. Reginald entered pictures in 1919, is a licensed aviator, drives a white roadster, speaks with a slight British accent and has a charming grin that endears him to all boys and girls from 6 to 60. You've seen him in "A Lady's Morals" with Grace Moore, and "Kiki" with Mary Pickford. no doubt. YOU CAN, — BE BEAUTIFUL/ I do two things. I correct every defect. T % Tpf develop hidden My startling results . ■ with more than 100,000 women prove that ^hj^y any one can be given beauty. No matter how C TBLf w hopeless, write me. 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