Screenland (May-Oct 1931)

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JUN -8 IB3i ©CI B 13 6674 The Smart Screen Magazine Delight Evans, Editor Alma Whitaker, Western Editor Frank J. Carroll, Art Director July, 1931 FEATURES ; THIS MONTH'S PROGRAM Vol. XXIII, No. 3 COVER PORTRAIT OF DOROTHY MACKAILL Thomas Webb JUNIOR, HOW COULD YOU? Caricatures by Douglas Fairbanks, Jr 16 RACKETEERS OF HOLLYWOOD Brian Herbert 18 JOHN BARRYMORE GIVES DOLORES COSTELLO A NEW VOICE! Gary Gray 22 PHILLIPS HOLMES' OWN STORY As told to Margaret Reid 24 HOLLYWOOD'S BAD HABITS Alma Whitaker 28 "LET THEM STEAL MY PICTURES!" Richard Barthelmess Carlisle Jones 32 STAR SHOTS Malcolm Oettinger 34 STAR SHADOW CONTEST 35 WHAT DO SCREEN STARS THINK ABOUT? Doris Denbo 52 TRIUMPHANT VETERANS Alma Whitaker 54 RICH MAN, POOR MAN Ruth Tildesley 56 MEXICAN DIVORCE. Fiction Charles Winfield Fessier 62 PERSONALITIES : CRY, BABY! Delmar Watson Garret Fox 20 CALL HER TOBIN. Genevieve Tobin Marie House 21 IT TAKES TWO! Barbara Stanwyck and Frank Faj/ Wilton Chalmers 30 THE PRODIGAL DAUGHTER. Tallulah Banklttad Rowley Trench 51 DISCOVERY OF THE MONTH. Brian Aheme 61 THE RAINY THURSDAY GIRL. Helen Chandler Mary Howard 66 LIVING ON LAUGHS Joe E. Brown 83 DUNNE LUCK. Irene Dunne Evelyn Ballarine 130 SPECIAL ROTOGRAVURE ART SECTIONS: STAR SHADOW CONTEST 35 GRETA GARBO ETCHING Eliot Keen 38 FASHIONS. Billie Dove 42 THE BIG RACKETEER. William Tilden 48 THE MOST BEAUTIFUL STILL OF THE MONTH 50 SCREEN BEAUTIES IN BEACH FASHIONS 67-82 PORTRAITS: Fredric March, Kay Francis, Harold Lloyd and Harold, Jr., Richard Barthelmess and William Powell, Will Rogers, Constance Bennett. DEPARTMENTS : REVUETTES. Guide to Current Pictures 6 SLAMS AND SALVOS. Letters from the Audience 8 SUMMER SPECIALS. Dorothy Mackaill's Salad Recipes Blanche Meredith 12 HONOR PAGE. Jackie Cooper and Bobby Coogan , 14 EDITORIAL 17 REVIEWS OF THE BEST PICTURES Delight Evans 58 HOODLUM PARTIES AND HOUSE WARMINGS Grace Kingsley 60 THE STAGE IN REVIEW Benjamin De Casseres 64 CRITICAL COMMENT ON CURRENT FILMS 84 THE RIGHT OF WEIGH! Anne Van Alstyne 86 SCREEN NEWS 88 THE TRUTH ABOUT COSMETICS Mary Lee 94 ASK ME Miss Vee Dee 95 CASTS OF CURRENT FILMS 98 ADDRESSES OF THE STARS 114 qAre you a SHADOW SLEUTH ? How well do you know your stars? Here's a chance to prove it. Turn to our Star Shadow Contest, on the first pages of the first rotogravure section in this issue, and have some fun. And not only fun — $2,500 in cash prizes for the winners! The contest will run for four issues: this issue, July, the next issue, August, September, and October. You'll find it more fun as you go along. It will sharpen your wits, intrigue your imagination, and develop your interest in your film favorites. You may think you know your Hollywood celebrities as well as your next-door neighbors — that you'd even recognize their shadows. Well, go ahead! We're backing you — and may the best shadow sleuth win! Published monthly by Screenland Magazine, Inc. Executive and Editorial offices, 45 West 45th Street, New York Ciry. Alfred A. Cohen, Chairman of the Board : Delight Evans, Vice-President; H. C. Olpe, Secretary; George Quigley, Advertising Director. Chicago office: 919 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Manuscripts and drawings must be accompanied by return postage. They will receive careful attention but Screenland assumes no responsibility for their safety. Yearly subscription $2.50 in the United States, its dependencies, Cuba and Mexico; S3. 00 in Canada ; foreign, $3.50. Entered as second-class matter November 30. 1923, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Additional entry at Chicago, Illinois. Copyright 1931. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations. Printed in the U. S. A,