Screenland (May-Oct 1931)

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28 SCREENL AND Robert Montgomery has the scribble-pad habit, not only while talking at the telephone, but even in general conversation. His friends often feel his thoughts are elsewhere when Bob gets that far-away look. ^Hollywood's BAD HABITS OF COURSE, you understand, in a general way, our manners in Hollywood are impeccable. But most of our starry ones have managed to retain some naughty tricks that Emily Tost would shudder to observe ! There was an old Phil May cartoon which depicted a horrified cockney spouse gazing at her erring husband, who held a saucer full of tea poised for easy blowing. "Good 'eavens. Bill," she was gasping, "it's orl right to slush hit hin the sorcer, but yer mustn't blow hit!"' In somewhat the same way our glamorful Mr. and Airs. Douglas Fairbanks evidently think it is quite all right to chew a little gum once in a while, so long as they do it in the dark. What a chuckle we had one night at a grand premiere in Hollywood, watching Doug and Mary chewing solemnly, in the firm belief that no one would know in the dark. We never did discover how they parked their gum. though. Doug, too, has a naughty little trick of balancing himself back and forth on his toes while he is talking. " Can't keep still. But, of course, the doctors say that is very good for the tummy line. Charlie Chaplin's worst habit is being temperamental about working hours. The entire staff must be on the lot on time, just in case Charlie might want to work that da)' — but he is quite likely never to show up for days Joan Crawford loves to sit on one foot. She will start demurely with both feet on the floor like a well-behaved young lady — but pretty soon she forgets! Above, Joan's favorite pose. In spite of her poise in pictures, Norma Shearer has a little nervous school-girl giggle that is most unexpected — and most endearing, too. Wally Beery can be a perfect gentleman for ever so long, but the moment he sits down to table, he lets himself go. Good food is Wally' s pet diversion.