Screenland (May-Oct 1931)

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German beauty experts advise olive and palm oils to keep that schoolgirl complexion Carsten— and others equally renowned— join vast group of more than 20,000 beauty experts the world over in urging daily use of Palmolive. Carsten says: frI recommend all my clients to use Palmolive Soap at least twice a day, massaging its wonderful lather gently into the skin for a couple of minutes, 99 LEO CARSTEN, whose Berlin beauty shop on the Kurfurstendam is quite the smartest salon in Middle Europe. Beauty belongs not to one race, nor to one country. And is it not remarkable that the lovely women of almost every civilised nation find this one method of skin care bestf TEJERO of Barcelona helps the olive-skinned Spanish beauties to keep complexions lovely by advising Palmolive Soap. HOARE of London, who served women of the world's diplomatic circles during the naval conference. TODAY, despite differences in type, lovely women all over the world are acquiring "that schoolgirl complexion." The fresh colorful English skin; the lustrous pallor of the Parisienne; the rich, olive-tinted Spanish and Italian complexion . . . each one retains its characteristic beauty through a simple formula recommended by more than 20,000 beauty specialists. In 16 countries, 1691 cities "Wash the face with a pure soap — a vegetable oil soap — and water," they'll say, "but not any soap will do. It must be Palmolive!" If you should question this statement, you'd learn some interesting facts about the cosmetic value of olive and palm oils. Those are the vegetable oils of which Palmolive is made, you know. They cleanse without irritation. They are mild, gentle, easy on the texture of the skin. Specialists have made many tests with Palmolive and they are universally enthusiastic. An easy method, too You massage Palmolive lather into the face and throat until the impurities are freed from the pores. Then you rinse it off with warm water ; after that with cold. And — if you like — an ice massage as an astringent. That's what you are advised to do morning and evening by more than 20,000 of the world's best known beauty specialists. They, don't forget, are professionals. Their recommendation deserves your attention. Buy a cake of Palmolive and try the facial treatment tonight. You'll find it the easiest way to keep that schoolgirl complexion. PALMOLIVE RADIO HOUR— Broadcast every Wednesday night from 8:30 to 9:30 Eastern Standard time; 7:30 to 8:30 Central Standard time; 6:30 to 7:30 Mountain Standard time; 5:30 to 6:30 Pacific Coast Standard time — over p p. m., p. m., p. m., VVEAF and 39 Stations associated with The National Broadcasting Co. Q (J Retail Price lOc 6277