Screenland (May-Oct 1931)

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88 SCREENLAND and all that HELEN TWELVETREES. recently divorced from Clark Twelvetrees, has married Frank Woody, Hollywood real estate broker and former actor. The wags are saying that after "12 trees" you'd think she'd have had enough "Woody." Now don't crack about little splinters ! ^creen J\ews Serving you gossip from the camera coast Ruth Chatterton is going to remain with Paramount. You know, of course, that Warner Brothers had Ruth dated up for a long-term contract, with a great increase in salary, at the expiration of her Paramount contract. But now Warner Brothers and Paramount have come to an understanding that Miss Chatterton shall stay on the home lot. And no hard feelings. Especially from Ruth, who will make more money than she ever did. Now don't begin feeling sorry for Warner Brothers about Ruth Chatterton because they have an ace up their sleeves. They have signed Lil Dagover, a foreign importation and prominent actress abroad. Strangely, Miss Dagover was formerly a Paramount player too, having appeared in foreign productions for them. Miss Dagover is Warners' Garbo-Dietrich-LandiBankhead. And as Maurice Chevalier would say — she is "bee-u-ti-full !" Anyway, big things are planned for her so watch out for this newest Garbo menace. Warners aren't only going in for foreign players, they are also grooming some of our nice American youngsters for stardom. The fortunate youngsters are Evalyn Knapp, James Cagney, Marian Marsh, Joan Blondell, Warren Williams, David Manners and Don Cook. We hate to brag but Screenland predicted stardom for most of these youngsters a few short months ago. Remember ? Julia Faye and Estelle Taylor have paid their tuition and booked their reservations to attend a Conservatory of music in Salzburg, Germany, this summer, where, you will recall, Doris Kenyon is also booked on her concert tour. Julia and Estelle decided it was important to continue their singing lessons. But the rift in the Taylor-Dempsey household altered Estelle's plans. Estelle is busy divorcing Jack and Jack has already established residence in Reno. The end of another Hollywood romance. Here's irony or something — Estelle was on the United Artists payroll for a year but was never given a part in a picture. The only work Estelle did in that year was to collect her weekly pay check. Now that she's in the limelight she has been offered, and has accepted, the vamp role in Ronald Column's next picture, "The Unholy Garden." Claire Windsor, whose career began by her getting lost on horseback while at a mountain party with Charlie Chaplin and his friends, is going on the London stage.