Screenland (May-Oct 1931)

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for September 1931 123 Hoots and Hoorays Continued from page 97 A COMPLAINT Clothes may not make the man, but they certainly are a redeeming feature to many of the male actors on the talking screen; in fact, if it were not for the sartorial splendor of many of them, they would otherwise be a flop. When you consider the galaxy of beautiful women on the stage and their remarkable acting, it is a disappointment that there are so many unattractive men playing opposite them. Many a good picture in recent months has been in a great measure spoiled by the lack of good looks on the part of the hero. In many cases it is not a lack of histrionic ability, but a lover worthy of the beauty of most of the actresses would make the pictures more satisfying. Let's have more of the "he-man" type. Give us some square-shouldered, smoothshaven, handsome men like the writers picture in fiction. Martin Smith Mount Vernon, Indiana. COLLEGIATE RELAXATION Since the perfection of the talkie a marked increase in the interest of the thousands of men and women attending American schools and universities has become evident. Time was when the mention of the word "movie" was synonymous with a form of unintelligent entertainment. Nowadays, the high degree of technical and artistic efficiency has converted even the most exacting. With the general trend toward the talking picture as the most successful medium of enjoyment has gone the student who seeks relaxation after a grind for an exam, oblivion before one, or just an evening of pleasant inactivity. He has the widest imaginable range of choice, from the voice of Tibbett to the hiccough of Chaplin. He finds all kinds of plays and players. Above all, he goes to admire his chosen star. These are just a few of the college man prefers the reasons why the movies ! Ellis Jandron, 20 Randolph, Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. SHE COMES TO PRAISE It seems to me too much is said about the faults of the movies and not enough about the good points. It is evident that many directors struggle to do wonders with bad stories and temperamental stars, and sometimes their work is ill-appreciated. The year 1930 saw man}' good pictures — some very fine musical talkies and for some reason the public did not take to these and gave the producers such headaches that they started producing old silents into talkies. Most of the folks who are starring bring Why, Ronnie.' But it's all for art. This scene with Estelle Taylor and Ronald Colman is from "The Unholy Garden." Estelle also has one of the most important roles in "Street Scene." You get PROOF the first 7 Days I can make YOU a NEW MAN CHARLES ATLAS Holder of the title: "World's eMost Perfectly Developed" I'VE helped thousands of men — young and old — underweight and overweight — weaklings and even "strong men" and other physical directors who wanted my kind of Muscle Power. Now I'll show YOU my quick, sure way to rebuild yourself a new body and make "a neu man" of yourself. Spending just a few minutes a day in your own home, doing what I tell you, without tricky apparatus, starving or gorging, using only my natural methods of Dynamic-Tension — in ONE WEEK you begin to SEE and FEEL the difference in your bodily condition and physical appearance. And my methods will dig down into your system, banishing such ailments as constipation, pimples, skin blotches and the others that do you out of the good things and good times of life. Your new health, pep and vigor will show even in your eyes, your hair, and the way you carry yourself. If you're timid and bashful, you iose all that — you have a new more forceful personality — you become a NEW MAX! Gamble a 2c Stamp Send for my FREE Book It's a shame if you are being held back by a below-par body — now that you can so easily and quickly make this new man of yourself. Do what my thousands of other pupils did — send for a free copy of my large illustrated book. "Everlasting Health and Strength." Learn how I built myself up from a weak, no-muscle, always-tired "runt" ' to winner of the title, "The World's Most Perfectly Developed Man." Spend 2c to mail my coupon — to learn how YOU can win the biggest prize in life — a handsome, healthy, husky body. Address CHARLES ATLAS. Dept. 65-J, 133 East 23rd Street, Xew York City CHARLES ATLAS. Dept. 65-J 133 East 23rd Street. New York City. I want proof that Dynamic-Tension will make 3 New Man of me — give me a healthy, husk} body and big muscle development. Send free book, "Everlasting Health and Strength." Name. Address . City and State . (.Please print or write plainly) When you write to advertisers please mention SCREENLAXD.