Screenland (May-Oct 1931)

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124 SCREENLAND Freckles VANISH LIKE MAGIC T> EMOVE those embarrassing freckles. J-v Surprise your friends with a new velvety soft, crystal clear complexion. You can — with Stillman's Freckle Cream. It bleaches them out while you sleep. Done so quickly and easily — secretly too. The first jar proves its magic worth. At all drug stores. Still mans %f) Freckle Cream t/U Removes Freckles — Whitens Skin The Stillman Company, Aurora, III., U. S. A. Beauty Dept. 23. send free booklet. Tells why you have freckles — how to remove them. Address I I ml Good and Good for You. YOU can earn good money in spare time at home making display card*. No selling or canvaasing. We instruct you, furnish complete outfit and supply you with work, write to-day for free booklet. The MENHENITT COMPANY Limited 252 Dominion BIdg.. Toronto. Ont. TT» ■■■■■■■ Make money taking pictures. Prepare quickly during spare time. Also earn while you learn. No experience necessary. New easy method. Nothing else like it. Send at once for free book, Opportunities in Modem Photography, and full particulars. AMERICAN SCHOOL OF PHOTOGRAPHY Dept. 4436, 3601 Michigan Ave., Chicago, U.S.A. Mme Adele WONDER. PEEL PASTE 1-Day Home Treatment for freckles pimples, blackheads, enlarged pores, wrinkles, pits, scars, puffs. Acne condition of back and shoulders. Wonder Peel Paste gives new life and youth to aging faces. No failure, no redness afterwards. Price $5. DEPT. 38 1005 BRACK SHOPS LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA us youth and give us much entertainment — the few who get into jams do not concern us. On the whole, we are given a good deal for our money 8 times outof 10 and I can truthfully say, I like all the stars and most of the pictures. Henrietta M. Saul, S979-A Park Ave., Montreal, Que. A TRIBUTE TO CLARA If the producers will give Clara Bow a chance she will come through again. If they put her in a worthwhile picture people will stop slamming her, I'm sure. They'll talk about her no doubt, but it will be about her great performance and not her latest escapade. Don't think that I am a Clara Bow fan — because I'm not — but I do feel sorry for her and I think she can act, if given the opportunity. Angela Lang, 209 Bay State Road, Boston, Mass. LISTEN, PRODUCERS! I believe the reason 'for the failure of many talking pictures with singing in them lies in the fact that the songs introduced are just incidental. In the audience the feeling is: "Well, well! We never thought So-and-So could sing." At that, we weren't far wrong. Why not more all-music shows, with real stars warbling in their best manner? Seems to me a performance of "Carmen" would be gorgeous on the screen ; and wouldn't it be fine to resurrect some Gilbert and Sullivan operas? I'm sure film versions of these and other old favorites would make good listening, as well as seeing . . . provided there was not too much we-learned-to-sing-quick work among the stars. There are millions of us music-lovers. We're all counting more and more on motion picture houses for entertainment. Can't we have some all-music shows, well sung? Mildred Macmorine, 938 S. Arapahoe St., Los Angeles, Calif. UNTOUCHED SOURCES OF LITERATURE The amazing fact, relative to the screen industry's labored, ill-advised endeavors to satisfy the public taste, is that so many rich sources for true intellectual entertainment have been ignored. I am, of course, expressing the viewpoint of that vast reserve audience which the Holtywood panjandrums must inevitably turn to with deeper concern. The immortal stories of Dickens, for example, unexcelled in engrossing character portrayal and unique setting ; Scott's colorful, romantic tales (Kenilworth and Ivan Anita faces the music. Master Jackie Cooper is trying to serenade his way into Anita Page's heart — and doesn't Anita look completely conquered?