Screenland (May-Oct 1931)

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for September 19 3 1 125 Taking him for a ride! Mrs. Ken Maynard is about to go off on a canter with Ken — and he can't show her a thing about horsemanship — neigh, neigh! hoe in particular) or Thackeray's "Vanity Fair" with its striking dramatic sequence and Becky Sharp's dominating personality. Speed the day when those in control of moviedom's destinies shall forsake inane domestic entanglements and w-earying gunmen imbroglios for these more inspiring studies of character found in our modern Literature. P. M. Stone, 12 Lexington Terrace, Waltham, Mass. MEMORIES I'm all set and ready to go back to Europe after staying in this country for five years. But one thing worries me — how am I going to live in my little village without being able to see the movies? Of course, they make pictures in my country, too, but my, what pictures ! After seeing the wonders of American films, the pioneer work of my own country will be shocking, I know. And even this, I -won't be able to see because there is not a single theatre in that village. Well, what am I going to do about it? I guess I will take all the pictures of my favorite players with me, so that when I get lonely, I may look at them and remember the good times I had, watching their enchanting figures flashing across the silver screen. Stella Gutowski, 1600 Tennessee St., Gary, Indiana. MOVIE MUSINGS I wonder — If Will Rogers will continue to be humorous as long as he lives. Why we all couldn't have been born as beautiful as Billie Dove. Why we can't see Mary Brian as much as we please. If Greta Garbo could laugh out loud. If Clara Bow has been on a recent diet. If Loretta Young is as sweet and innocent as she appears. Why we all can't be in the movies, even to play as maids or butlers. Mrs. J. S. Hamilton, 709 Algregg Street, Houston, Texas. WANTS 'EM CLEAN Doesn't good, clean comedy (and I mean real comedy) draw crowds just as large as, and larger than, sexy pictures ? Doesn't exciting dramas, doesn't a mystery picture, doesn't a kid picture — don't they all please the public in a big way? Certainly such pictures have a better moral influence on individuals. J. Thos. Johnson, 2913 Parkwood Ave., Richmond, Va. OUCH! I like Gary Cooper and Ronald Colman and Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. best of the male actors because thev don't sing. Mrs. J. A. McCullough, Alda, Nebraska. DOWN WITH CRIME! Just keep on making more pictures like "Skippy," "The Millionaire," "Daddy Long Legs," and oh ! so many others of the restful pictures. What a relief for us grownups after reading all the grief in the newspapers, to go to the movies and not have a "Scandal Sheet" review glare at us from the screen. We go to the movies to relax and to be amused, and like children enjoy being transported to realms where crude realities of life do not seem to exist. So give us more of the Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, George Arliss and Harold Lloyd type of pictures. Is that asking too much? Anna H. Prochnow. 4003 Park Avenue. Tacoma. Wash. ¥tICE NOW! you can have The VOICE you want! 100% Improvement Guaranteed We build, strengthen the vocal organ — not with singing lessons — but by fundamentally sound and scientifically correct silent exercises . . . and absolutely guaran* tee to improve any singing or speaking voice at least ioo% . . . Write for wonderful voice book — sent free. Learn WHY you can now have the voice you want. No literature sent to anyone under 17 years unless signed by parent. No matter how hopeless your case may seem — send at once for free Voice Book. Perfect Voice Institute, Studio 13-16 308 No. Michigan Ave., Chicago Mail Coupon for Free Voice Book Perfect Voice Institute, Studio 13-16 308 No. Michigan Ave., Chicago Please Bend me FREE and without obligation. Prof. Fenchtinger's new book, "Physical Voice Culture." I have checked subject in which I am most interested. □ W»ak Voice □ Singing G Stammtring C Speaking Address City State Age When you write to advertisers please mention SCREENL AND.