Screenland (May-Oct 1931)

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for October 19 3 1 123 Mruth about Voice" and stories about lovely Dolores in future issues. Please don't disappoint us. Charles Fletcher, 7616 Clyde Avenue, Chicago, 111. I always go to see a Barthelmess picture, knowing beforehand that it will be worthwhile. Spencer Bloxham, 1539 N. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. SWEET MARIE Greater than great is Marie Dressier. Talent unequaled by any, in my estimation. Her beauty lies in her talent. Where there is laughter there is sunshine. Where there is production featuring Marie Dressier t.iere is laughter. Therefore, she is not only the Queen of the Movie Colony ; she is the Queen of sunshine. We laugh with her, we cry with her ; in fact wherever we see her we live with her, for she portrays the actual, everyday existence of the human race of today. Greta Garbo is great, I like her acting. Constance Bennett exhibited great talent in "Common Clay." Many others are excellent, but being a movie fan, reviewing many productions, I can say honestly and truly that I believe in my heart that Marie Dressier is rightfully entitled to the title, "Queen of Sunshine." Reis Kuldare, Lorton, Va. BACK TO FAIRYLAND It isn't surprising that the vogue for gangster pictures continues, as long as the only alternative is the cocktail-drinking, drawing-room comedy. Like the war pictures, the gang films have action — and nothing is more important in a good motion picture. Their great drawback from the producers' point of view is that they do not, or at least should not, attract children. Now that several theatre circuits are banning them, my nomination for their successor is the fairy tales. They have action, they have romantic appeal, and they please children. The screen is in much better condition to handle the technical problems than ever before. People still remember the fairies in "Peter Pan." Why not bring them back? Marchette Chute, 1720 Rand Tower, Minneapolis, Minn. A FOUR-G COMBINATION? I want to tell you movie managers that you are making a big mistake in not letting Gavin Gordon act with Greta Garbo. Many people are wondering why that wonderful couple aren't acting together again. Here's to Gavin Gordon and Greta Garbo! V. Pile, 261 Kurtz Ave., York, Pa. BRAVE MR. BARTHELMESS! To my way of thinking, the actor who deserves the greatest amount of praise is Richard Barthelmess. Mr. Barthelmess is a star because he is not afraid to tackle any role, no matter how difficult, with a supporting cast that is far superior than most casts of other stars. Directors in casting pictures will secure a weak cast to surround the star, thus trying to make the stars' name carry the picture. This is impossible. In every picture Mr. Barthelmess has played in he has demanded a strong supporting cast, sacrificing his own personal welfare for the sake of the picture and of the public. When THUMBS UP— AND DOWN Claudette Colbert is undoubtedly the most natural actress of all those on the screen, including Ruth Chatterton. Phillippe Foxe, Princeton, Ind. Heroes may come and heroes may go, but I toss my bouquet at the feet of Robert Montgomery ! His appeal as a hero is based, I believe, on his fortunate combination of the boyish and the virile. Lolly Williams, Crystal Springs, Miss. Have just returned from seeing two decidedly boring and poor pictures — "June Moon" and "Strangers May Kiss." It is too bad to waste such very good actors and actresses in such poor pictures. Eleanor M. McCarthy, Worcester, Mass. I am an ardent Garbo fan yet I will not see her pictures. I am afraid that the Garbo world I have built up around me will fall in ruins. I have my opinions of Garbo and my opinions are what count with me. Floyd Miller, Harmarville, Pa. I want to confess that for years my favorite screen star has been not a woman, but the polished, suave Lewis Stone. M. M. Turlington, Jr.. Seminole, Okla. I always look forward to the newsreels and am always disappointed. Why can't we have real news events ? I believe that even local newsreels would pay. Every city, town and hamlet has its daily and weekly news that is intensely interesting to the theatre-goers. Hortense Kirksey, Los Angeles, Calif. I come of a long line of Thespians. Years of attendance at moving picture theatres, however, has taught me to love the art, the romance, the glorious possibilities of the screen. To me the screen runs the gamut of human emotions quite as legitimately and portrays life quite as truly as does the stage. Eve Forrester, 2435 Geneva Terrace, Chicago, 111. Why don't we see more of Winnie Lightner? She sure is a cure for blues. She wows 'em, and how ! I hope we see more of Winnie in the future. George Wissing, 2701 N. Mansfield, Ave.. Chicago, 111. A couple of years ago we had all war stories, then musical shows in pictures, then gang pictures, and now a period of sophistication — and what next ? Can't they manage a happy medium and let us have some variety? Ruth Miller. 2630 N. Moreland Blvd.. you write to advertisers please mention SCREEXLAXD. New Voice Book Discloses Startling Voice Facts / JV>""» ' TRUTH about YOUR VOICE Send today — for 30 days free reading — for the most remarkable voice book ever written. This book has startled the whole voice world. Written by a man recognized the world over as a voice authority — a man with the courage to tell the TRUTH about voice, about the vocal Eugene Feuchtinget organ and the real basic, Voice Specialist fundamental truths about voice training. Advances astounding new method. Discloses startling facts that may save hundreds of dollars to every man and woman seeking a strong, rich, compelling singing or speaking voice. Send for this most remarkable book today. FREE 30 Days Reading Certainly I could not afford to make you this liberal 30 days free reading offer if I did not KNOW what "The Truth About Voice" will do for YOU. Send for this book today. KNOW the truth about YOUR voice — a truth just as SIMPLE as it is astounding.' Know WHY I actually guarantee to improve every man or woman's voice at least KXrc. 30 days free reading to prove this! Then, if convinced send only $1.00 — although you'll gladly admit that the book may be worth thousands to you. If not — return it— that's all! Mail coupon NOW — before the demand exceeds the supply! Prof. Eugene Feuchtinger, Studio 13.17 308 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, III. Send me at once — for 30 days free reading — with no obligation to buy. your "The Truth About Voice" Book. If after the free reading period I desire to keep the book 1 am to send you Jl.W. Otherwise. I have the liberty to return it with no further obligation. Name ... Address.