Screenland (Nov 1931-Mar 1932)

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126 SCREENLAND MAKE UP TO | $10 DAILY i SPARE OR FULL TIME Four entirely new, remarkable scientific products. Bring big profits. Endorsed by leading physicians, unequaled in its field. Women see their advantages and buy on sight. Nationwide demand — NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY — unusual selling plan makes everything easy for you — Earn up to §10 per day. I teach you how to start earning money. Send for FREE sales plan today. There is no obligation. GRACE STERLING ISO Madison Ave., Dept. 114, Now York, N. Y. Make money taking pictures. Prepare quickly during spare time. Also earn while you learn. No experience necessary. New easy method. Nothing else like it. Send at once for free book, Opportunities in Modern Photography, and full particulars. AMERICAN SCHOOL OF PHOTOGRAPHY Dept. 4431, 3601 Michigan Ave. Chicago, U. S. A. SONG WRITERS Don't Fail To Read SONG REQUIREMENTS TALKIWG°P1CTURES RADIO and R.ECON.DS "Song Requirements of Talking Pictures, Radio aod Records", an explanatory instructive book, SENT FREE on request. Writers may submit song-poems for free examination and advice. Past experience unnecessary. We revise, compose and arrange music and secure Copyrights. Our modern method guarantees approval. Write Today. S. L. Newcomer Associalion 167-1 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Astrology Will You Be Lucky in J 932? What do the stars foretell for 1932? Would yon like to know? Our special 12-page Astrological Reading gives predictions . month by month— with exact days, dates and happenings for 1932 based on your sign of the Zodiac. Consult it before making any change in home or business affairs, signing papers, love, marriage, seeking employment, raises in salary , speculation , travel , friends, enemies, health, accidents, lucky days, etc. Send exact birthday with $1.00 for reading. Franklin Pub. Co.. 800 N. Clark St., Dept. 1091. Chicago Thejanmryl^umber of SILVER SCREEN Shows the Greeting Cards used by the Stars. Before You Buy Your Christmas Cards See What Your Favorite Star Selected. 10c SILVER SCREEN 10c The next issue of Will be on sale Dec. 31st Lillian M. If I knew the home address of Lew Ayres, I'd be haunting his door step, hoping to get a peep at the boy himself, to say nothing of ringing his telephone, hopping his Rolls Royce, if any, and begging a crust. Provided that is what one does when one wants to do Hollywood in the proper manner. Sorry I do not know his diggings, but he can be reached at Universal Studios. Karen S. N. So I'm to give you the low-down on Nils Asther if I have to choke everyone in sight to get the information ! What a lively time I'm going to have. Nils hasn't appeared in a picture since "The Sea Bat." He has been making personal appearances in various picture houses, feeling the pulse of the fans, as it were, and trying to lose his foreign accent. Scree nla nd will keep you informed as to his screen activities. He is still married to Vivian Duncan and adores his baby girl as well as his wife. Margaret Ann F. Hollywood releases are not necessarily divorces, believe it or as you will. Robert Montgomery was married to Elizabeth Allen on April 14, 1928. They have a baby daughter, Martha Bryan, born Oct. 13, 1930. Norma Shearer is 27 years old; was married to Irving Thalberg on Oct. 6, 1927. Their son, Irving, Jr., was born Aug. 24, 1930. Constance Bennett is 25 years old — or so. Her next picture will be "Lady With a Past." Eleanor S. It's hard to keep pace with the growing youngsters of the screen. Jackie Coogan — John Leslie Coogan to his friends — is growing too fast to keep track of his feet and inches but he's 17 years old. Lew Ayres' latest picture is "The Spirit of Notre Dame" with William Blakewell, Sally Blane, and the "Four Horsemen." I do not know that Joan Crawford has a brother and sister who are in pictures. /. M. I'd gladly tell you why your favorites are not cast with my favorites if I knew but it's up to the powers that be, if you get my meaning, and I hope you do. Edward Woods was born in Los Angeles, Cal. He attended the University of California and was on the stage before going into pictures. His first screen appearance was in "Mother's Cry." He played with James Cagney, Donald Cook, Leslie Fenton, Joan Blondell, Jean Harlow and other famous players in "The Public Enemy," which proved to be such a boxoffice hit. Laura La Plante's new picture is "The Sea Ghost" with Alan Hale and Claud Allister. Miriam Hopkins appears in "24 Hours" with Clive Brook and Kay Francis. Miriam was born in Brainbridge, Ga. She is 5 feet tall, weighs 100 pounds and has golden hair and blue eyes. She is still the wife of Austin Parker, well-known author, but a divorce is impending, I believe. Jeanne E. You want me to say a cheery word or two about Clara Bow; join the army of fans who want to give her a big welcome when she makes her next picture. Why, Jeanne, she's practically over the first entrance now ! But the friends of this broadcasting system must say it not with pretty speeches but join the throng at the right for the box office. Crowd but don't push — and for pity's sake, keep off my feet. A Pozvell Fan. Your letter was like a voice from the past — David Powell has been dead for several years. He was born in Scotland and had a notable stage ca reer before he entered pictures. He was not related to our Pittsburgh, Pa., William Powell. William was born in the smoky city. His father and mother are still living and are mighty proud of their son Bill. He is 6 feet tall, weighs 178 pounds, has black hair and blue eyes. He was married in mid-summer to Carole "Lombard, the former Indiana girl who has made good in a Jollywood way. She was born Oct. 6, 1909, in Fort Wayne, Ind., was christened Jane Peters, left with her mother and brothers to make their home in Los Angeles, at the age of seven years. First appearance in films was in Mack Sennett comedies. After graduating from the custard pie school, she made her debut in dramatic roles. Now she is a Paramount featured player. A Tobin Fan. Speaking of marriage and you did, didn't you — some marry for love, some for money, and a lot of them for only a short time. Why don't you write to Genevieve Tobin and make a request for a photograph ? The new screen exstage stars get quite a thrill out of their fan mail so why not add one more to Genevieve's long list? She was born Nov. 20, 1904; is 5 feet 3 inches tall, weighs 109 pounds and has blonde hair and grey eyes. She was on the stage for a number of years, beginning as a child, and has now signed a long-term contract with Universal. Latest releases are "Seed," "Fires of Youth." and "The Gay Diplomat" with Ivan Lebedeif. Fern. I love to help readers in distress, so come on, let's fill up your movie book. In "The Return of Peter Grimm," Janet Gaynor played with Alec B. Francis, John Roche, Richard Walling and Mickey McBan. In "The Johnstown Flood," George O'Brien and Janet Gaynor were featured. In "Two Girls Wanted," Glenn Tryon and Janet. Charles Morton played with Janet in "Christiana." In "Sunrise," George O'Brien and Janet co-starred. In "Red Hair," Clara Bow's leading man was Lane Chandler ; and in "Ladies of the Mob," Richard Arlen. E. J. F. Joan Crawford has for her leading man in her next picture, Clark Gable ! It's called "Possessed" — originally "The Mirage." Joan was 23 years old on March 23, 1931. She is 5 feet 4 inches tall, weighs 110 pounds and has dark brown hair of reddish tinge. She was married June 3, 1929 to Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. Don't miss the thrilling fiction version of "Possessed" in this issue of Screenland, featuring Joan and Gable. Curious Kase. Karen Morley's voice records beautifully, and her enunciation is so good that she was given a role in Greta Garbo's "Inspiration." This part led to a long term contract with M-G-M. She played with Ramon Novarro in "Daybreak," with Marie Dressier and Polly Moran in "Politics," with Leslie Howard in "Never the Twain Shall Meet," and with Lowell Sherman and Mae Murray in "High Stakes." Karen was born in Ottumwa, Iowa, and lived there for thirteen years before going to Los Angeles, where she attended the Hollywood High School. Later was a student in the University of California, leaving in her sophomore year to join the Civic Repertory Theatre and the Pasadena Community Playhouse. While hunting for work in films to fill in between theatre engagements, she was sent to Clarence Brown, the director, to read lines for the Garbo picture, "Inspiration." She plays with Greta in her new picture, "Mata Hari," and with Helen Hayes in "The Sin of Madelon Claudet."