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Screenland (Apr-Oct 1930)

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16 SCREENLAND You against the Rest of Womankind your Beauty • • your Charm • • your Skin! Of course, you can mask your thoughts, your feelings. But you cannot mask your skin. It is there for all "to see ... to natter or criticize, to admire or deplore. In the Beauty Contest of life, in keen rivalry with other women, it's the girl with flawless skin who wins. THE SOAP OF BEAUTIFUL WOMEN Your complexion at its radiant best is a glorious weapon that can help you conquer. And Camay, the Soap of Beautiful Women, the 3 is your skin's best friend. Camay is mild, pure, safe. Made of delicate oils for delicate skins. And what a rich, copious lather it gives, even in hard water! THE PRICE IS DOWN Camay, in its gay new dress, is the outstanding beauty value of the hour that women are nocking to buy. Never has a soap so fine sold at a price so low! Get a dozen cakes today! Alone, your looks may not seem so important to you. But when you must hold your own, in competition with other women, you realize that life is a Beauty Contest. Someone's eyes are forever searching your face, comparing you with other women, judging the beauty of your skin. • To have a skin of clear, natural loveliness, apply a lather of Camay and warm water to your face twice a day. Rinse thoroughly with cold water. • Pure, creamy-white Camay is tfi£ safe beauty soap for the feminine iuin. You 11 find Camay s rich, lux; ;ant lather delightful in your bath, ._. well! Copr. 1933, Procter *»^"a~ib]e Co. CAMAY THE SOAP OF BEAUTIFUL WO MEN