Screenland (Nov 1934-Apr 1935)

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E6L viAAx)tJn_ f o r December 19 3 4 THIS WAY TO ROMANCE: HOLLYWOOD is still speculating, at this writing, about the Mary PickfordDouglas Fairbanks future. Apparently some believe they will reconcile, others that they will not. The wiser half is in the affirmative, because Doug and Mary have been indulging in some very pleasant conferences— and something may come of that. Heather Angel and Ralph Forbes surprised Hollywood with their runaway marriage. The elopers had a novel experience when their automobile broke down, but undaunted, they hitch-hiked their way_ to Yuma, Arizona, where the knot was tied. Gloria Stuart and her new husband, Arthur Sheekman, (they eloped to Mexico), have moved into a spacious new home in Holmby Hills. The Mary Brian-Dick Powell romance continues to be a puzzler. Although Dick kissed Mary goodbye at the station when he left on his personal appearance tour, (and there were scores watching their osculatory playlet), Mary and Gene Raymond are nite-lifeing several times weekly. Sue Carol has finally divorced Nick Stuart. She asked for no alimony, and property settlement was made out of court. Most people think Sue will now wed Ken Murray, the stage comedian. They're wrong ; Sue and Ken have called an end to their romance, and it's a newcomer, Howard Wilson, who's basking in the Carol smiles. Barbara Weeks and Guinn (Big Boy) Williams have been inseparable for two years, so the announcement of their engagement was not unexpected. Some exciting new goings-on include Ann Harding and Brian Aherne, who've been regulars of late. Patricia Ellis has swung her fancy to Fred Keating, a stage actor making good in Hollywood. Katharine Hepburn vehemently denies any idea of resuming matrimonial relations with her recently-divorced husband. Maybe there is more than rumor to those Joan Crawford-Franchot Tone icing reports ; Joan's being seen here and there with Phil Regan. Ruth Channing and director Hamilton McFadden have an Be Charming UNSHAPELY FEATURES corrected by Dr. Ratlin's Plastic Methods as practiced in the great Polyclinics of Paris and Vienna. All kinds of NOSES reshaped ; OUTSTAN Dl N G EARSr orrected; lips rebuilt; face lifting; lines, wrinkles. and scars removed. Reduced fees, j Consultation and Booklet free. ' OR. RADIN. HB2 Broadway. Oepl, A. Mew York City KILL LHE HAIR ROOL My method positively prevents hair from growing again. Safe, easy, permanent. Use it privately, at home. The delightful relief will bring happiness, freedom of mind and greater success. We teach Beauty Culture. Send 6c in stamps TODAY for Booklet. For promptness in writing me. I will include a $2.00 Certificate for Mahler Beauty Preparations. D.J. MAHLER CO.. Dept. 29-P, Providence, R. I. 100% Improvement Guaranteed We build, strengthen the vocal organs — not wiik einoino lessons— but by fundamentally sound and scientifically correct silent exercises . . and absolutely Guarantee to improve any singing or speaking voice at least 100% ■ . . Write tor wonderful voice book-sentfree. Learn WHY you can now have the voice you want. No hcerature sent to anyone under 17 unless signed Dy parent. PERFECT VOICE INSTITUTE, Studio 13.19 308 No. Michigan Ave., Chicago TvbWcXfHoSE Make money taking pictures. Prepare quickly during spare time. Also earn while you learn. No experience necessary. New easy method. Nothing else like it. Send at once for free book, Opportunities in Modern Photography, and full particulars. fmic»» cc.HOOi. OF PHOTOGRAPHY Dept. 4439, 3601 Michigan Ave. Chicago, U. S. A. nounced intentions. If Evelyn Venable hasn't already gone and done it secretly, she may wed cameraman Hal Mohr any old day. Joseph Schenck reiterates his engagement to Merle Oberon — (remember her in "Henry the Eighth?") — but there are those who say it's just publicity. The wise ones point out that Merle is leading lady in the new Douglas Fairbanks picture, which Schenck's company will release in this country. Gail Patrick and Robert Cobb are seen about. Irene Hervey and Nick Stuart are making life happy for two people — each other. APPARENTLY, some people believe the . stars have nothing better to do than act as godfathers and godmothers. Every mail that pours into Hollywood contains at least a few requests for stars to christen this or that person, animal, or thing. Mae West's permission was sought by a riverboat captain, who wanted to name his tugboat, "The Mae West." Claudette Colbert was invited to name two calves born to a cow, which a midWest farmer had already named "Claudette Colbert." There are sixteen babies, (to date of this writing), named after Joan Crawford. Jean Harlow was begged by the owner of a pure white horse, (its color reminded him of Jean's hair, this owner said), to pose for a picture with the steed, which already bore the name, "Jean Harlow." TWO of the strangest mementoes in Hollywood are the hospital trophies of Colleen Moore and C. Henry Gordon. Both were in hospitals, (though at different times), Colleen with a dislocated neck, and Gordon with a broken kneecap. In both cases, the injured members were bound in plaster-of-paris casts. Miss Moore and Gordon decided it would be great fun to have hospital visitors autograph the casts — and before they left their respective hospital cots, each had collected such an astonishing group of autographs that to throw them away would have been little short of sacrilege. Consequently, two fine Hollywood homes feature the most amazing mantle ornaments — plaster-of-paris casts ! AN AMUSING story is told at the ex. pense of director Frank Tuttle, whose wife is Russian. To please her, he is study ing her language, and occasionally he attempts to talk with his wife in her own tongue. Guests were at their table one evening when Tuttle searched his Russian vocabulary and asked, in Russian, for a spoon — that is, he thought he asked for a spoon Imagine his surprise when his wife left the dining-room, to return a few minutes later with a horse. IF A western star were a western star and no matter what his name, it wouldn't be so bad! But how we are hearing from the fans (and we deserve the chiding, we'll admit) about that error in the caption to a picture of Gloria Stuart and Buck Jones, in the last issue. We said Buck was Hoot Gibson. Now there's only the consolation that at least when we confuse things we involve only the best people. Personally, we think Buck and Hoot are totally different in everything, save that they are both real stars and regular fellows. OF LATE, Hollywood has been undergoing one of those periodical telephone number-changing spasms. It seems as if every telephone call brings an operator to report a "number change." Stuart Erwin, waiting for his car to be returned from a garage, became impatient. "Call the garage for my car," he told the studio gateman. "You'll have to look into the telephone book to find out what the new number has been changed from." 6 To the perplexed woman seeking a dependable answer to the vital problem of personal hygiene, weadviseBoRO-PHENO-FoRM. Known to the medical profession for more than forty years, it carries highest recommendations. Convenient—no water nor accessories required. Soothing; harmless — non-caustic; odorless; dependable. A boon to the v mind and health of every |y» Vji prrpV married woman. J/1, f*c»rCS Boro-Pheno-Form 0 Try it now. Just send 10c and couponf orgenerousTrial Package. 1 "Dr. Pierre Chemical Co., Dept. N-18 | 162 N. Franklin St., Chicago, 111. I Please send me your Trial Package of | Boro-Pheno-Form, Directions and Enlightening ■ Booklet. I enclose 10c. J Name I Address. I City State ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED TO NO DIET o-i EXERCISE NEEDED/ FORMULA 2S1 will do for YOU what it has done for thousands of others. Reduces fat safely, swiftly and surely, 3 lbs. a week. Mrs. B. of W. Va., lost 20 lbs. in one month. Mrs. T. of 111. lost 19 lbs. in 5 weeks. Mr. G. of Chicago lost 27 lbs. in one month! Contains fat-reducing inaredients prescribed by all good physicians. NOT A LAXATIVE. No harmful drugs. No bad effects to heart or digestion. No diet or exercise needed. YOU can easily have a figure men admire and women envy. SEND NO MONEY. Just write today for full 30dav supply of FORMULA 281 at $1.50; postman collects on delivery. Your money back if not satisfied. Just take one capsule after each meal. Isabella Laboratories, Isabella Bldg., E. Van Buren St., Chicago. BE LOVELY kles iness bby Skin You will look years younger after the very first treatment with "JEUNICE REJUVENATOR." Send 25c to cover cost of packing and mailing a sample of this amazing treatment. FREE: Instructive booklet, "Loveliness Begins at 40." EUNICE S KELLY SALON OF ETERNAL VOUTH. Park Central, Suite A 56th and 7th Avenue, New York City ERASE IB M: reet your favorite ovie star ^ all original photos of your favorite stars and arenes from any of your favorite recent photo plays, size 8 x 10 glossy prints, 25c each. 12 for $2.50. Positively the finest obtainable anywhere. We have the largest collection of movie photo9 in the country. Just name the star or play you want. Remit by money order or U. S. 2c and 3c stamps. Bram Studio Film Cen tre Bldg., Studio 408, 630-9th Ave., N. Y. City SENT FREE— Write for 1 6-page illustrated .J^ booklet. Explains simple method of removing these ugly growths and warts. Used by physicians and clinics in Hollywood — world's beauty center. Booklet is FREE — write today. M0LEX (Hollywood) COMPANY. Deot. SU 325 Western Pacific Bldg. Los Angeles, Calif. i