Screenland (Nov 1934-Apr 1935)

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96 SCREENLAND Don't let an UNSIGHTLY SKIN rob you of ROMANCE, HAPPINESS DO MEN LOOK your way-ordothey look away? An attractive complexion, naturally fresh, unmarred by sallowness and ugly blorches unlocks the door to the romance every woman wants. Thousands of happy women have regained the fresh skin of their childhood w ith Stuart's Calcium Wafers. Magic, they call it. But there's nothing magic about it. Stuart's Calcium Wafers simply rid the system of bodily wastes and supply the system with the little calcium nature needs to create a healthy, glowing skin! Even stubborn cases often show marked improvement in a few days. Isn't it worth a trial? STUART'S CALCIUM WAFERS AT ALL DRUG STORES, 10c AND 60c Asthma Was CJaaking Her Got Immediate Relief! Seventeen Years Later— "Still Enjoying Splendid Health" December 8, 1916— "I had asthma for 17 years. I coughed most of the time and couldn t rest, day or ni^ht I tried everything, but grew so weak I could hardly walk across the room. After taking one bottle of Nacor, I could do most of my housework, lhat was 8 years ago. I am still feeling fine, with no sign of asthma."-Mrs. Mary Bean, R. 3 Nashua, Iowa. July 31, 1933— "I continue in good health and am still praising Nacor. I have no »P» of ^thma^ ^ FREE No need to suffer asthma torture when blessed relief can be .yours. For years Nacor has helped thousands. Their letters and booklet of vital information sent FREE. Wnte to Nacor Medicine Co., 33S State Life Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. 10O% improvement Guaranteed We bnild, strengthen the vocal organs — I not with sinning Srs«ons-bat by fundamentally I Bound and scientifically correct eilent excrcxaes.. and absolutely guaranty to improve any singing I or speaking voice at Uast 100% ... Write for wonderful voice book-sent free, but enclose 3o for part postagre. Learn WHY yon can now have the voice you want. No literature sent to anyone under 17 unless signed by parent. PERFECT VOICE INSTITUTE, Studio 13-11 308 No. Michigan Ave.. Chicago U. S. GOVERNMENT JOBS Start S1260 to S2100 year MEN— WOMEN IS to 50. Common education usually sufficient. Many Winter examinations espected. ,,tS|r Write immediately (or free 32-page book, with liBt ^^t» of position, and lull particulars telline how to set them. ^hankl|N INSTITUTE Dept. K298. Rochester N.JT. f^rjun 14 « Makes JAR Marvelous new 3-purpose Beauty Cream— CleansFRtE.P^) jnn. Nourishing, Texture-refining— easily made at SAMPuL-i) home. Save 50% to 80%. Sell friends! Send only 50c coin for Test Sample. Private Formula, full directions. Cosmetics Laboratory. Formula Dept. A. Cincinnati. Ohio. Bmg Crosby's Hidden Side Revealed Continued from page 32 him, fish with him, swim with him, and in other ways we while away pleasant hours in his company. Yet 1 am positive not one of us is nearly as close to Bing as was Eddie Lang. When Eddie died in an Eastern city, Crosby immediately invited his widow, Kitty Lang, to come to Hollywood. He did this because he knew of the great lovebond between Kitty and Eddie, and he believed it would benefit her to get her away from old surroundings which held poignant memories. Kitty arrived in Hollywood and was at once taken into the Crosby home as a guest. After what she deemed a polite stay, she announced her intention of leaving. Bing wouldn't hear of it. He insisted that she had nowhere near worn out her welcome, and he refused to cash her check for the money to purchase a railway ticket. Kitty was a stranger to Hollywood, so she couldn't cash such a check elsewhere. After several weeks— weeks that helped the widow to forget her great sorrowMrs. Lang had to return East to clear up the details of her husband's estate. Then Crosby did cash her check, but because he believed she was not too bountifully supplied with money, he never deposited that check in his own bank. Instead, he tore it to shreds. Further evidence of Bing's fondness for Eddie and of his intention never to forget his old friend, is the fact that one of the Crosby twins bears the middle name, Lang. Bing never travels East that he doesn't visit the grave where Lang's body rests. I am sincerelv of the belief that fifty years hence, if Crosby is still alive and if he visits the Atlantic coast many times yearly, he will never fail to kneel every time at the grave of his departed, dearest friend. Recent newspapers made much ado with stories that Crosbv had gone to the financial aid of Mack Sennett, the comedypicture producer. According to the press Bing financed Sennett's trip to England where Mack is now producing a new series of pictures. The stories went on to hint that Sennett was flat broke. Immediate denials were made by both Crosby and by Sennett's local aides. Nevertheless an orchid must be tossed Bing s wav because, although he did not actually help Sennett (the help was not needed), he did make the offer of financial assistance when he believed that Mack was in need. Bing's offer was made in gratitude to Sennett. A few years ago, when the Crooner had no more money than a canary has teeth, the producer gave Crosby an opportunity to star in two-reel comedies. One of those comedies, "I Surrender, Dear, was indirectly responsible for other pictures which in turn led to Crosby's present toprung position on the film ladder of fame. fVbout six vears ago, three young men formed a trio, and within a short time they won considerable attention. Paul Whiteman contracted them as an added feature for his orchestral presentations, and he o-ave them the seductive title. "The Three Rhythm Boys." In time their fame spread from coast to coast. Eventually the trio broke up. Since then the years have dealt more kindly with Crosby than with the remaining two. In fact I have heard nothing of one of the trio in years, and the slight fame of the for a Really Big Christmas Gift A one-year subscription to Screenland, a gift that any movie -goer on your list is certain to appreciate. RIGHT here is where a lot of your Christmas shopping can end. Because everyone has movie-goers on their Christmas shopping list. And you aren't taking any chances by sending a movie-goer a screen magazine — especially Screenland, now recognized as the smartest, most authentic and best edited of all screen magazines. And the cost to you is only $1, saving you 80c over what these 12 copies would cost if purchased each month. Make out your shopping list now! Check the names of every friend or relative who is a regular movie-goer. Then send us a list of them with addresses and a dollar for each one. We do the rest. Each person you order a subscription for will receive a handsome announcement card sent out by us to arrive at the right time. It will tell them that a year's subscription to Screenland is their Christmas present from you. This is a real Christmas gift bargain, a lot for the money, a gift that will last a whole year. You don't have to join the shopping jam to buy it, and you don't have to wrap or mail it. Use the coupon below and get your order off to us TODAY. If there isn't room enough use a separate sheet of paper. And remember the more subscriptions you give the more money you save for other Christmas expenses. Screenland, 15 cents a copy; regular yearly subscription price in U. S. and possessions $1.50. In foreign countries $1.00 a year extra. Screenland 45 West 45th Street, New York, N. Y. Gentlemen: Enclosed please find $ for which you are to send yearly subscription(s) and an announcement card in my name to the following: Name Address . Name Address My Name