Screenland (Nov 1934-Apr 1935)

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92 MAKE DRAB HAIR SCREENLAND GLEAM with GOLD in one shampoo -WITHOUT BLEACHING GIRLS — when hair turns drab, it dulls your whole personality. Bring out the fascinating glints that are hidden in your hair. Get Blondex, the glorious shampoo which will uncover the gleaming lights of beauty — keep them undimmed. Made originally for blondes — Blondex has been adopted by thousands with drab brown and medium dark hair. For they have found it gives their hair the sheen and sparkle that they cannot get with ordinary shampoos. Try Blondex today and see the difference after one shampoo At all good drug and department stores. Smne)fomm (llumift(ltt/ia^ The women you most admire, and perhaps invy, prize their beauty and guard it. Their lustrous eyes and clear skin are the result of daily care. Above all else, these women keep their systems free of the poisons of constipation. Thousands of such women find Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets a matchless corrective. Madeof pure vegetableingredients. Know them by their olive color. They are a safe substitute for dangerous calomel. Not habitforming. All druggists, 15c, 30c and 60c. Hair OFF BE I once looked like this. Ugly hair on face . . . unloved . . . discouraged. Nothing helped. Depilatories, . . even razors failed. Then I discovered a simple, painless, inexpensive method. It worked! Thousands have won beauty and love with the secret. My FREE Book, "How to Overcome Superfluous Hair," explains the method and proves actual success. Mailed in plain envelope. Also trial offer. No obligation. Write Mile. Annette I.anzette, P.O. Box 40-10, Merchandise Mart, Dept. 121, Chicago. lln loved liquids Dick, Word for Word Continued from page 62 Ruby Keeler and her current co-star, who happens to be Al Jolson, her husband, stop for a friendly chat with Ruby's former co-star, Dick Powell, as all three meet at the studio where they are fellow acting and singing stars. about the way you bounce around shozving your house. You're like a kid with a new toy, Dick. Everybody who comes in must see the book shelf that is really a hidden door into a secret room. Your necking room, I'll bet! Still, I will admit that this is quite a place de residence." "What does that mean?" "It's French for 'place of living,' I hope. The feature I like best is your specially built bed. I think, in my story, I shall tell people about that bed. Let's see, its dimensions are — " "Seven feet wide by eight feet long," Dick volunteered. "And don't forget to mention the built-in radio, and the book shelf that is constructed into the head of the bed, and the drawers underneath for storing blankets, and the cooling cabinet for keeping water or other liquid refreshment." "It suddenly occurs to me," I interrupted, "that this house isn't really built for a married couple. The one big bedroom, dressing-room and bath suite is purely masculine. The other bedroom-and-bath combination is too small for the lady of the house. A wife would never be content with that second suite. I presume you are not planning marriage, Dick?" "Not to a modern girl," Dick said. "Modern wives like their own bedrooms. I'm old-fashioned enough to want a wife who will share my sleeping quarters. I'm going to have that kind of wife, or none." "I think Mary Brian is old-fashioned," I murmured. "Have another drink on the house," said Powell. I gulped deeply. "Do you know what I think?" I began. "I didn't even know you could think," Dick murmured. "I think I'm getting nowhere with my story," I said. "So I am going to sit here and "imbibe, while you talk about yourself. Throw modesty aside, sir, and babble." "Oh, by the way, have I told you that I've taken up bridge again? Don't laugh, vou rat. I'll never forget, when I first "came to California, that I told the publicity department at the studio I could play bridge. The department took me too literally, and sent out a story that I was an expert. You got hold of that story, so you invited me to play bridge with Lew Ayres, another chap, and yourself. Remember? That night cost me an even forty-eight smackers, which I've not forgotten." Silence again. "I must buy a clock for the mantel," Dick ventured. "One like I gave Mary Brian. This may be your BIG OPPORTUNITY Become an expert PHOTOGRAPHER. Growing demand for trained men and women. Wonderful moneymaking opportunities. Lifetime career. Learn quickly. COMMERCIAL. NEWS. PORTRAIT or MOTION PICTURE PHOTOGRAPHY. 25th year. Fre Booklet. New York Institute of Photography 10 West 33 St. (Dept. 60) New York LEARN play PIANO New Chord System. Easy way to play late popular songs now written with chords above each measure. Beginners learn to play quickly and former piano students learn to play the modern way. Alex Adkins Simplified Piano Method Instructor. Complete Course $1.00. 4002 A. TROOST Kansas City, Mo. No Joke To Be Deaf —Every deaS person Knows that— Mr. Way made himself hear his watch tick after being deaf for twenty-five years, with his ArtiIficial Ear Drums. He wore them day and night. Tney stopped his bead * 'noises. Theyare invisible wires or batteries. Write for TRUE STORY. Also booklet on Deafness, i THE WAY COMPANY 765Hofmann Bids. Detroit, Michigan ERVOUS2ffiS What's wrong1 with you ? Do symptoms oi Constipation, Indigestion, Dizzy Spells, Sweating and Sleeplessness keep you irritable, exhausted and gloomy? Are ouBashful? Despondent? There 's Help for You! Medicines, tonics or Dnujf probably will not relieve your weak, sick nerves. My wonderful book .f^iH" Your Nerves", explains a new method that will nelp you reeain lost vitality and healthy _ nerves^ Send I 25c for this amazing book. ., ROBERT HOLMES, 173 Fuller Bldg.. Jersey City, N. J-. Artificial Ear Drum