Screenland (Nov 1934-Apr 1935)

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for April 19 35 81 A famous star and the mother he resembles so closely. Above, Mrs. Jane Barrett Baxter, and her son, the famous Warner. impatience. Only your calm, silent trust and patience will bring results." Not long afterward he was called to the Fox Film Studio and given the leading role in "In Old Arizona," one of the first successful talkies. The rest is filmland history. The "Cisco Kid" made the name of Warner Baxter known all over the world wherever motion pictures are screened. He was given the Academy Award for the finest portrayal of that year. A long-term contract with Fox immediately followed. The Baxters were back on the top wave. No need to hesitate now on the new home of any size. Let the architects start their drawings when they will. And so Belair — the new Baxter home, on a firmer foundation than ever, with ever-widening vistas of happiness for themselves and the friends they welcome. _ Warner loves to have his intimates about him. He is a good story-teller and often entertains his guests by dramatizing the oddities and whimsicalities he has encountered in the work and amusement of the day. He has a flair for sleight-of-hand tricks and is clever in putting them over. He enjoys cooking and on galaoccasions will put on the chef's apron, go into the kitchen and prepare a meal for his guests. His chili-con-came is the most eagerly relished dish among his friends. He has a relish for the fantastic in the most trifling incidents of everyday life. Recently he wanted a nut bowl and cracker. His love of the fantastic led him to the creation of a cracker in the form of a squirrel, made of copper. One puts the nut in the squirrel's open mouth, pulls its bushy tail. The mouth closes. The nut is cracked and falls into the bowl. But beneath it all — the story-telling, the fun-making, the joy of the fantastic — runs a solid vein of devotion to truth and to duty. These are qualities that endear him to all those who really know him. Women are of the highest importance in a man's life, Baxter believes ; the right woman, worth going through fire and brimstone to win ; after winning her, it is up to him to keep the pitch of romance high. "Women are like violins. Men may make from the delicate instruments any songs of which they themselves are capable." So a married love may be lived in a hat or a hotel room or a hovel — or a mansion. The Warner Baxters are living theirs simply and naturally in a mansion, because they are mansion-souled people, both of them. IT'S A DARLING LITTLE APARTMENT, BESS. LET'S RENT IT TOGETHER YES, KAY AND BE TWO HAPPY BACHELOR GIRLS BUT A MONTH LATER BESS -was thinking and KAY -was thinking HOW DREADFUL TO DISCOVER THAT KAY IS CARELESS ABOUT "BO."/ IF I'D EVER KNOWN THAT . BESS ISN'T AS DAINTV AS SHE LOOKS. SHE NEEDS LIFEBUOY... I KNOW. I'LL START USING IT MYSELF . . . PRAISE IT TO THE SK!ES .... HURRAH, KAYS REFORMED / SHE'S USING LIFEBUOY. SAYS IT'S WONDERFUL. I BELIEVE I'LL TRY IT, TOO TWO MONTHS LATER BESS, YOUR SKIN LOOKS MARVELOUS. NO WONDER YOU HAVE A NEW BOY FRIEND SAME TO YOU, DARLING. LIFEBUOY'S HELPED BOTH OUR SKINS. AND IT'S SO REFRESHING / I'D NEVER USE ANY OTHER SOAP B.O. GONE_ Cupid breahs up "Bachelor Hall " RENEWING YOUR LEASE FOR ANOTHER YEAR LADIES ? / NO, WE'RE GETTING MARRIED . . .A DOUBLE WEDDING TWO LOVELY BRIDES AND TWO LOVELY COMPLEXIONS WE OWE IT ALL TO -YOU'D NEVER GUESS T IFEBUOY is a gloriously refreshing bath _L soap. But don't think of it only as a bath soap. It's marvelous for the complexion, too. Its searching, pore-purifying lather is super-mild — cleanses deeply, yet gently — makes dull skins glow with health. "B. O." now? Yes! Even on coldest days, pores give off a quart of odorous waste. Play safe with "B. O." {body odor) — bathe regularly with Lifebuoy. See how much lath er you get even in hardest water. Note its clean scent that vanishes as you rinse. Approved by Good Housekeeping Burtuu.