Screenland (Nov 1934-Apr 1935)

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for April 1933 The Girl Behind the Gardenias Continued from page 16 didn't mind because there was no top, but when they started shooting the scene and put on the cover I nearly died with terror. They pulled me out — limp. I had fainted dead away. "Crowds terrify me, too. I always avoid 'them if possible for I get a panicky feeling I am being crushed. "As for superstitions, we all kid ourselves that we don't believe in them; but most of us have a cherished one or two tucked about somewhere. For instance, I like black cats but nothing could induce me to walk under a ladder. And I insist on seeing the moon over my right shoulder. Trying to get the right slant on the last new_ moon I did a real W. C. Fields fall, getting all tangled up in a long coat and a scarf I was carrying. As I went down I did a double flip-flop that Fields himself would have envied— but I did see the crescent at the proper angle ! "Then, I'm super-sensitive and too easily hurt and I cry like a baby over the least thing. Tears are always very near the surface, but a good cry clears up the emotional atmosphere and everything looks brighter after a deluge. I used to brood a lot over real or imagined troubles although I'm out-growing that; but I still suffer tortures when I'm misunderstood." Leaving the dining-room we wandered through the house which Joan has practically made over during the past few months, and she showed me every detail with pride. She loves every inch of it. She says during that year as a chorus girl in New York her home was a dreary little hall bedroom and she used to lie awake nights dreaming of a real home of her very own. It is this dream that she has visualized so beautifully. _ Upstairs in her own personal suite, consisting of a sitting room, a spacious bathroom with a glassed-in shower, and the newly built sleeping porch which she will use the year around, the decorative color scheme is Joan's favorite blue and white At every doorway are two slender white columns that add a quaint touch that is altogether charming. The profusion of flowers that always decorate every room in her house are personally arranged by Joan and she devotes several hours each Saturday making a complete change of bouquets throughout. All flowers give her a definite thrill but she chooses lilies and old-fashioned candy-tuft, with their delicious fragrance, for her own bedroom. It is on Saturday night that she usually entertains with a small buffet supper, and frequently the same group of intimates are invited for the next night, too. Joan loves to have her friends around her but seldom goes in for formal or large affairs. She's a whirlwind of energy, very independent, and likes to wait on herself. Besides a cook, she has a butler — but she plans her own menus ; a chauffeur — but she usually drives her own car; a gardener — but she always helps with the planting. She has a personal maid only at the studio for she likes to take care of her own clothes and she's an expert at sewing and alterations. Joan cannot possibly sit idle with her hands m her lap. She is always doing something—sewing, rearranging the furniture, practicing her music, reading or studying. Joan is planning for a future day and is taking a strenuous course in dramatics, history, and languages. Joan didn't want to talk about love, ro 85 OF PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE thousands of druggists selling it at a new low price FOR years, people have willingly bought Pepsodent. . .rather than save a few pennies and endanger teeth by buying harsh, "bargain" dentifrices. 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Have you ever really tried a true film-removing tooth paste? Film is that sticky, gummy coating that forms on everyone's teeth. It harbors stains from food and smoking . . . makes teeth look dull, yellow. Worse still, it contains the germs usually associated with tooth decay. For beauty and health, you must remove film. Pepsodent is kn in 67 different countries as the special film-removing tooth paste bee of the safe, effective way it works. Pepsodent results are due tc exclusive cleaning and polishing agent. In scientific tests, Pepsodent has been found the least abrasive of 15 leading tooth pastes and 6 tooth powders. Therefore, you can be sure it is not only effective but safe. No grit -nothing that can harm the enamel. Use Pepsodent regularly twice a day. And be sure to see your dentist at least twice a year. own ause to an