Screenland (Nov 1934-Apr 1935)

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88 SCREENLAND GUARANTEED WEIGHT REDUCTION 12 POUNDS FIVE WEEKS ... or no cosf.1 NO DIETING. ..NO STRENUOUS EXERCISES ... NO SELF DENIAL Now YOU Can Take Off POUNDS of UGLY FAT . . . this SAFE, EASY QUICK WAY! SOUNDS too good to be true? Yet it is true. Redusols increase your metabolism ; which after all is nothing more than turning surplus fat into energy. You will be amazed at your increased vitality. YOU MAY EAT WHAT YOU WISH AND AS MUCH AS YOU WANT ■ There is no need to change your present mode of living, yet objectionable, surplus fat — especially around hips and waist — will quickly disappear. THE REDUSOL WAY IS THE SAFE WAY! H Beware of products claiming more rapid reduction — physicians agree that 15 pounds a month is the limit of safety. And, do not accept any substitute for SAFE Redusols— the harmless capsules which reduce fat by perfecting metabolism. Redusols contain no thyroid extract or other harmful ingredient. They are absolutely safe when taken as directed. READ HOW A SECRETARY OF STATE REDUCED 18 POUNDS IN 5 WEEKS! THE D1LEX INSTITUTE 9 East 40th Street. New York City Dear Sirs: I am very glad to tell you that Redusols have reduced my weight 18 pounds in the past 6 weeks. Before taking Redusols I weighed 205 pounds. I now have a fine appetite, eat 3 good meals a day, feel energetic and ambitious, and yet have reduced my weight to 187 pounds. This has been done without diet or tiring exercises . . . simply by taking Redusols. You may use this letter in any manner you wish. Very truly yours, (Signed) JOHN J. LYONS THIS TESTIMONIAL FROM THE HONORABLE JOHN J. LYONS — former Secretary of New York State, reflects the average experience of hundreds of users who daily send us unsolicited testimonials. Many letters on file show reductions of from 30 to 40 pounds ! Why not rid yourself of burdensome FAT — Remember, you REDUCE or it costs you nothing! DON'T WAIT. ..MAIL COUPON NOW DILEX INSTITUTE, INC. 9 East 4 0th St., Dept. 154, New York City □ Enclosed find $3.00, please forward, postpaid, one bos of 90 Redusols Capsules in plain wrapper. Q Send Redusols Capsules, C. O. D. I will pay postman $3.00 (plus 23 cents postage). If I do not lose at least 12 pounds after taking the first bos of Redusols as directed, you will refund my $3. Name Address City State Orders from Canada & Foreign Countries Cash in Advance send it after you. Knowin' you've got nothing to lose, you tell him where he can send himself. You make the train at the last minute, with your laundry under one arm, a sandwich and bottle of beer under the other, and your pockets stuffed with the junk you didn't have time to pack on account of the baggage man had a date to pitch horseshoes !" Fields was in full swing by now, and apparently enjoying himself. He'd risen and was pacing the floor, his face preternaturally solemn, his hand lifted now and then to define a point. Two friends had come in and, realizing that they'd stumbled on a good show, subsided grinning into chairs. "Sometimes," Fields went on, "you say to yourself : 'Well, now I'm goin' to save some money, and I won't take a sleeper.' So you find yourself a seat and curl yourself into knots, and spend the night listenin' to fifty-seven different varieties of snores and the yowl of the baby that no train's complete without. You don't sleep a wink, but you save $1.75. You put your $1.75 into a sound bank, and the banker nicks you for all the sleeper jumps you've stayed awake through in a long and sleepless existence. So they give him a year in jail. But the poor guy's sick, so they send him to a convalescent home with his wife and take one of his Rolls-Royces away from him to remind him that he mustn't do it again. And that, my friends," he concluded in sonorous tones, dropping neatly back into his chair, "is why darkies were born, and why old Bill Fields returned to the great and glorious West, where nobody wanted him." He bowed majestically to a spatter of applause. "//, however," he continued, reverting gradually to the normal, "if the West didn't want me, I wanted it. I wanted sunshine and warm weather. I wanted a house and a bed to sleep in and a closet to hang my clothes in and a washing machine I could swear at if it didn't get my laundry back in time. I wanted to be out in the open, and play golf and tennis and handball and squash. But for all that I had to have work. I couldn't get it. I offered to write, direct, and play in my own pictures — for nothing net — just to show them what I could do. They wouldn't take me as a gift. "Till one night I was eatin' in the Brown Derby and Al Kaufman came over. 'Bill,' he says, 'I think I've got an idea for you. I'm goin' to double you up with Alison Skipworth.' "So that's how life began for me at fifty. Now it's tops. My clothes are hang in' in my own closet in my own house. I play tennis on my own courts and I've even gone Hollywood to the extent of a swimming pool. Though between you and me," he remarked in a sepulchral aside, "I'm more for the shower. I've got work and friends I enjoy, and the world's my oyster. Sure — but I'm watchin' my step just the same. I'm no optimist about things goin' on this way for the rest of the world. I've been up and down too often. Next thing you know," he added with a trace of grimness, "Huey Long'll get hold of the country, and you'll be writin' a story about Bill Fields beginnin' life at ninety, trainin' a couple of fleas. Only," he pointed out kindly, "no one'll read .it. Never mind, sister," he comforted me next moment, "I'll read it myself." I asked him about his own writing, knowing that he had a hand in all his scripts. "Well," he began, "it's this way. When I was a kid I could never learn a thing. I was too dumb — " "Let me tell this," interposed Jack Cunningham, with a withering glance at his collaborator — Cunningham's the writer who has worked on so many of the Fields scenarios. "He's afraid he might get some credit. He's got more natural feel for pungent line and spontaneous talk than anyone I've ever struck. He changes things on the set. He gets some of his best lines while the cameras are grinding. Which makes it a little hard on the people he's working with. Remember, in 'It's A Gift,' where the boy comes to the grocery store to tell him the orange ranch is no good? We needed a line to put over just what that grocer felt about the orange grove. We'd racked our brains for days, and couldn't get the right line. So they decided to shoot without it. Well, just as the director was about to yell : 'Cut,' Bill the grocer says, as quietly and naturally as though he'd been that grocer all his life : 'I've got my heart set on it. I'm going through with it.' Sounds simple, doesn't it? Just what that grocer would have said. But the rest of us who were smart enough to learn our lessons at school were too dumb to figure it out." "Take it easy," growled Bill out of the corner of his mouth. "She'll be callin' me sweet next." He turned on me with purpose in his eye. "Listen," he said. "I'm a peppery, stubborn cuss, but I'm not bad at heart. Anything else I'll forgive ; but call me sweet, and so help me, I'll rack you alive and haunt you dead !" ANNOUNCING WINNERS OF MARGARET SULLA VAN COVER GIRL CONTEST: FIRST PRIZE : evening gown with velvet evening wrap, won by Miss Virginia Graham, U. S. Bureau of Public Roads, Raleigh, North Carolina. SECOND PRIZE: $100.00 in cash, won by Mrs. Isabel Vierling Kelch, 8254 Albin Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. THIRD PRIZE: Crosley Radio, won by Mr. Alan Gardner, 9 Dana St., Cambridge, Mass. FOURTH PRIZE: fitted traveling case, won by Miss Jean Cooke, Edgewood Park Junior College, Greenwich, Conn. ADDITIONAL TEN PRIZES of personally autographed new photographs of Margaret Sullavan, won by Mrs. Faye C. Burke, Denver, Colo. ; Mrs. Anne McQueen, Canton, Ohio ; Elizabeth Thatcher, Huron, So. Dakota ; Miss Lucie M. Wiltshire, Washington, D. C. ; Mr. Will S. Gidley, Springfield, Mass. ; Laura W. Hutchinson, Charlotte, No. Carolina ; Miss Mae H. Ashworth, Mt. Vernon, Ind. ; Charmaine Sanguin, El Paso, Texas ; Mrs. Fred Curtis, McCracken, Kansas; Evella Williams, Crystal Springs, Mississippi.