Screenland (Nov 1935-Apr 1936)

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BURNING AND TIRED? Dust — wind. — sun glare — ^readingtire your eyes. For relief, cleanse them daily with Murine. Soothing. Refreshing. Used safely for nearly 40 years. " F°»Y°U« EYES SCREENLAND Let Me Tell You About your business, travel, changes, matrimony, love affairs, friends, enemies, lucky days and many other interesting and important affairs of your life as indicated by astrology. Send for your special Astral Reading. All work strictly scientific, individual and guaranteed satisfactory. FOR MANY YEARS PRIVATE ASTROLOGICAL ADVISER TO ROYALTY and the ELITE. Write name, address and date of birth plainly. No money required, but if you like send 20 cents (stamps; no coins) to help defray costs. Address: PUNDIT TABORE, (Dept. 465-D), Upper Forjett Street, BOMBAY VII, BRITISH INDIA. Postage to India is 5c. Hair OFF M I once looked like this. Ugly hair on face ... unloved ... discouraged. Nothing helped. Depilatories, . even razors failed. Then I discovered a simple, painless, inexpensive method. It worked! Thousands have won beauty and love with the secret. My FREE Book, "How to Overcome Superfluous Hair," explains the method and proves actual success. Mailed in plain envelope. Also trial offer. No obligation. Write Mile. Annette Lanzette, P. O. Box 4040, Merchandise Mart, Dept. 199, Chicago. Unloved waxes, liquids COMPLETE SCIENTIFIC NUMEROLOGY CHART sent FREE to you by the makers of the two famous lipsticks— REJUVIA at 10c and FLAME-GLO at 20c each. Have you an Artistic Nature? Are you Mysterious, Passionate? Are you intended for Great Love, Adventure, Success? Define your own type with this Complete Numerology Chart. Study your Sweetheart, your Friends! Does your name fit your personality? Do you vibrate to 7-0-14-6? Intriguing, Mysterious, Exciting. You will be amazed at what the numbers show. Mail your name and address on penny Post Card, No Cost No Obligations. Send now to REJUVIA BEAUTY LABS, inc., 39S Broadway, Dept.K39.New York City REJUVIA LIPSTICK 10c. FLAME-GLO LIPSTICK 20c. The only really automatic Lipstick as fine as the most expensive. America's Famous Lipstick Sensations. Three times as Indelible as most other lipsticks. Why pay $1 or more? Get the finest. for. only 10c and 20c at most 5. and 10c stores. TAP DANCING Learn At Home Study at home under the direction of PAT DIXON, international STAR of Musical Comedy and Vaudeville fame. Opportunity to learn popular steps at surprisingly LOW COST now placed within reach of all! Any one can learn. Lessons are clearly explained and illustrated. Theatre, Radio, Talkies, Television and Society want good dancers. It is a healthy exercise. Has wonderful reducing and developing qualities. Send $1 today for complete course. DIXON DANCE STUDIOS, 791 Aurora Ave.. St. Paul. Minn. HUSH FOR B0DY0D0RSJ HUSH AT ALL there, all the people clapped, SO' I clapped too. It wasn't very polite, but there tvas an excuse for me, because I didn't realize at all that I was paying myself an honor. I just thought, if they clapped, I ought to clap too. Then when I thought we'd clapped long enough, I held up my hand and said: "Sh!" and started the piece. It was about a London policeman who stopped the traffic. I was having a good time, when suddenly I felt a rather uncomfortable feeling in the general region of my nose. So I said : "Excuse me, I want to wipe my nose" — nothing like being frank, is there ? — and Cis passed me up a handkerchief, and after I'd wiped my nose, I started all over from the beginning. And when I'd finished, I clapped again, I'm ashamed to say, so the people clapped too. I really can't go any farther without telling you about Cis — you mustn't be shy, Cis — you know I can't relate my life without bringing you in. Cis is the most important person in my life, and my father's sister. She always says she has no talent, and that hurts me terribly. If Cis has no talent, then I have none. You see, it's like something in a barrel. Suppose there's a barrel standing beside the road, and nobody pays much attention except perhaps to wonder what's in it and go his way. Then along comes John and says : "There's wine in that barrel or talent or whatever the case may be." Well, then, that means that John must have had talent to recognize what was in the barrel, when nobody else did and it wasn't marked with a label of any kind. So I say that if I have talent, Cis must have it too, and I'd consider it a great favor if you'd put it in your paper. You may not believe this, but Cis and I can talk to each other without saying any words. There was once on the stage I'll always remember. I had a speech to say, and for some reason I hadn't rehearsed it with Cis. And about a quarter of it I knew, and the rest I couldn't remember. The words went right out of my head, and then I looked at Cis who was standing in the wings, and the words came running right back in again. Queer, isn't it? D'you know what I do? There's a game I like to play sometimes, which consists of my saying to Cis : "Let's think about someone we both know, but not very well." And Cis thinks, and suddenly in the middle of my head, about a quarter-way down, there forms a hazy little pink square, and inside the square I see the person she's thinking about. You can laugh if you like, Cis, but it's absolutely true. Well, it may not work out every time, but you must admit that it does at least once in ten — or d'you think twenty would he fairer? Oh, and I must tell you about Peter. Peter's my cousin, two years older, and my best boy friend. Rowland Leigh is my best man friend and Cis is my best aunt, uncle, brother, niece and distant second cousin twice removed. Peter used to come down to Warminster for the holidays, and we began by playing trains and climbing trees, and after a while we built ourselves a playhouse in the silver birch and spent our days there. Then when he siarted going to the officers' school at Aldershot, we didn't care much about playing anything but soldiers. Peter was the colonel on guard and he'd march up arid down the lawn with a gun — it was just a stick, of course, but we'd pretend it was a gun — and I was the army marching behind him with another gun — my gun was smaller, because even though I was supposed to be a great many men, I was only a great many privates and Peter after all was an officer. We weren't supposed to go beyond the gates. But one day — I don't know just how it happened — we marched right out of the gates and down the road, and before we knew it we were at the railway station. Heals Pyorrhea Trench Mouth For Thousands! BEFORE AFTEK Picture shows Mr. Rochin before and after using P. T. M. FORMULA. Ho says: "I used P. T. M. for four weeks and all signs of pyorrhea absolutely disappeared, leaving my teeth and gums in a firm, healthy condition — thanks to your wonderful remedy. My dentist could hardly believe such a change possible. I hope the thousands suffering from Pyorrhea and Trench Mouth learn, as I did, that at last there is relief from these dreaded conditions." — Paul Rochin, Los Angeles, Cal. DON'T LOSE YOUR TEETH! Try P. T. M. FORMULA, a painless economical home treatment with money-back guarantee. J?. T. M. has healed Pyorrhea, Trench Mouth, sore, tender, bleeding gums successfully for thousands of sufferers. It is new in principle, and has proved amazingly effective. If you have Pyorrhea or Trench Mouth — if your gums are sore or bleed when brushed — if your teeth are loose or pus pockets have formed — TRY P. T. M. Nothing to lose, your health to gain. Your money back if not satisfied. Write NOW for full information. P. T. M. Formula Products, Inc., Dept. X-32, 4016 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. ASTHMATIC SUFFERERS — You can get a FREE TRIAL Package of 6 cigarettes, the popular form of Dr. J. H. Guild's Green Mountain Asthmatic Compound. Thousands for whom other remedies fail, smoke and inhale them for QUICK RELIEF. Send for them today. Pleasant smoke vapor quickly soothes and relieves paroxysms of Asthma. Standard remedy at all druggists. Cigarettes, 50 cents for 24. Powder form 25 cents and $1.00. The J. H. Guild Co., Dept. WW5, Rupert, Vt. nD PIIII FB'O GREEN mountain DBf. UUILy t> ASTHMATIC COMPOUND WANTED! ORIGINAL POEMS, SONGS for immediate consideration M. M. M. PUBLISHERS Dept. SU Studio Bldg. Portland, Ore. ERUPT* ION S PSORIASIS, ECZEMA, ITCH, ACNE, RINGWORM. Distresses from these disorders now QUICKLY relieved with PS0 RACINE, a remarkable preparation used by thousands. Many wonderful reports from everywhere. FREE Information on Skin Disorders. WRITE Illinois Medical Products, 208 N. Wells, 01 10, Chicago FEMALE HELP WANTED Earn Extra Money Home Spare Time ADDRESS ENVELOPES. Do Sewing Work, List names. Many other kinds of work offered. Send 3c stamp for full complete details. $50.00 to $100.00 a month. WOMEN'S AID BUREAU, Dept. SU, 276 High St., Holyoke, Mass. ERVOUS2K! What's wrong with you ? Do symptoms oS Constipation, Indigestion, Dizzy Spells, Sweating and Sleeplessness keep you irritable, exhausted and gloomy? Are Bashful? Despondent? There's Help for You! edicines, tonics or Drugs probably will not relieve your weak, sick nerves. My wonderful book "Watch Your Nerves", explains a new method that will help you regain lost vitality and healthy nerves. Sen'1 25c for this amazing book. ROBERT HOLMES* 1711 Fuller Bldg.* Jersey City, W. J. Q3£ features! Charming new beauty! They can be yours. Dr. Stotter (grad. of University of Vienna) reconstructs faces by famous Vienna Polyclinic methods. Unshapely Noses, Protruding Ears. Large Lips, Wrinkles, Signs of Age, etc.. are all quickly corrected. Low cost. Write or call for Free Booklet ' 'Facial Reconstruction,' ' (mailed in plain wrapper.) Dr. Stotter, 50 East 42nd St., Dept. 41-S New York