Screenland (Nov 1935-Apr 1936)

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92 SCREENLAND JMest CRAY HAIR REMEDY IS MADE AT HOME VOU can now make at home a better gray hair remedy than you can buy, by following this simple recipe : To half pint of water add one ounce bay rum, 1 a small box of Barbo Compound and one-fourth ounce of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it yourself at very little cost. Apply to the hair twice a week until the desired shade is obtained. Barbo imparts color to streaked, faded, or gray hair, makes it soft and glossy and takes years off your looks. It will not color the scalp, is not sticky or greasy and does not rub off. WAKE UP YOUR IVER BILE Without Calomel — And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go The liver should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up your stomach. You get constipated. Your whole system is poisoned and you feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. A mere bowel movement doesn't get at the cause. It takes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these two pounds of bile flowing freely and make you feel "up and up." Harmless, gentle, yet amazing in making bile flow freely. for Carter's Little Liver Pills by name. Stubbornly refuse anything else. 25c at all drug stores. © 1931. C.M.Co. ;E UN ARTIST B we oan teach H**^ YOU DRAWING i: your own home during your spare time. Thirty-five years of successful teaching' proves our ability, Artists receive large salaries. Write today for Art Year Booh Dept. 795, 10E. Huron St., Chicago, ill reet your favorite ovie star nil original photos of your favorite stars and Bcenes from any of your favorite recent, photo plays, size 8 X 10 glossy prints. 25c each. 12 for $2.50. Positively the finest obtainable anywhere. We have the largest collection of movie photos in the country. Just name the star or play you want. Remit by money order or U. S. 2c and 3c stamps. Bram Studio— Film Centre Bldg. Studio 421, 630-9th Ave., N. Y. City Clark Gable ! Clark is definitely at his worst of an afternoon when he drives into the studio lot just to see what went on during the three weeks he was away in the mountains on one of his hunting trips. For when Gable goes fishing or hunting he doesn't shave all while he is gone, and when it's three weeks, my, my, Mr. Gable has quite a growth. He's enough to frighten little children. Carole Lombard is at her worst after a party. Carole's parties in Hollywood are famous ; she is the one perfect hostess I have ever met. The party may last for hours and hours, but all that time Carole will stand there looking glamorously beautiful in a trailing gown, (ever since she was a child Carole has been a pushover for anything that trails), always seeing to it that everyone is introduced and being looked after, always saying the right thing, and laughing at the right time at her guests' dull stories; just being oh, so beautiful, chic, and formal. But along about three o'clock in the morning when the remaining guests have been packed away in their cars, loudly declaring for the benefit of the entire neighborhood that Carole gives the best parties ever, our Li'l Missy Lombard relaxes. Usually there are about five people left, five of the good old faithfuls who have been asked to stay. Carole flops on the floor right in the midst of the supper debris, her train is in the roquefort dressing, her corsage is being sprinkled with anchovy oil, her slippers she kicks into a corner of the room, and la Lombard goes to work on a hearty meal of fried chicken, baked beans, and cheese. I think it is then I like Carole best. I wouldn't miss a Lombard gorge and an after-the-party-talk-itover for all the rice in China. Joan Blondell is always at her worst when she goes on one of those back-tonature week-ends, throws off the glamor, pins up her hair, and lets nature take its course. Nature usually does. Ever since she was a kid Joan has been crazy about camping out, fishing in a mountain stream or the Pacific, cooking at night over a camp-fire, and sleeping between blankets out in the open; and naturally you wouldn't expect her to look like a Bergdorf-Goodman model when she goes in for this little pastime. She doesn't even take a box of powder along, much less rouge and haircurling apparatus. One of Joan's week-end trips is memorable. She had made about four pictures straight and was dead tired, so she put on her oldest slacks and sweater, no shoes or stockings or make-up, and with her sister set out for Tent City — which is one of those places where you can rent a tent with a stove and a bed for two bucks a night and pitch it on the side of the ocean along with several hundred other people. Sure enough, just as she figured, no one suspected her of being Joan Blondell, the movie star, and for two days she swam, rested, got sun-burned, and dug her toes in the sand. And then, bless my soul, a newspaper reporter, also vacationing there, discovered her. There was nothing to do but give him the requested interview, which Joanie did. But here's the pay-off on the whole story: two weeks later Joan read in a Southern California newspaper the following excerpts from the interview : "I found Joan Blondell in a spacious cottage overlooking the ocean, tastefully decorated with fragrant flowers ; here and there delightfully tinted pillows adorned the room. The scene represented a veritable fairyland . . . Miss Blondell was charmingly attired in a gorgeous Hollywood creation of black crepe de chine with elaborate flower prints, a chic black horse-hair hat trimmed with dainty yellow flowers, black silk hosiery, black satin sandals with gold heels. On the right wrist a gold gothic bracelet, and Remove FAT from any part Be adorably slim! Feminine attractiveness demands fascinating, youthful lines of a graceful, slim figure — with slender, firm, I K W rounded contours, instead of unbe SB VL V™ coming flesh. Hundreds of women have reduced with my famous Slimcream Method — and reduced just where they wanted, safely, quickly, surely. I, myself, reduced my chestline by 4V4 inches and my weight 28 lbs. in 28 days. J. A. writes, "I was 37 inches I (across the chest). Here is the miracle your Slimcream has worked for me. I have actually taken 5 inches off. I am overjoyed." The Slimcream treatment is so entirely effective, so easy to use, and so beneficial that I unhesitatingly offer to return your money if you have not reduced your figure both in pounds and inches in 14 days. What could be fairer than thatl Decide NOW to achieve the figure Pholo of ml ... of your hearts desire. Send $1.00 Using 28 lbs. and retoday for the full 3 0 -day treatment, ducina A'A inches FRFF Sond $1-00 tor my Slimcream treatment NOW. and I will. * send you entirely free, rny world-famous, regular $1.00 beauty treatment, with a gold mine of priceless beauty secrets. This offer 18 limited, bo SEND TODAY. Add 25c for foreign countries. I DAISY STEBBING. Dept. SL-26. Forest Hille. New York. 1 I enclose $1. Please send immediately postpaid in plain pack \ g age your Guaranteed Slimcream treatment. I understand that I ■ if I have not reduced both in pounds and inches in 14 days, you ■ I will cheerfully refund my money. Send also the special free . | Beauty Treatment, u 1 Name I Address f I City J I--.-...-.. -■■■■■■■--■■J STOPPED IN ONE MINUTE Are you tormented with the itching tortures of eczema, rashes, eruptions, or other skin afflictions? For quick and happy relief, use cooling, antiseptic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. Its gentle oils soothe the irritated and inflamed skin. Clear, greaseless and stainless — dries fast. Stops the most intense itching instantly. A 35c trial bottle, at drug stores, proves it — or money back. ANTED! ORIGINAL POEMS, SONGS for immediate consideration M. M, M. PUBLISHERS Dept. SU Studio Bldg. Portland, Ore. unssnea rn la Kt. jt mm WHITE GOLD th0 To Introduce our « ^9 Beautiful Blue White Rainbow Flash Stones, we will send a 1 Kt. IMPORTED Simulated DIAMOND, mounted in Lovely 18 Kt. White-Gold Finish Ring as illustrated, for this ad. and 15c expense in coin. Address: National Jewelry Co., Dept. 6, Wheeling, W. Va. (2 for 35c.) FEMALE HELP WANTED Earn Extra Money Home Spare Time ADDRESS ENVELOPES. Do Sewing Work, List names. Many other kinds of work offered. Send 3c stamp for full complete details. WOMEN'S AID BUREAU, dept. SU, 27B High St., Hoiyoke. Mass. $50.00 to $100.00 a month. TKeaire f40th Yr.) Stage. Talkie. Radio. GRADUATES: Leo Tracy. Fred Antaire. Una Merkel. Zita Johann. etc Drama, Dance. Musical Comedy. Teachinc. Directing. Personal Development. Stock Theatre Training (Appearances; For Catalog, write Sec'y LAND, 66 W. 85 St., N. Y.