Screenland (Nov 1935-Apr 1936)

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SCREENLAND for January 1936 3 "PINK TO A MAN'S first swift dingy look sometimes says . . . "You're a charming woman." And a woman's eyes may answer . . . "You're a likeable person." And then she smiles. Lucky for both of them if it's a lovely, quick flash of white teeth, in healthy gums. For a glimpse of dingy teeth and tender gums can blast a budding romance in a split second! WHY IS "PINK TOOTH BRUSH" SO COMMON? It's very simple. The soft foods that we all eat nowadays — almost exclusively — OTH BRUSH" makes her avoid a teeth and tender gums destroy her cannot possibly give teeth and gums enough work to do to keep them healthy. They grow lazy. Deprived of the natural stimulation of hard, coarse foods, they become sensitive, tender. And then, presently, "pink tooth brush" warns you that your gums are unhealthy — susceptible to infection. Modern dental practice suggests Ipana plus massage for several good reasons. If you will put a little extra Ipana on brush or fingertip and massage your gums every time you brush your teeth, you will understand. Rub it in thor II close-ups — charm oughly. Massage it vig orously. Do it regularly. And your mouth will feel cleaner. There will be a new and livelier tingle in your gums — new circulation, new firmness, new health. Make Ipana plus massage a regular part of your routine. It is the dentist's ablest assistant in the home care of the teeth and gums. For with healthy gums, you've ceased to invite "pink tooth brush." You are not likely to get gingivitis, pyorrhea and Vincent's disease. And you'll bring the clear and brilliant beauty of a lovely smile into any and every close-up. to YOO\ i«"he home care of your teem