Screenland (Nov 1935-Apr 1936)

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82 SCREENLAND CORNS UNSAFE METHODS Don't cut your corns or callouses and risk blood-poisoning, or use caustic liquids or harsh plasters which so often cause acid burn. Be safe and sure — use Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads. These thin, soothing, healing pads relieve pain instantly and stop the causeshoe pressure and friction. Separate Medicated Disks are ineluded in every box for quickly loosening and removing corns or callouses. Get this famous double-acting treatment today at your drug, shoe or New DE LUXE, flesh color . 35(£ STANDARD WHITE, now . . 25j£ Made by the makers of Dr. Scholl's Foot Comfort Remedies and Appliances for all foot troubles. BUNIONS Dr Scholl's "Lino-pads Put one on-the m pain is gone! JIN ARTIST U WE OAN TEACH YOU DRAWING in your own home during your spare time. Thirty-five years o successful teaching proves our ability Artists receive large salaries. Write today for Art Year Book SCHCSL^AJSMIEDAW Dept. 716, 1 0E. Huron St., Chicago, III NOW/ Write for FREE SAMPLE GARFIELD TEA CO., Dept. 58, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1) Ecstasy 4) Gardenia 2) Christmas Breath 5) Magnolia 3) Morning Dew 6) Jasmine These rare perfumes: $12.00 an ounce. Trial bottles for 10c each (silver or stamps) to cover cost of postage and handling. (Limit of 5 trials ^ ^•IWC to each customer). Just a Jr jd drop a week!" iachtrial MLEROI GRANDE, w.demmy, lJ) parfumeur ' SEATTLE, WASH CI eanse Internally and feel the difference! Why let constipation hold you back? Feel your best, look your best — cleanse internally the easy tea-cup way. GARFIELD TEA is not a miracle worker, but a week of this "internal beauty treatment'* will astonish you. Begin tonight. (At your drug store) Hollywood Figure Continued from page 62 Some dazzling hey, hey, by Rita Rio, stage dancer, and the Goldwyn girls, all putting lots of eye-appeal in Eddie Cantor's new picture. that looked terrible. That was discouraging. "Then at last I discovered stretching exercises. These keep me limbered up and slender but don't put on big muscle tissue." This series of cat-stretching exercises I am giving you will do these things for you. You can use a big table for the exercises if you have one available, otherwise get down on the floor. Lie face down on the floor, legs stiff and straight, toes pressed firmly against the floor, palms flat on floor, about shoulder level. ( 1 ) . Stretching every muscle in your body, pull your head and shoulders and the upper part of your body upwards. You should especially feel the pull in the lower ribs and the small of the back. (2) . Let your body down until the chest rests on the floor. (3) . Press down with both hands and pull forward with chest, lifting the head and shoulders slightly. Here is another good stretching exercise : Lie flat on the floor with feet fastened together at the ankles and clamped under the rung of a chair to keep them on the ground. If you have a partner, the partner can hold your ankles down firmly. Reach back with the hands as far as possible and seize something firm, such as a table leg, banister, bedpost, or immovable piece of furniture, and stretch and stretch until you feel the pull everywhere in your body. Next, repeat this stretching face down on the floor. Now, turn on the left side and repeat stretching ; again turn on the right side and repeat. When this routine is completed, return to first position, untie your ankles and push away the chair, or have your partner release you. Now throw back your arms and grasp the original support; bring up both legs and try to reach whatever support you are grasping with your toes. Before this I've often recommended watching the family cat and imitating her. Practice the "cat walk" if you're feeling under par. Get down on all fours and walk around the room on your hands and feet, trying to keep your knees as straight as possible, stiff-legged. In this position, the intestinal tract is pushed up into the chest. It is an excellent health exercise. Every mail brings letters from girls' who worry about being short and want to know how to gain inches. Here is an exercise which worked for one Hollywood player. Whether it actually added inches or whether it was that she learned to hold herself so that she had the full henefit of her real height, I'm not prepared to state. Do this every morning : Feet flat on the floor, face the wall and raise arms over head. Stretch up as far as you can. Start easily. Don't try to over-stretch ; but each morning see if you can't reach a higher mark. You might make a small mark with your fingernail if they won't let you use a pencil. This reminds me of a bear story. When I was in Alaska, the bears used the trees in much this same way : the first bear would come along and stretch up as far and as high as he could, leaving a mark there with his claws. Then a second bear would come along and do the same thing. Whichever bear was smallest had to leave those parts, because the biggest bear was boss. It's just animal nature to try to show how big you are ! Girls who long to reduce complain that they can't do without sweets. If you have a craving for candy and are still several pounds on the wrong side of the scales, try this : Take figs, dates and honey and blend them to a thick paste. Cut in squares and keep on hand for your sweet tooth. Miriam Hopkins makes it a habit to get weighed each morning. If the scale shows that the pounds are creeping up, she omits dinner that day, drinking a glass of milk or a cup of soup instead. Of course, she doesn't do this often. "My legs are too large !" is an everrecurring wail in the letters you send me. Perhaps you are so built that big bones prevent your having the very slim leg of your neighbor. But if it's merely excess fat, try this : Get a pair of long flannel gym trousers that fasten at the ankles and waist and are fleece-lined. Wear these, and either do the bicycle exercises on the floor or ride a bicycle on the road, tearing along as directed in earlier issues. GARFIELD TEA