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for February 1936
those initial onslaughts on the moguls in power. He had had to begin humbly, touring the provinces. Radiant, inspiring Ruth went along, and so did their bouncing baby boy Ronald.
He spread his hands, expressing so much with a gesture of lean, sensitive fingers. "I plugged as best I could. Came prominence in London, and then on Broadway. Came Hollywood." With characteristic sprightliness he grasped a tumbler of water and raised it in a toast. "To Hollywood !" he exclaimed. A trace of a sardonic chuckle flashed and as quickly disappeared. He bent forward.
"Please get this straightened out for me. I have no highbrow condescension toward this place. I merely disagree with a number of its customs'. I don't concur with the commandment, for instance, that popularity zooms in direct ratio to sensational personal publicity. People will not pay to see fantastic players in any show. The quality of the picture is what counts. I would rather search for quality than for space in gossip columns.
"Fortunately, I do not have to be a yes-man here. I can fall back on the stage and on English films. When I come to California what story I'm to do is determined in advance. I shun the puppetry.
"This brings me to what I have been endeavoring to explain all this while. I have discovered — <me. I feel as though I have crystallized at last. Among my dominant desires, I want to be with my family more. What I suppose you might dub the 'real' things in life appeal most strongly. I have perceived, also, that Hollywood, and the routine of a star here, cannot absorb me. Mind you, no reflections ! It is just that I am matured. I am terribly fond of the sunshine one can have here. Too, the splendid equipment of these studios for enhancing one's personality is impressive.
"But the money I might earn by staying in California permanently is an outmoded lure. With the higher income taxes prevailing it's' impossible to build up a fortune. So the former philosophy of 'let's take the cash while we can and then we'll be set' is passe. You might as well do what you wish because you can't accumulate a huge reserve fund.
"Then, the superficial glitter I might attain isn't intriguing to me. The exhibitionist urge is wearing thin. I even receive less pleasure from acting itself. It doesn't furnish enough mental exercise. I fancy only a beautiful young woman or an exceptionally handsome young man actually responds to wholesale flattery !"
His earnestness rose to a crescendo. "I want to appear in fewer and 'more quality' pictures. And also : I want to swing into the production end. Already I have an interest in an English company. We will not attempt to turn out dozens of films, on a big schedule. Instead, the story will first be chosen, the cast then selected carefully. When one unit is started it will be time to plan another.
"There are so many marvelous tales waiting to be screened. I feel we have only touched the surface. I have been delving into historical periods, into every stirring book and play that promises to evolve into a stimulating show. Not with myself alone in mind, as used to be the case, but for the sake of the drama itself. I have practiced filling the roles.
"In stating that actors ought to try English studios I mean in addition to Hollywood. It will be beneficial both to the actors and to audiences for British films to progress. There will be more good engagements for the players and the healthy competition from abroad will automatically weed out the inferior offerings."
Leslie Howard's headquartering in his
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