Screenland (Nov 1935-Apr 1936)

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86 SCREENLAND IT'S no secret out in Hollywood that more than one famous star has lost her job because of constipation. Movie directors simply can't stand for lack of pep, dull eyes, pimples, sick headaches caused by constipation. That's why you should follow Hollywood's example and not let a second day pass without coming to nature's aid with a beauty laxative. Olive Tablets are popular in Los Angeles, and everywhere else, because they are dependable, mild and non-habit-forming. And because they gently help Nature restore normal action in the intestines. Keep a box handy on the bathroom shelf. Three sizes— I5(f, 30<<, 60<!. At all druggists. _ DR. EDWARDS' Olive tablets LAXATIVE Be Your Own MUSIC Teacher LEARN AT HOME to play by note. Piano, Violin, Ukulele, Tenor Banjo. Ha waiian Guitar, Piano Accordion, Saxophone, Clarinet or any other instrument. Wonderful improved method. Simple as ABC. No "number*" or trick music. Cost averages only a few cent3 a day. Over 700,000 students. pprr pAAi/ Write today Tor Free Booklet and Free Dem r IvUXL DvJL/iv onstratio 1 Lesson explaining this method in detail. Tell what your favorite instrument is and write name and address plainly. U. S. SCHOOL OF MUSIC, 1192 Brunswick Bldg., New York, N. Y jl^^ <"i*i l/our Own Ores ses f Showing Latest FASHION FROCKS / • • ■ • Direct from factory , No House-to-House Canvassing Necessary New kind of work for ambitious women demonstrating gorgeous Paris-styled dresses at direct factory prices. You can make up to 822 in & week, full or spare time, and get all your own dresses free of any cost to "wear and show. Fashion Frocks are nationally advertised and are known to women everywhere. No Investment Ever Required We send you an elaborate Style Presentation in full colors and rich fabrics. Write fully for details of this marvelous opportunity, giving age and dress size. FASHION FROCKS, Inc. cincinnft'i, o. flKfiene ss^ss TKeaire m. i41st Yr.) Stage. Talkie, Radio. GRADUATES: Lee Traoy. Fred Aataire, Una Merkei, Zita Johann, eto Drama, Dance, MuBioal Comedy, Teaching. Directing, Personal Development, Stoolc Theatre Training (Appearances). For Catalog, write Sec'y LAND, 66 W. 85 St., N. V. etni-niflies Keep Beauty Fit To Face Winter! Campana's Italian Balm is beauty's protection against cold weather hazards. BEFORE you venture out in the cold and wind, whether to play or go places, protect your hands with Campana's Italian Balm. With its convenient dispenser attached to your bathroom or kitchen wall, (we suggest both), you have no excuse for forgetting to give your hands the beauty care that will keep them smooth, soft, and white. The dispenser and inverted bottle can be attached to a wooden wall with the screws enclosed in the package, or to a tile wall with metallic cement which can be obtained at any hardware or five-and-ten-cent store. Get the easy, pleasant habit of rubbing in a drop of Italian Balm after every time you wash your hands and you'll be amply repaid by their constant beauty. Good for chapped red knees, ankles, and elbows, too — and as a protective powder base. TAKE our word for it, you can have alluring eyelashes in a jiffy, thanks to the new Creamy Mascara made by Winx ! It comes in a dainty little tube, all ready to squeeze out on your brush and apply— water being unnecessary. We find it takes no longer to put on than lipstick. It lasts beautifully, is waterproof unless rubbed when wet, and doesn't smart if it gets in your eyes. Even if you've never used mascara before, you should like this new creamy kind. Most lashes are longer than they look without benefit of mascara, as the tips are naturally light. Brush your lashes up to make them curl. Besides coloring your lashes and making them look longer, the cream in this mascara is beneficial and keeps them from being brittle. It comes in black, brown, and an intriguing shade of Parisian Blue. So simple — to give eyelashes allure with Winx's new Creamy Mascara! Noxzema Combination Cleansing and Tissue Cream aids complexion beauty. A "pick-me-up" for tired complexions — Tarkroot Face Rester beauty mask. NOXZEMA, the greaseless cream that has gained so much fame for the way it clears up blemished skin and softens chapped faces or hands, has a sister cream that's equally fine. Noxzema Combination Cleansing and Tissue Cream is medicated like the original. It can be used alone, but it's more effective in this complete treatment : Cleanse face and neck with the combination cream. Then, after wiping it off, apply another coat, massage it into the skin and leave it on all night. In the morning, use greaseless Noxzema for a foundation. They have a new face powder, too, called Noxglo, which is the perfect finishing touch. MAKE a note to get a Maculette on your next shopping tour, and we promise you'll be rewarded in comfort and freedom from worry. It's a scantie sort of pantie combined with protective features and a device that makes wearing a sanitary belt unnecessary. The panties themselves are smooth-fitting and attractive in tea-rose or white silken fabric. The protective part has a soft felt nap on both sides' and feels more like cloth than rubber. Into this the napkin fits securely. Entirely aside from the comfort and extra protection, these panties are grand to wear with velvets or other materials that get crushed or wrinkled where they're sat upon. Ask to see a Maculette at the notions counter of your favorite department store. It's hard to believe all it'll do until you see it with your own eyes ! -T the popularity they're having right now, in our opinion. A dandy one that will tone up your skin and make it look like a million dollars is called Tarkroot. It's easy to use. Just moisten a little Tarkroot with lemon juice and spread it over your face and neck. Leave it on 20 to 30 minutes, while you're working around the house. Or, if you can manage the time, lie down and relax for half an hour while it's on, and you'll feel fresh and fit in body as well as' in face. This mask gives your face a complete rest, smoothing out tense lines at the same time it improves texture and color. It's a perfect pick-me-up'!