Screenland (Nov 1935-Apr 1936)

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"Strike Me Pink" if that's not Eddie Cantor and Ethel Merman in the very touching view of venerable devotion at the left. Now dry your misty eyes and have a good guffaw. Nothing very operatic about the opera-voiced Jan Kiepura in this scene at the right, from "Give Us This Night." Below, Jackie Cooper, very grown-up in a pose with Joseph Calleia and RinTin-Tin, Jr. How's this for switching types.' George O'Brien, right, is not jus't caught at it — he's deliberately posing without his horse. Jack Holt, just below, in a perfect impersonation of the polished, debonair hero, so different from the western and slightly sinister rdles he's played. Grace Bradley, bottom, makes up as Delilah in a test for the role in DeMille's "Samson and Delilah."