Screenland (Nov 1935-Apr 1936)

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for April 1936 79 THERE is a famous blimp which advertises a certain brand of automobile tire, and which floats over Los Angeles on any clear day. There is also a famous director named Archie Mayo out at Warners, who never diets. So the other day the director received this wire : "What are you doing floating over Los Angeles with Goodyear printed on your sides ?" Archie was so burned he had only two orders' of fried chicken for lunch. NEARLY all the actors now working in "Romeo and Juliet" have a nine o'clock curfew rule. And when you say nearly all the actors in that picture, you have said something. The cast reaches from here to there. Maybe that's why the night spots have looked sorta vacant lately. Anyway, Edna May Oliver is one of the few to break the rule, because the Russian Ballet is playing at the Philharmonic, and Romeo or no Romeo, Edna May is a ballet patron. ALEXANDER WOOLLCOTT, recent ii. resident of Hollywood, created a great stir in the hearts of his radio listeners, during his series of air broadcasts, by telling Mr. and Mrs. America about an institution known as "The Seeing Eye." Well, the screen now goes the accomplished Alex one better. For a film has been made that not only tells, but shows how man's' most faithful friend, the dog, serves humanity when nature fails humans, and animals, trained and devoted to their work, take up the burden of those afflicted with blindness. The film was made at the institution in Morristown, N. J. THIS running-gag between director Woody Van Dyke and actor John Miljan has reached the place where they can hardly top it any longer. It began when Miljan placed an ancient broken-down flivver in Woody's driveway — a little token of his esteem on a birthday. Woody came back with a spavined old horse for Miljan's Christmas present. So the next exchange of sentiment took place when Woody found a thirty-passenger busted bus in a junkyard — you can guess what he did with it. Miljan turned the tables by hiring a tow-car, loading the bus with a crowd and calling on Van. There have been recent exchanges of a herd of cattle in Woody's front yard, and a truckful of mongrel pups turned loose in Miljan's house during a party. (Continued on page 100) Holding that tiger! Jane Withers and Helen Wood find a "fierce" tiger just a furry friend when they visit a California zoo. una ana ifi e (A&dt MAKE sure you don't have bad breath! Use Colgate Dental Cream. Its special penetrating foam removes all the decaying food deposits lodged between the teeth, along the gums and around the tongue — which dentists agree are the source of most bad breath. At the same time, a unique, grit-free ingredient polishes the enamel— makes teeth sparkle. Try Colgate Dental Cream— today! Brush your teeth . . . your gums . . . your tongue . . . with Colgate's. If you are not entirely satisfied after using one tube, send the empty tube to COLGATE, Jersey City, N. J. We will gladly refund TWICE what you paid. COLGATE