Screenland (Nov 1935-Apr 1936)

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for April 19 36 85 see a girl with a healthy sun-tan appearance, no make-up at all except lipstick. That's just the way Joan looks off -screen. Wonder if it's a case of the chicken and the egg all over again ? And Johnny Weissmuller never notices anybody's fingernails. He doesn't care for make-up in any case because he says he has to wait too long for Lupe to get ready. If your date is with William Powell, be careful not to have "that made-up look." Don't use mascara or false eyelashes, just powder and lipstick. At the same time, if this limited make-up leaves you looking like last year's hat, a little indulgence in rouge and other beauty aids would probably pass. Dick Powell is content to take out any girl who looks smart, so long as she doesn't seem over-dressed. He wants her to look well if they go to a movie, and yet not look out of place if they go on to a -night-club' afterward. He'll hold the mirror in the car while" she makes whatever repairs are necessary to that "girlish complexion" between engagements. To pluck or rjot to pluck — that is the question. That dark 'n' handsome Onslow Stevens would never take a second look at you if your brows had a hair-line look. Warren William would turn up his aristocratic nose. Bob Montgomery wouldn't call twice if he was conscious that you had been tinkering with your brows. Some men who would be glamorous "dates" are modern enough to realize that this beauty unadorned stuff can be carried too far. Lyle Talbot admits that some form of make-up is needed by every woman, but he adds that she should consult a make-up expert and find out how little, not how much, she can use. Four Hollywood husbands have such definite ideas on how their wives shall look The Jack Haleys and their adopted son, for whom they seek a "twin" to be adopted as his brother. that they may serve as warnings to those girls who think "a man never notices." Harmon Nelson, whose wife is Bette Davis, is responsible for Bette going back to her original hair-color. He loathed the peroxide blonde the studio had asked her to adopt. He can't stand make-up that shows, and is always saying : "Wipe off that lipstick!" in an urgent undertone. Warren William can't abide fly-away hair ; likes it slick and smooth. Leslie Howard insists that no make-up is "necessary. His wife is fortunate in the possession of a peach-and-cream complexion so he sees no reason why other girls should use aids to nature. Paul Kelly likes to have his wife equipped with correct lipstick, powder, rouge, eyeshadow, perfume or what-not when they are going to a night-club or party ; but if they are going for a horseback ride or there are fish to be caught or hikes to be taken, she leaves her makeup kit at home in order to please Paul. Do ye ken John Howard? Do ye ken Johnny Downs? What young girl wouldn't thrill over an invitation from either one? But if you were going out with each one on alternate days, you'd have to use an entirely different technique. John Howard thinks girls use too much make-up — they look as if they thought they were sign-painters and daub the stuff on so thick you can't see their real faces, he £ays. Johnny Downs, on the other hand, won't mind if you do daub it on. He likes makeup— lots of it— and since that's what girls seem to prefer believes he's right. Nelson Eddy has been pursued by fans so fervently that the police have had to be called to his rescue, so any girl who got a bid from him would be heartily envied. Nelson likes "naturalness," the sparkling animation that comes from within. However, he believes that every woman should capitalize on her best points — if she has fine eyes, she should concentrate on them. Walter Abel, if he ever asks you out, is going to be easy to please. He thinks make-up is a woman's business and that women use cosmetics to impress other women, not to please men. Keep up to date if you're thinking of angling for Cesar Romero. He believes that every woman should work out a make-up for herself exclusively, then with the trend of the mode in mind, she should cleverly adapt her make-up to the mode of the moment. Out-dated make-up is never smart, says Cesar. Thousands of Attractive Women Owe Their Lovely* Slender Figures to PerfolasticI B1 or no \0 :ost REDUCED FROM 43 TO 34^ INCHES!" "My hips measured 4 3 inches . . . now they are only 34V2 inches! I know the girdle is responsible for my not getting tired.'' Miss Bil/ie Brian, La Grange, Ky. " SMALLER AT ONCE" "I immediately became 3 inches smaller in the hips." Miss Ouida Browne Briarclift Manor, X Y. ECAUSE we receive enthusiastic letters from women all over the country in every mail . . . becausewe find that most Perfolastic wearers reduce more than 3 inches in ten days . . . we know we are justified in making YOU this amazing offer. We are upheld by the experience of not one but thousands of women. The statements reproduced here are a few examples chosen from their astonishing letters. " A GIRDLE I LIKE * "I never owned a girdle I liked so uch. And I reduced 26 pounds." Miss Esther Marshall, Vallcjo, Calif. ■ You need not diet or deny yourself the good things of life. You need take no dangerous drugs or tiring exercises. The excess fat is removed solely by the massage-like action of the new Perfolastic material. ■ You appear inches smaller the minute you step into your Perfolastic, and then comfortably, quickly. . . without effort on your part . . . you actually reduce those spots where the excess fat has accumulated. " HIPS 12 INCHES SMALLER " "I can'tpraise your girdle enough. My hips are 12 inches smaller." Miss 2. Richardson, Scottdale, Pa. "FROM SIZE 4! TO SIZE 18" "Used to wear size 42 dress and now wear an 18! I eateverything." Mrs. E. Faust, Minneapolis, Minn. " MASSAGES LIKE MAGIC" "'Massages like magic. Wore a 30. soon need a 26!" Miss Kay Carroll, N,ew York. City. "Reduced 9 Inches" "My hips have been reduced 9 inches without the slightest diet." Miss Jean Healv. 299 Pari; Ave.. NT. The excerpts from unsolicited letters herewith are genuine and are quoted with full permission of the writers. 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