Screenland (Nov 1935-Apr 1936)

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94 SCREENLAND il/'dli ImaJ lull Iritjli / 10c f"r a pack~ ' v ^* age containing 2 rinses at all J and IO cent stores. THE, woman with lovely, lustrous, well-kebt hair can face the world with assurance Nothing gives so much boise and conlidence as the certainty of perfect grooming. Colorinse is the ideal hair beauty treatment. This harmless vegetable coloring1 compound rinses youth and brightness into your hair . . . gives it a soft, shimmering, satin-like sheen and leaves it soft, yet manageable, too. The NE5TL E-LeMUFV CDMPflNV. N.V. DANCING BY MAIL I Jl \3 Beg. or Adv. Tap $1. Sample Tap lesson I M r for Beg. with Standard Time-Step &Break. I r\ I 23c BeS Waltz & Foxtrot $1. HAL * * * » LEROY studied here. Send for list "S." KINS ELLA ACADEMY. 2532 May St.. Cincinnati, Ohio For AgeUnesAVrinkles, Flabby Skin, Blemishes, Try This Beauty Secret FREE Gift if You' Send Quick IVlaii Coupon Today for This 3-Minute Beauty Treatment Use Sem-pray Jo-ve-nay Creme just 3 minutes instead of an hour with elaborate beauty treatments. Sem-pray Jo-ve-nay means "Always Young" and this creme youthifies and beautifies skin as nothing else can. Its rare Eastern oils cleanse, freshen, soften and whiten skin instantly. End erasable lines, wrinkles, coarse pores. In new oval container — with push-up bottom. Carry with you for use anywhere. Or obtainable in original cake form if desired. All toilet goods counters, 60c. y*Sem-pray Jo-ve-nay^ FREE — Mail coupon for 7day package Sem-pray Jo-venay Creme. Will include introductory packages Sem-pray , Rouge and Face Powder* FREE. Vliss Elizabeth Husted, Sem-pray Jo-ve-nay Co., Suite 2745-B, Grand Rapids, Mich. Send generous 7-day package Sem-pray Jo-ve-nay Creme. Include introductory packages Sem-pray Rouge and Face rowder FREE. I enclose 10c for packing and mailing. Name Address venture, but perilous. I don't know anything about the technique of this business. All I can do is to say lines written foi me as I think I'd say them in real life. I hope to do it well enough for people to say, 'Well, he wasn't so bad at that !' After all, I'm just a newspaper man." But one who has made his shining mark. A Detroit legend runs that Eddie Guest first gave promise as a minnesinger while working in a drug-store there. "No," he protested, "I never wrote any verses in that drug-store. All I did was mix syrups, squirt soda, and run errands. Two years later, when I was fourteen, I got a job as office-boy with the Free Press. At seventeen I was assistant to the exchange editor, clipping things, including poems, from other papers. Then I decided I could write," as well as clip, verses. My first was a darkey verse. The home idea came to me much later. It was probably second nature, for everything centers there. A man and a woman do not work for themselves, but for their home. So I believed most people would be interested in the idea, that if it appealed to me it would appeal to others." "Were you influenced by any writer, poet or otherwise?" "Not consciously. But when I was a little shaver my mother used to read Shakespeare and Tennyson to me. One thing that always deeply affected me is the scene in 'King John' beginning with the line, 'Heat me these irons hot.' The thought of the little Prince's eyes being burned out made me cry." "So your interest in poetry began at home ?" "My interest in everything began there." "When you get back to your home in Detroit what will you think of Hollywood ?" "I'll think of it with a thousand happy memories." There you have him — "Sentimental Eddie I" The "Farmer" Takes A House Continued from page 57 autographed portraits of stage and screen celebrities that line the walls. The dining-room, with oak-beamed ceiling and heavily carved furniture has quiet charm. There are three bedrooms, each with its own bath. Henry's best friend, James Stewart — who oddly enough is playing in a picture opposite Margaret Sullavan, Henry's ex-wife — spends much time with him ; and now that Kent Smith and John Swope, (whose father is president of General Electric), are out here trying to break into pictures, they too, are frequent house guests. The four are old friends and in fact, once shared an apartment in New York, during their very lean days. Henry's bedroom is down several steps from, the living-room and is imbued with a sort of monastic serenity. The furniture and decorations are severely masculine. There is an artistic corner fireplace and over it hangs a framed picture of Shirley Temple, with a childish scrawl covering half of it. He told me this was Shirley's very first attempt at writing. Always before she had printed her name, and she spent an entire morning laboring over the letters that spell, "To Henry, with love, Shirley." French doors open from Henry's bedroom into the patio, and during the summer he fairly lives in this secluded nook. HOLLYWOOD Safe Cosmetics , Honestly Advertised* . . Better-class dealers everywhere will gladly demonstrate the Flight beauty line of over sixty items. Take no chances with your beauty and health; insist on the best — at Flight's sensible 35c price. WESTCRAFT LABORATORIES LOS ANGELES • CALIFORNIA ifCU/ HOME /IX rr MASSAGER Rivals Professional Massage Now — you may have professional beauty treatments right in your own home daily with the new, amazing 4-In-l ELECTRIC DERMASAGER. Has 4 beautifying attachments that cleanse the pores with a gentle, velvety massaging action, banislf skin blemishes like magic, smooth wrinkles and make you look years younger. Just send us your name and address — and this new, beau' Hying invention may lie yours to try. THE THIEDE CO., P.O.Box 3590, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, III. A Perfect NOSE Can Now Be Yours by Dr. Radio's plastic Methods, developed by many years »r cxoeiicnre. All kin.N uf NOSES RESHAPED; OUTSTANDING EARS CORRECTED; lips rebuilt; lines, wrinkles, blemishes and sears removed. Reduced fees. Consultation and booklet free. Dr. Radin, 1482 Broadway, New York, Dept. S. POEMS Set to Music Published Free Examination — Send Poems to Bachelor of Music 1582 West 27th St. Los Angeles, Calif. NqJoke To Be Deaf —Every deaS person knows tbat— Mr. Way made himself hear his watch tick after |being deaf for twenty-five years, with his Arti|ficial Ear Drums. He wore them day and night. *They stopped his head ? noises. They are invisible wires or batteries. Write for TRUE STORY. Also booklet on Deafness. THE WAY COMPANY 755 Hofmann Bldg. Detroit, Michigan Artificial Ear Drum ITCHING TORTURE STOPPED ii-t one ntimtZe! For quick relief from the itching of piTiples, blotches, eczema, athlete's foot, rashes and other skin eruptions, apply Dr. Dennis' cooling, antiseptic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. Its gentle oils soothe the irritated skin. Clear, greaseless and stainless — dries fast. Stops the most intense itching instantly. A 35c trial bottle, at drug stores, proves it — or money back. Ask for — D.D.D. PJi^cAZ&t£crv%,