Screenland (Nov 1935-Apr 1936)

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96 SCREENLAND Relieves Teething Pains WITHIN 1 MINUTE WHEN your baby suffers from teething pains, just rub a few drops of Dr. Hand'sTeething Lotion on the sore, tender, little gums and the pain will be relieved within one minute* Dr. Hand's Teething Lotion is the prescription of a famous baby specialist, contains no narcotics and has been used by mothers for almost fifty years. It is strongly recommended by doctors and nurses instead of the unsanitary teething ring. JUST RUB IT ON THE GUMS DR.HAND'S Teething Lotion Buy Dr.Mand's from your druggist today Be Your Own MUSIC Teacher LEARN AT HOME to play by note. Piano, Violin, Ukulele, Tenor Banjo, Hawaiian Guitar, Piano Accordion, Saxophone, Clarinet or any otlier instrument. Wonderful improved method . Simple as ABC. No "numbers" or trick music. Cost averages only a few cents a tlav.Over 700,000 students. nprr nrvAir Write today for Free Booklet and Free Demr KLL DUUlV onstration Lesson explaining this; method iO detail. Tell what your favorite instrument is and write name and address plainly. Instruments supplied when needed, cash or credit U. S. SCHOOL OF MUSIC, 1194 Brunswick Bldg., New York, N. Y NO MORE BULGING SHOES Don't let bunions make life miserable for you. Dr. Scholl's Bunion Reducer relieves the pain at once and removes shoe pressure on the tender joint It reduces by the natural process of absorption. Worn invisibly. Hides the bulge, preserves the shape of shoes. Made of soft rubber. 500 each. For wear outside the stocking, Dr. Scholl's Bunion Protector. Made of leather with soft felt padding to protect joint from shoe pressure and preserve shape of shoes. 75f! each. Sold at all drug, dept. and shoe stores. Write for FREE BOOKLET, "The Bunion", to Dr. Scholl's, Inc. 334 W. Schiller St. , Chicago, 111. DrScholls FOOT COMFORT APPLIANCES AND REMEDIES FOR ALL FOOT TROUBLES For instance, he said, "During those early years in New York, when James Stewart, Kent Smith, John Swope and I had our dingy little apartment, off on a side street, we used to round up the whole gang on matinee days, Sullavan and all the rest, who were appearing in nearby theatres. Then, we'd chip in, buy a lot of groceries and go up to our apartment and I'd cook the dinner. Oh, yes, I'm a pretty good cook — when I want to be ! "It was great fun. Everybody would sit around on the floor, in the window sills, any place they could squeeze in ; and while those dinners weren't much on style, boy, oh boy, were they hearty and substantial ! We'd eat up every scrap, then make a dash for the theatre just in time for the eveningperformance. Maybe those were the 'good old days,' who knows?" Reared in Omaha, Nebraska, Henry was twenty before he even discovered the theatre. He had never been the least interested in drama, never took part in the college plays ; his whole thought was centered on a journalistic career. It was one September day in 1925, that out of a clear sky the director of the Omaha Community Playhouse offered him the juvenile role in a play, "You and I," just because he looked the part. Thus his stage career began. There were many ups and downs before he finally landed on Broadway in the leading role of the smash hit, "The Farmer Takes A Wife," where he was seen by screen executives and signed for pictures. Coming to Hollywood, Henry recreated the character of the canal boat driver who yearned to be a farmer, for the film version of this play — and won acclaim. Then, came "Way Down East," followed by "I Dream Too Much," playing opposite Lily Pons, and proving himself a deft comedian. In "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine," Henry says he plays a different kind of a part than he has ever before attempted, it being more or less the heavy. At least, he has a couple of fights, and it is Fred MacMurray who wins the girl, while he wins merely sympathy — and a couple of black eyes ! So now, Henry Fonda is a picture star. He says that is the last thing he ever dreamed of being. But he likes it. He's content to settle down in Hollywood — and has joined the famous group of movie bachelor housekeepers. Flowers in Your Hair Continued from page 13 Orchids and gardenias have an advantage over most other flowers for hair ornaments as they are so lasting and their waxy texture holds up well in hot, crowded rooms. Flattering as flowers and ornaments are, you must not rely on them altogether to make your hair a thing of beauty. Your hair itself must decorate your head. It should be shampooed and brushed to a lustrous sheen. And you should see that your scalp gets the massage and treatment with tonic, ointment, or oil it needs to keep your hair healthy. Extreme, artificial colors are taboo. Beauty shops are finding that fewer and fewer women are satisfied just to have their hair bleached or dyed. More and more are having their hair brought back to its natural color and then touched up with just enough of a tint to intensify the beauty of its natural shade and accentuate the lights. The whole emphasis is on making one's hair look natural, beautiful, and becoming. Waves, like color, are going back to Nature. Unless you're blessed with natural curl, the secret of well-groomed hair is a • Mercolized 'Wax gently melts off faded, discolored outer skin. Reveals the velvety-smooth, soft, beautiful underskin. Blemishes disappear. Mercolized Wax is a complete beauty treatment in a single cream. Contains everything your skin needs. Cleanses. Softens. Beautifies. Protects. Start using Mercolized Wax tonight. Win new skin loveliness. Mercolized Wax brings out the hidden beauty of any complexion. TTSE Saxollte Astringent— a refreshing stimulating skin tonic. Smooths out wrinkles and age lines. Refines coarse pores, eliminates oiliness. Dissolve Saxolite in one-half pint witch hazel. Use dally. HTRY Phelactine — the "different" hair remover. 1 Takes off superfluous hair quickly and gently. Simple to use. Odorless. Thoroughly reliable. At drug and department stores everywhere. IF YOU HAVE GRAY HAIR and DON'T LIKE a MESSY MIXTURE.... then write today for my FREE TRIAL BOTTLE As a Hair Color Specialist with forty years' European American experience, 1 am proud of my Color Imparter for Grayness* Use it like a hair tonic. Wonderfully GOOD for the scalp and dandruff; it can't leave stains. As you use it, the gray hair becomes a darker, more youthful color. I want to convince you by sending my free trial bottle and book telling AM About: Gray Hair. ARTHUR RHODES, Hair Color Expert, Dept 5, LOWELL, MASS. (Toriocd/IrrfM/o^i to quickly relieve the // stinging torment, women y Vj-^ use mild soothing -J m fv6sinoi Sample free. Resino^Dept.dEyBalto. Md. CASH for EASY HOMEWORK LADIES— ADDRESS ENVELOPES— at home. Spare time. $5.00 — $15.00 weekly. Experience unnecessary. Dignified work. Send stamp for particulars. HAWKINS Dept. 36 Box 75 Hammond, Indiana PROFESSIONAL COURSES • SCREEN, STAGE and RADIO TECHNIQUE. Acting-, Dramatics, Voice, Speech and Diction for Announcers, Actors and Singers. Ballet and Stage Dancing. AUDITIONS— TESTS. . . One and Four Year Courses. For information write ITHACA COLLEGE 5 DeWitt Park Ithaca, N. Y. IS Why suffer embarrassment ? Amazing new treatment quickly banishes pimples, blemishes, blackheads and other unsightly skin disorders. Safe, quick, lasting. No rubbing, no soaking, no dangerous method to mar the skin. "SEED A" good for everybody, children, too. A simple, sure way to a healthful, beautiful complexion. Try it, you have nothing to lose; money back if it fails. Send $1.00. THE S E ED A LABORATORIES 2485-65th St., Dept. A-4, Brooklyn, N. Y. Nt 0