Screenland (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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66 SCREENLAND Here's Hollywood For glamorous news, just follow the stars around with SCREENLAND! By Weston East D ILL POWELL was with Jean Harlow, D having a gay time at the Clover Cluh. Which reminds us that Bill has moved again. The small bungalow he rented after disposing of his huge "White Elephant" mansion turned out to be too small, so he's moved into slightly more comfortable quarters. No, there's no indication that he and Jean are going to do anything more serious than be romantic about their romance. The sunlcissed gals above, Jean Perkins, Louise Stuart, and Terry Ray, stick to California; while Ricardo Cortei and his wife, left, and Marion Davies, below, come home from European trips. Right, Mr. and Mrs. Fredric March return to Hollywood from a vacation in the east. CHIRLEY TEMPLE has a new boy O friend. He's none other than Arthur Treacher. And what's more, he's already started to give her jewelry, if you please. It all happened when Arthur was obliged to fasten a small bracelet on Shirley's arm. for scenes in "Stowaway." But instead of using one from the property department, Arthur purchased a real charm bracelet for Shirley on which were fastened, among other amusing miniature objects, a tiny ship and movie camera.