Screenland (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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Correct These Figure Faults Perfolastrc Not Only Confines, It Removes Ugly Bulges! SCREENLAND i Salutes and Snubs Thousands of women today owe their slim youthful figures to the quick, safe way to reduce . . . Perfolastic. "Hips 1 2 inches smaller," says Miss Richardson"Lost 60 pounds and 9 inches," writes Mrs. Derr. Whydon'tyou, too, test the PcrfolasticReducing Girdle and Brassiere at our expense ? IF YOU DO NOT REDUCE 3 INCHES in 10 DAYS . . . it will cost you nothing! Because so many Perfolastic wearers reduce more than 3 inches we believe we are justified in making you the above unqualified agreement. IMMEDIATELY APPEAR INCHES SLIMMER I B Vou appear inches smaller at once, and yet are so comfortable you can scarcely realize that every minute you wear the Perfolastic garments you are actually reducing at hips, waist, thighs and diaphragm .. .the spots where fat first accumulates. You will be thrilled with the results ... as are other Perfolastic wearers ! PERFOLASTIC REDUCES SAFELY ... QUICKLY WITHOUT DIET, DRUGS OR EXCERCISEI ■ You do not have to risk your health or change your comfortable mode of living. No strenuous exercise to wear you out ... no dangerous drugs to take . . . and no diet to reduce face and neck to wrinkled flabbiness. The perforations and soft, silky lining make Perfolastic delightful to wear. 9 See for yourself the wonderful quality of the material ! Read the astonishing experiences of prominent women who have reduced many inches in a few weeks . . . safely . . . and quickly ! You risk nothing . . . why not mail coupon NOW"! PERFOLASTIC, Inc. Dept.732, 41 EAST 42nd ST., New York, N.Y. Please send me FREE BOOKLET describing and illustrating the new Perfolastic Girdle and Brassiere, also sample of perforated material and particulars of your 10-DAY FREE TRIAL OFFER! Name Address City State Use Coupon or Send Name and Address on Penny Postcard It's a record. Doris Nolan is voted to the honor niche by letter writers — making her one of a very few to win such distinction with one important screen role. We salute a welcome new screen beauty and charmer. 10 LOVELIEST LOVELIES? In my estimation these are the ten most beautiful Hollywood women: Dolores Del Rio; Anita Louise; Merle Oberon ; Loretta Young ; Irene Dunne ; Claudette Colbert; Olivia de Havilland; Madge Evans; Gertrude Michael; Luise Rainer. Virginia King, 625 6th Ave., So., Clinton, la. HAIR-SPLITTING DISCUSSION I thoroughly agree with what Harriet Bell said about Dick Powell's moustache in her letter to this department, and I go further and wish Errol Flynn would join Dick in getting rid of his, too ! Helen Hicks, 4 Dogwood Lane, Manhasset, L. I. "GUESS AGAIN" TITLES Surely misleading titles must be bad for the box office. For example, "Desire" suggested sex-drama full of heavy lovemaking, instead of a souffle-light sophisticated comedy. Obviously those who went looking for purple passion drew a blank ; while those who enjoy a good laugh probably were repelled by a suggestive title. Barbara Fletcher 205 Dickson Road, Blackpool, England. GREETS DORIS NOLAN Greetings to a most welcome new screen personality who possesses both beauty and great talent. Doris Nolan's screen debut in "The Man I Marry" is an event. She is superb and we want more of her. Madeline Nueske, 1521 East 96th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. OOP! AN ARGUMENT That crack about a milk-toast to Fred MacMurray by Ann Aventure in Salutes and Snubs, burns me up. Fred can take any role from playboy to hard-riding Westerner and make you love it. So I would say: give the wine toast to Fred and the milk to Clark Gable, Miss Aventure. Jeanette Balser. 370 Park Ave., Arlington, Mass. MAKE WAY FOR TREVOR They work hard, and for all I know to the contrary they may be very good to their families, but I'm snubbing the producers, nevertheless. And because they are not putting Claire Trevor in the kind of pictures she deserves. After seeing Claire in "Star for a Night" I'm surer than ever that she deserves the best. Barbara Torrance, Rock Island, 111. You're Talking! Hollywood's Listening You'll find many interesting ideas expressed in these letters. Whether you agree or disagree with the viewpoints of the writers, you must admit there's food for thought here. And now we've mentioned it, Just which letter here expresses your own thoughts, and which conflicts with your own ideas? Why not tell us, in a letter of your own, how you feel about it; whether you think you know precisely the best role for your screen favorite; how much you liked or didn't like a recent film or performance? You're ideas are welcome. Send letters to: Letter Dept., SCREENLAND, 45 West 45th St., New York, N. Y.