Screenland (May-Oct 1937)

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Acme " " Confidences! Bette Davis, her husband, Harmon Nelson, and Love in bloom! Arline Judge and Dan Topping, millionaire Paul Muni withdraw to a quiet corner for companionable con sportsman, at a popular Hollywood cafe. Romance began for versation during the course of a recent social evening. them when they met in New York not so very long ago. DID you ever hear of a star who had not only one but five doubles? Well, I just discovered the other day that "Silver," Buck Jones' famous horse, has just that. And even people who have worked with Buck and "Silver" for years can't tell the doubles from Buck's favorite. Buck won't take any unnecessary chances with "Silver" and insists that all dangerous riding be done with one of the doubles — just in case. NO ONE can accuse Tyrone Power of not paying his just debts. Seems Tyrone walked into the Victor Hugo the other evening and was invited to join Loretta Young, sister Sally Blane and Norman Foster for a cocktail. Then Tyrone insisted on buying one for the party. When it came time for him to rejoin his own party, he thoughtlessly neglected to Wiic Excitement! Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fonda erpener'ce one of racing's thrills, as they await the judges' decision on a close finish at Santa Anita. settle his bill with Norman. The next day, on the set of "Cafe Metropole," he mentioned the oversight to Loretta. Loretta loves a gag as well as the next one and she saw one looming on the horizon. Without saying any more about the matter, she contacted everyone on the set and collected a penny from each one. These she put_ in a box and wrapped elaborately, sending them around to Norman's office with a note, explaining they were in payment of Tyrone's debt of the night before ! THEY tell me those red roses which are sent around from the florist daily to Clark Gable are from Carole Lombard's florist. We wouldn't want to say Carole actually sends them, but it is a coincidence. JOAN CRAWFORD and Franchot Tone +-) were hosts the other evening to Phil Huston and Olivia de Havilland at dinner at the Troc. It appears Olivia was recently presented to Joan, who became so enthused about her girlish freshness, she wanted to know her better. Hence, the dinner party. Phil, by the way, met Olivia when he worked in a picture with her sister and has since become that intrigued ! Also at the Troc, on the same evening, were Sylvia Sidney with Joe Mankiewicz. SINCE June Lang has broken her engagement to Victor Orsatti, she's been stepping out with Douglas Fowley, Alfred Vanderbilt, Jr., Earl Carroll, and Carl Laemmle, Jr., alternately. OLIVIA DE HAVILLAND is that upset at all the publicity she's been getting about the hermit-like life she leads. She wants it to be known she really isn't trying to be exclusive, but is just so serious about her career she hasn't time to devote to gadding about town to night-clubs, etc. When she's made her mark and meets the right man, Olivia insists she'll tell the world aboutit. IOHN BOLES, Walter Pidgeon, and J Doris Nolan got even with director Eddie Buzzell. Eddie had played a mean trick on them all the first day of shooting on "As Good as Married" by presenting them all with "breakaway" presents. The flowers he sent to Doris crumbled into ashes when she picked them up ; the watch he presented to John broke into a thousand pieces when he attempted to fasten it on his wrist, and the make-up case he'd brought for Walter broke into splinters as he picked it up. So-o-o they were all laying for Eddie and one morning they had their revenge. Eddie came to work attired in a pair of very elegant plaid pants. Taking one look at the creation, they refused to go to work. Eddie was obliged to send over to the wardrobe department for another pair of trousers before they'd budge ! I I ARMON NELSON and Bette Davis I I are at present staging a reunion. Seems Harmon tied up not long ago with a musical agency in New York. But he got so homesick for Bette, he's had himself transferred to the Hollywood office. THE Academy awarding event was brilliant, but no surprise party. Final outcome : Luise Rainer, best actress, for "Great Ziegfeld ;" Paul Muni, best actor, for "Louis Pasteur ;" Frank Capra, top director, for "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town," drew"I told you so's" by the bushel. ANITA LOUISE has just dispatched a > cable to the Rod La Roques in England, asking permission to build a fence around their house, which she is renting. In the last six months, Anita has spent over $150 in rewards for the return of her pet Scotty, which insists on running away regularly. She's hoping the fence will help the situation. Garbo finds fences helpful. AND speaking of Garbo, despite the per> sistent rumors that it's more than just friendship between the Swedish star and George Brent, George insists it's just that. He also maintains there's nothing to the talk about Anita Louise as the second Mrs. Brent. They're also just friends. Further, George says if and when he marries again, he will not marry a professional woman but wishes to be the sole wage-earner in the family. So there you are! TONY MARTIN, of the golden voice, I received quite a blow to his vanity the other day when he entertained his former boss, Tom Gueron, manager of the Bal Tabarin Cafe in San Francisco, by taking him to the fights. They're awfully good friends and can take quite a lot of ribbing from one another. However, Tony was just a little pleased at showing Tom around the town since he'd become somewhat of a success, but was trying not to show it. Just as they came out of the fights, three young boys rushed up. Tony puffed up a bit and got out his pencil to autograph the slips of paper the boys were carrying. But much to his surprise, they ignored him completely and asked Tom for his autograph ! Tom is quite handsome and they thought he must be a movie star at least, but didn't give Tony a tumble. (Please turn to page 99) 65