Screenland (May-Oct 1937)

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amor SCREENLAND Sch oo Edited by One of Hollywood's prettiest and most popular girls gives a gay salute to the smart Summer season in clothes and accessories as appropriate as they are chic Glamor School photographs of Sally Eilers by Ray Jones. Above, Sally wears a natural linen sports dress which zips up the side, has a low square neckline, and flared skirt. Matching the brown red belt is a brief handknit sweater with short sleeves and bolero length. Brown beret, sports bracelet add to the saucy effect. Right, Sally goes nicely nautical in the dependable blue denims girls dote on: shorts topped by mess jacket fastened with large gold anchor buttons, over a red and blue printed cotton blouse. Sally's blue and white linen sandals match her cap. Far right, spectator sports outfit with true chic — the dress fashioned of rough homespun linen in a smart shade of rust, with large patch pockets outlined in saddle-stitching; waist-length jacket of white linen, and toyo hat. Sally's handbag and sandals are of rust patent leather. 58