Screenland (May-Oct 1937)

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TOO FAT for years *Then Reduced this EASY WAY! "NOW I C&H WEAR STYLISH CLOTHES" %Don't put up with ugly fat, so often due to causes which1 can be controlled. Try this modern way to reduce without starvation diets or strenuous exercise. This method supplies a needed substance often lacking for the control of reducible fat. Why not do as thousands of other now slender, happy women have done? Read what Mrs. L. R. Schulze, of Jackson, Mich., writes: "After being overweight for years I tried RE-DUCE-OIDS and lost 55 lbs.! I look ten years younger!" From Crandon, Wise, Mrs. Porter Tyler writes: "I reduced 67 lbs., and felt better right from the start, felt fine when taking RE-DUCE-OIDS. Now it is a pleasure to wear all the new fashions!" Mrs. W B. Smith, of Lyons Station, Pa., writes: "I lost 34 lbs.. 5 lbs. the first week." Mrs. Gladysse Ryer, Registered Nurse of Dayton writes of losing 47 lbs. with very satisfactory results. Miss Elnora Hayden of Merlon, Pa., reports reducing 30 lbs. Miss Loretta Lee of the Southside Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles, and many others write of their remarkable success with RE-DUCE-OIDS, the easy way. S IMPORTANT! Positively NO Dinitrophenol. Pleasant to take. Genuine RE-DUCE-OIDS have been sold by leading stores for 22 years. SATISFACTION or MONEY BACK IN FULL — if results do not please you. The generous supply package sells for $2, 3 packages for $5 at your drug or department store. If your dealer is out he can get RE-DUCE-OIDS quickly -t-ask him to phone his wholesaler today. FREE — WEIGHT CONTROL CHART, tells how others lost controllable fat, pound after pound. Shows your proper weight, and gives full instructions for keeping your own weight control record at home. You need this valuable and helpful Chart to reduce. Sent FREE and postpaid, no charge or obligation. Write today to Dept. S 379. American Medicinal Products, Inc., 746 Sansome St.. San Francisco, Calif. Sent in plain envelope, no embarrassment. Yoia Can Regain Perfect Speech, if you STAMMER Send foday for beautifully illustrated book entitled "DON'T STAMMER," which describes the Bogue Unit Method for the scientific correction of stammering and stuttering. Method successfully used at Bogue Institute for 36 years — since 1901. Endorsed by physician?. Full information concerning correction of stammering sent free. No obligation. Benjamin N. Bogue, Dept. 520, Circle Tower, Indianapolis, Ind. SAIBA 31 A S? M & Wanted At Once! niii rot ms Ms Sacred, Comic or any subject. Don't delay — send best poem today for our offer. RICHARD BROS., 28 Woods Bldg., Chicago, III. KILL THE HAIR ROOT Remove the hair permanently, safely, privately at home, following simple directions. The Mahler Method positively prevents the hair from growing again. The delightful relief will bring1 happiness, freedom of mind and greater success. Backed by 35 years of successful use all over the world. Send 6c in stamps TODAY for illustrated Booklet, "How to Remove Superfluous Hair Forever." D. J. Mahler Co., Dept. 29K, Providence, R. I. HaveTheAppearariceOf FLAWLESS SKIN . This Summer / SO EASY to make blemishes vanish from sight ! Simply do this: 1. Apply new, amazing "HIDE IT." 2. Let dry. 3. Add powder and usual make-up. Gives skin clear-looking beauty in seconds! Conceals pimples, freckles, birthmarks, scars, discolorations. Go swimming or sunning, Hf m *JL "HIDE-IT"won'tstreakoreasi■m ft Ajfif ly rub off. $1 at Dept. and Drug TRIAL ciark-MiNner"co"., 666 St. Clair, Dept. 19-J,Chicago I enclose 10c (Canada 15c) for "Hide-it." □ Cream □ Stick Check Shade: n Light □ Medium a Brunette □ Sun Tan Name Town Address State its opening, and then as the factory whistles screeched their lunch time warning and the sun rode high in the sky there was Baby Face seeing his mother again. She didn't know him at first. There in the dark hall where he had followed her and she had stopped suddenly on the stairs as if she were too old and too tired to crawl up them again. She had seen him in the dim light and it hadn't meant anything. Then his voice had come, softly, urgently, "Mom, Mom! How are you, Mom? It' 9 me. It's me. I only had my face fixed." She had straightened then and her hand had gone quickly to her heart beating faster than an old heart should be called on to beat, but her voice had come cold. "You no-good tramp !" "Mom !" Funny how much like a child's his voice was, this man who had killed eight men. "Ain't you glad to see me ?" He ran up to her and stood beside her and she flinched away from him and stared. Then her hand swept out hard across his face. "That's how glad I am !" Her mouth tightened against that wild hammering ;" her blood. "You rotten yellow dog, you. You ain't no son of mine. What do you want from me now ? Get out of here, before I kill you. Just stay away and leave us alone." Baby Face stared at her and his words came in a half sob. "I killed a guy for looking at me the way you are now." He watched her turn and hold hard on the bannister as she dragged herself up, then his voice came again pleading : "Do you need any dough ?" "Keep your blood money." She looked at him again. "You'll be needing it. They'll get you soon enough." "Me?" The man flung his head back and laughed. "They won't get me. Not Martin. Huh, not Baby Face Martin." "Baby Face. Baby Face." She felt her words flung back at her and then she trembled. "I remember — " That night he was born, lying on the bed in her arms. And then afterwards, the first time she read he had killed a man. She pulled herself up violently. "I ought to be killed for giving you life. Murderer ! Murderer !" So this was what he had come home for, all the way across the country. He walked slowly down to the docks and stood for a long time looking over the water, then he turned as he saw the gang of kids closing in around the rich little boy from the apartment house. Baby Face laughed as he saw Tommy take the watch away from Philip. The beautiful gold wrist watch he had liked to show off so ostentatiously and laugh when he saw the greed come into their faces, Served the kid right, the gangster thought. Served him good and right, and he felt pride in the boy who was taking his place, here on this street where he had been born and brought up too. Dave was standing under the deserted sand-hopper near the excavation across from the apartment house where soon another great, terraced home for the rich would be going up. He could see her terrace better from here than from any other place on the street. And he felt that curious excitement that always came with the hope of seeing her too. Drina saw him as she was coming home and even though things were different than they used to be she couldn't help going up to him and smiling. "Oh, hello, Drina." Dave's voice sounded far away. "You're home early." "I've got news." Her smile quivered. "I'm afraid to think about it. Today the boss said our committee should come in and talk things over with him and maybe — but just maybe — " Her eyes were filling now, "Oh, that raise would mean a lot ! I could get Tommy away from here." "Far enough away ?" Dave said. "I don't know. I can only try." The man was sorry now for the doubt he had instilled in her. "You'll be all right." He smiled. "You'll always be all right." "Sure." Drina's chin trembled. "I'll be all right. Drina will be all right. Drina was good to her mother. Drina's good to her brother. Drina works hard. Drina works and cooks and cleans and goes to bed to have enough sleep to work the next day." Her mocking sing-song voice stopped suddenly and she thrust her head up violently. "I've heard that since I was ten years old. I'm tired of hearing it. Don't say it again. Maybe I'll go away. I mean far away." She smiled as she saw him suddenly surprised, suddenly anxious. "You see I know a man," she watched him hungrily as she spoke. "He's very rich and he likes me. I met him in the subway. He's very good-looking. Well, it wasn't right but I didn't care so he took me to Charming matron of films! Billie Burke whose latest picture is "Topper." dinner, the kind of dinner you can have anything you like. He's very, very rich. He's got a house in New York and a wonderful house in the country. I like that best because that looks like a Christmas card with chickens and snow. He likes me." "Do you like him, Drina?" Dave asked and suddenly he knew that her answer meant a lot to him, that he was afraid of what she was going to say. And looking at him she saw what he was feeling and the heart that had lain so heavy and still in her began beating again in desperate hope. But she couldn't go on pretending. Not with Dave. "I don't know." She turned away so he would not see her eyes. "I made it all up. Not now. Years ago. When I was a kid. I know that house in the country so well I could almost build it. And he would be young and very kind." "I wish I could buy you those things." Dave took her arm and now that he knew she wasn't really going away she became just Drina again. Dear as Drina could be and as familiar too. "I even wish I could find him for you," he said, and thought he meant it. The bright smile was gone now. "Do you ?" she said, and her voice came dull and heavy. She stopped suddenly at the wild commotion in the street and saw the tall, pompous man who had caught Tommy by the wrist and the boy Philip shouting as he jumped up and down. "He's the one. He's got my watch." "Why did you beat my son?" Mr. Griswold said furiously. And then as he turned to call for a policeman Drina saw Tommy make that quick, furtive movement and saw 94 SCREENLAND