Screenland (May-Oct 1938)

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DON'T DELAY! SOFT, TENDER, BLEED! NG GUMS /IRE SEE your dentist at first sign of soft, tender, bleeding gums. He can give you expert care. But he needs your help, too. Forhan's Does Both Jobs CLEANS TEETH • AIDS GUMS Dentists advise daily gum massage to help prevent gum trouble and to help keep teeth brilliant. Use Forhan's Toothpaste and massage twice everyday. Forhan's is different. It contains a special ingredient for the gums. "LEGPADS" MAKE SHAPELY LIMBSDEFT DETECTION. Legs thin, bowed and Kickets made to appear attractive. RUBBER BUST FORMS for breast amputations and undeveloped busts. ELASTIC CORSETS AND STOCKINGS. REDUCING RUBBER GARMENTS. WIGS, TOUPEES AND EYELASHES. Rubber Face Masks, Face Lifters, Cosmetics. Artificial Finger Nails. Strip Tease & Female Impersonators' Outfits. Booklet, 10c, deductible from order. L. H.SEYMOUR, 246-Fifth Ave., New York.N.Y. AT home: Learn to color photos and miniatures in oil. No previous experienceneeded. Good demand. Send for free booklet, "Make "oney at Home" and reauirements. NATIONAL ART SCHOOL 3601 Michigan Ave. Dept. 4437 Chicago HAVE YOU A SONG IN YOUR HEART? You may just hit it! Many amateurs have received big royalties. Why not try it? No experience required. You write the words or melctlies — we do the rest. Experts in every branch of songwriting will write, arrange and compose music to your lyrica or lyrics to your music in professional form. Marketing distribution. „ . . Send for our "Free Instruction Folder" today. STUDIO SONG SERVICE SUl Guaranty Bldg. Hollywood, Calif. E. (45th Year) Drama, Dance, Vocal for Acting, Teaching, Directing. Stage, Screen, Radio. Stock theatre appearance, filming, screening & broadcasting while learning. Graduates: Una Merkel, Fred Astaire, Lee Tracy. (Separate Children's Dent.) Catalog. Sec'y Land, 66 W. 85th St., N. Y. Theatre Greater opportunities now in advertising. Learn easily and quickly in epare time. Practical work. No text books. Old established school. Low tuition — Easy terms. Send for free booklet and requirements. Page-Davis School of Advertising Dept. 4437, 36© 1 Mich. Av. .Chicago NO FRIENDS SINCE PIMPLES CAME? Get this help in guarding against skin-blotching intestinal poisons Are ugly skin eruptions spoiling your good times . . . making others shun you? Find out what the trouble may be — and take steps to help it. Between the ages of 13 and 25, or even longer, important gland changes often upset the system. The skin often becomes oversensitive. Waste poisons from the intestinal tract may get into the blood stream . . . and be carried to the skin to cause disfiguring pimples. Many have been helped by the regular use of Fleischmann's Yeast. Millions of tiny, live plants in each cake of this fresh food act to help keep intestinal waste poisons from the blood . . . and so help your broken-out skin. Start eating Fleischmann's Yeast now — one cake % hour before meals. Buy some today! but what's the idea of this Crown jewel?" "Think nothing of it," said Dick. "It has to look genuine, doesn't it? And I'm no tightwad. Don't be a piker." "Piker? You call twenty-five thousand — " "All right, skip it ! I'll pay for this myself !" Ben Glassman's brows were puzzled as he watched Dick walk away. Dick Ramsey was chuckling as he walked out on the terrace, tired of the noisy party and the smokeladen air. Hollywood had come to honor him and Jean, but the eyes of the guests were full of challenge ; they were intent on their own high-tension familiarity, their own place in the spotlight of fame. Jean, he saw, through the window, was surrounded by an admiring group. His heart drummed with the pleasure of his secret knowledge : this unbelievable little beauty — this girl with the starry, wine-colored eyes and the crushed poppy mouth belonged to him ! He lighted a cigarette, and stood near the deserted swimming pool. The night was still and lovely. The orange trees swayed in a night wind saline with the ghostly savor of the sea, and the garden, nearby. He looked up, eagerly, as a slim, feminine figure approached, heralded by a fugitive vanguard of costly perfume. In the clear moonlight he recognized her, with a sense of disappointment. The girl was dark, directly, primitively beautiful. Every movement of her shapely limbs was designed to aggravate masculine attention, too quickly, too easily. Her swaying body and reckless eyes started a train of thought. Dick said: "Hello, Ruby! You're looking fine." She laughed easily and sat down with him, her eyes masked. "You're a good-looking brute," she said, lightly. "Haven't seen much of you, since your engagement. What's the gag, Dick?" "No gag, Ruby," he answered,_ easily. "I wondered," she said, "if it was a studio gag. You dropped me like a hot potato. I suppose I belong in an older script?" His expressive face sharpened. He said, still easily: "You flatter me, Ruby. You have so many admirers — " She chuckled, interrupting. "You do these imperturbable parts so beautifully, my talented darling ! It all looks like a gag to me, dear. How long are you supposed to play around with the milk-and-honey angel?" "It's no gag," he said, quietly. "It's real, Ruby." She sat facing the house, and she saw the slim figure of Jean emerge. Banked fires smouldered in Ruby's obsidian eyes. She sidled close to Dick and threw her arms around his neck. Her eyes were suddenly luminous with avid desire, an unchecked rapacity was on her hungry mouth. "In that case, darling," she murmured, "you might kiss me goodbye — " He drew his head away in distaste, but she pulled it down to hers and crushed her lips to his, holding him with a surprising strength. They both heard the slight swish of Jean's dress. She stood, looking at them, wide-eyed. Ruby laughed with the assurance of a woman who is accustomed to dominating situations. "I don't find you amusing as the strong, silent type, Dick," she said, with easy urbanity. "You might introduce me?" Jean said, deliberately : "Is that necessary? I've heard of you — from Dick. You're Ruby Lloyd, aren't you? You're singing at the Swan's Pond." Dick's face was dark with annoyance. Jean continued, without a trace of feeling: "I've heard a lot about you. You're really better-looking than I expected. Superficially, one might think you were really a nice girl." Ruby smiled. "Charmed, I'm sure!" she murmured. "I also feel that I know you — Dick forming a sort of intimate connecting link between us." She turned to Dick with a poised deliberateness : "Your new fiancee need;-, to be housebroken, Dick. One detects the presence of claws. Come and see me, darling, when the milk diet palls. I get so lonesome for you — " He began, furiously, "Ruby ! You should—" "Tut-tut !" she admonished, her eyes greedy and hot, like an angry cat's. "Too bad ladies can't use the same kind of words men do, isn't it? Be seeing you, darling!" She walked away, poised, with an exhibitionist's skill in the handling of dilemma. Jean and Dick watched her go. "I suppose you think, Jean — " he began. "I don't dear," she said, softly. "I watched her, knowing she was an old flame. Dick, how much did she mean to you before — " "Nothing, darling ! I took her out several times, she came to two of my limited house parties, that's all." "You didn't love her? You don't now?" "No ! Don't get any ideas ! She thought that our engagement was all a studio gag." "Isn't it? Some people are bound to think so—" "But, darling! We two know better! I hate this ! You're my wife, why can't we tell?" "Not yet, dear. Why, if we were suddenly known to be married, it would spoil all of Glassman's ballyhoo. We're supposed to stage a love story. People like to think stars are in love with each other, maybe, but married!" "Okay!" he shrugged. "Okay! But I don't like it! If you loved me the way I do you—" "Oh, don't I, my dear?" she whispered, brokenly. "Don't I?" "Come here, Mrs. Ramsey," he said. "Into the shadows!" She was sitting in her lot bungalow, the next day, dreaming, wrapped in happiness and in a perfect peace. In a few minutes, she would go home. Dick, mysteriously, had claimed a business appointment tonight. He had questioned her, obliquely, about the great Travers home. She had seen it. A Mediterranean villa, a show place, with white marble steps leading to the eucalyptuslined terrace. She had been told that except for the Villa D'Este, it was the most beautiful house of its type ever built. In her heart, she knew that Dick meant to buy it for their future home. He had been so devious, and so apparent ! She looked at herself, make-up off, and_ saw a young girl whose eyes were like twin altar lamps, shining with her dreams. The telephone rang. She answered, a slight smile on her lips. A moment later she said, "Who?" and the blood drained from her lips and cheeks. Incredulity and fear came into her eyes. She called to her maid : "You may go, Nora," she said, limply. The maid bobbed her head in the door and left. Jean's hand went to her heart, as if to still the thunderous throb of it; then she spoke into the phone: "Hello? Now, will you please repeat that? I'm afraid I misunderstood you. You said — ?" Free for Asthma If vou suffer with attacks of Asthma so terribie you choke and gasp for breath, if restful sleep is impossible because of the struggle to breathe, if you feel the disease is slowly wearing your life away, don't fail to send at on e to the Frontier Asthma Co. for a free trial of a remarkable method. No matter where you live or whether you have any faith in any remedy under the Sun, send for this free trial. If you have suffered for a lifetime and tried everything you could learn of without relief ; even if yon are utterly discouraged, do not abandon hope but send today for this free trial. It will cost you nothing. Address Frontier Asthma Co. 462 Niagara St. 32-D Frontier Bldg. Buffalo, N. y. 96 Scree nl and