Screenland (May-Oct 1939)

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EYEBROW PENCILS Youinsistonttiegc" Eyebrow Pen^^ ^apedng leCtly,P1t has u ^theright softness br0W 7n easily without smearing to go on easl f„ in„redients are so harm ess, even surg .n{enor marking the ^ J unbecoming auality-or smudgy, eyebrows? Make : su M beUme sirable results 8" 3 p u to_ smoolh-mark,n& Eyebrow r ^ ^ day at any \£ ^^ck. Brown, difference 1 Shades P" (and Blue for eyelid liner j. vould LARGEST SELLING EYEBROW PENCIL IN THE WORLD WANTED AT ONCEI Mother, Home, Love, Patriotic, Sacred, Comic or any subject. Don't delay — send ua "our original poem today for immediate consideration. RICHARD BROS.. 28 Woods Building, Chicago, III. SONG POEMS Be free from worry about your next asthmatic attack with Dr. R. Schiffmann's ASTHMA DOR. Depended upon by thousands all over the world, ASTHMADOR'S aromatic fumes reduce the severity of paroxysms, bring welcome relief. With ASTHMADOR handy in any of its three convenient forms — powder, cigarette, or pipe mixture — you need never suffer the acute agony of another attack. At all druggists, or write for a free sample, S. SCHIFFMANN CO., Lot An3elesf Calif., Oept.B-9 WAKE UP ■; ■ Without Calomel — And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go The liver should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up your stomach. You get constipated. Your whole system is poisoned and you feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. A mere bowel movement doesn't get at the cause. It takes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these two pounds of bile flowing freely and make you feel "up and up." Harmless, gentle, yet amazing in making bile flow freely. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by name. 25c at all drug stores. Stubbornly refuse anything else. Camera-Crazy Continued from page 63 so many beautiful doors with heavy doorknobs, old latches, wonderful hinges and lovely old grained woods, that I'd go out walking and come back with no notion of anything I'd passed except the hundreds of perfectly beautiful old doors," she confessed. "Doors, doorways and arches — they are my meat for pictures. They make such frames . for shots. In Italy, T found more gorgeous doors — old bronze doors so old that the bronze is beyond even being green, just soft and smooth and beautiful. There were elaborate doors, carved, set with stones, painted, inlaid — oh, I was entranced with them ! "I used to drive a great deal, and when I'd come to a view, I'd shriek: 'Stop!' and pop out of the car with my camera. I remember once on the -Amalfi Road we came to a marvelous shot and I shouted: 'Stop!' My driver shook his head. 'No, no, too dark!' he said. 'It'll be black.' But it wasn't. It was really very good. "I love doing hard things. That's wrong, you know. I should be willing to start out by doing very simple things and progress as I learn. But it's the hard things that interest me. I made a shot through the sails on a little boat in the Bay of Capri, a difficult shot, and was I thrilled when it came out well ! "Next time I go, I'm hoping to have another camera fiend with me so that he or she can take pictures of me in certain places, when I've worked out the shot. It would be easier to use the camera that way, too, because two people don't attract so much attention as a lone individual who leaps up on rails, or crouches under hedges, or bounces up and down stairways and so on, grabbing angle shots. I'm sure my various chauffeurs thought me mad." When Rosalind sets out for her next trip, she intends to have a central idea that will string the pictures together. As it was, the nearest she came to one idea was in Italy. "For some reason, I seem to have gone in for pictures of art once I arrived in Italy," she commented, glancing through the prints. "I was determined to bring back my own shots of the work of famous artists. I don't know why when you can buy copies of any of them anywhere. But to me the copies look so uninteresting. I don't know what's the matter with them, but they don't do justice to the originals, they are flat and dull. Among other things, I shot the Boy David by Michael Angelo. I'm a fool for Michael Angelo, anyway. I tried desperately to get his Moses, my favorite of all his works, but that is in a church, and those churches are all so dark! It takes you minutes to see anything when you go in from the sunshine outside, and even when you can tell gray from black, you can't make out any too much. "I went back several times to see Moses, but even when someone held a door partly open for me, it was so dim I couldn't even make an attempt to take a picture. I don't know whether they would have let me take it, if I had tried, but there was no use trying. Even / saw that! I've had some success with indoor shots, but I've made them without flood lights or flash lamps, using only electric lamps. I made time shots in my living room with the little old Argus camera, moving my lamps around till I had what I thought I wanted, setting up the camera and shooting according to my own ideas with fairly good results. "I like shadows in a picture, as I suppose most camera fiends do. but I wouldn't shoot something merely because it had a nice shadow. It should mean something to me. The shadows are very nice on this shot of the walk of Garbo's villa down to the Mediterranean, on the corridor of San Michele, in this one, and on the street in Pompeii, but each shot also was interesting of itself. I like this shot made from Garbo's villa terrace of the village of Amalfi. This one of Martini's at Capri is interesting, and this one of my balcony at Sorrento, Italy. To be frank, each shot recalls something I like to remember. That's the fun of owning cameras!" Long Story on Hair Continued from page 72 DO YOU WANT A NEW LIPSTICK? Our May beauty bulletin offers you a sweet gift — a gorgeous new tone in a fine miniature lipstick. This is the tone for your Summer pastels. There's also news on general good looks, fashion and some of the little points that make living more fun. The bulletin is yours for a three-cent stamp to Courtenay Marvin, 45 West 45th Street, New York City. In fact, hair styles have never been so versatile. You can choose just about what you want, and if it suits you, it can be smart. It's smart, that is, if you have good hair. Good hair need not mean brilliant or exotic coloring. But it does mean hair so clean and fresh that it is inviting to the touch, as is a child's. Hair that has a normal sparkle and sheen because it is brushed daily. Hair — and this is so important — arranged neatly, according to its design. This, particularly, is a trick that gives that "just from the hairdresser" look. Yet it is surprising how many neglect to arrange a curl smoothly, so that little frowzy ends do not show ; how many neglect a little sweep or two from a purse comb when the hat is removed to restore that pristine look. Hair grooming, like manicuring, can take plenty of time and money, if you can't help yourself. You can, however, train yourself to do a beautiful home job between beauty shop visits, and time and again this ability will save a situation. A shampoo, for instance, can be very quick and successful if you have a good preparation. A liquid is generally endorsed for this purpose. However, there are still some "specials" in soaps with their own particular virtues. There is one that encourages the curl in hair, and mothers find it a joy in training more curl into little sister's or brother's pate. There is another, too, that leaves grey or white with a pearly tone, correcting the tendency toward yellowy streaks. This soap is ideal for the over-bleached, too, since it tones down the color. There is a special shampoo for blondes, also, that while it does not bleach — lightens the hair very gradually. A tip for blondes who are darkening too rapidly. Then, there is a fairly new one, neither a soap nor an oil, say the makers, in liquid form that is sweeping the country. It works equally well in cool or warm water, something to remember at vacation time. It is an advanced step in cleansing ingredients, and it needs no special rinse. One special virtue is that it leaves hair so manageable, as well as soft, shining and silky. Many perfectly good shampoos of the soap order need an extra rinse to completely remove any soap residue. Two of the home standbys of Hollywood are the lemon and the vinegar rinse. Both of these , are -particularly good for the oily hair and 86 SCR EE-N LAND