Screenland (May-Oct 1939)

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Let the Stars Reveal Your Destiny Continued from page 31 will attract the greatest happiness in love and marriage. Olivia further lives up to the Cancer character by being creative and artistic. Her chart also shows she will have a chance to either study music or to sing on the screen in the future. Charles Laughton, that delightful rogue of the screen, is another Cancer-born star. Mr. Laughton's chart reveals that he will make several more pictures in England, and that he will have an opportunity to come to America again in two years' time to make other pictures. Lupe Velez, born on July 18th, is another Cancer type whose chart reflects the turbulence in love that has caused disturbances to so many people born in this Sign. Her marriage to Johnny Weissmuller ended because they were born under incompatible Signs. In reading Lupe several years ago, I was able to predict that separation. Then, last of all, there is Irene Dunne, born on July 14th, who has been able to avoid the heartaches that often come to this Sign, for Irene's marriage to Dr. Francis Griffin has been a notable success. Her chart reveals that she will continue on the screen for some time to come. It can be seen by peering into the future for these screen favorites born in the Sign of Cancer, that there are really many startling changes in the coming months. If YOU were born in this Sign, get ready for immediate action, for you will have changes in the home, in business, and even in finances. If you are planning a romantic change at the present time, it might prove helpful to know which Signs in the Zodiac are considered the most compatible for Cancer-born. These are the Signs that are suitable for friendship, romance or marriage. Pisces, February 19 to March 20. (Franchot Tone is typical of this Sign.) Scorpio, October 23 to November 22, with John Boles and Hedy Lamarr as outstanding examples. Libra, September 23 to October 22, (Carole Lombard and Janet Gaynor are Libra-born.) Or Capricorn, December 22 to January 19. (Ray Milland and Kay Francis are Capricorn types.) WHAT DOES THIS MONTH HOLD FOR YOU? Naturally, for each and every person, no matter when the birthdate, there is a different fortune indicated by the planets for this month. Do the stars show a change in YOUR romantic destiny? Will you have good luck in your affairs? Will finances be better, and what about matters of health, travel, and business? The indications in the stars point out the mile-stones of life and we need but tune our ears to the higher cosmic radiations of the planets to learn how to chart our future destinies. Consult the section below that contains your birth date, and let the information there help guide you to happiness and fulfillment. March 21 to April 20 — Aries Be cautious during the first week of this month. Do not make changes in business without first being certain of another position. Finances will be better in the latter part of the month. A new romance may develop with someone you have just met and you may seriously consider marriage in the coming months. If married, do not act in haste if disturbances exist, as Mars is somewhat afflicted, and may cause you to act rashly. Good days for business, romance, travel, health : the 5th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 14th, 17th, 20th, 22nd, 24th, 28th and 30th. Most of this month is favorable, but on adverse days beware of taking chances, and avoid extravagances or hasty action. The month ends on a more optimistic note and your chances for financial betterment are vastly improved over what they were last month. Business may pick up, too. April 21 to May 20 — Taurus Venus, the planet ruling love brings you a decision that you may have to make in the love life at this time. A romance of long-standing may end in marriage for the planets favor home and romantic activities for the Taurus-born this month. Outstanding events in the social life may occur on the 4th, 15th, or 21st. The month is excellent for promotion, advertising, dealings with publishers, printers, authors and creative artists in all fields. Push all ideas of a creative nature, and attend to business, for the month may reveal hidden opportunities that could bring you a step closer to fame and fortune. The aspects are good for short or long journeys by land, also for changes in residence. The good days for promoting all personal affairs and business ventures are: 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th, 12th, 16th, 19th, 23rd and 27th. The other days are noc adverse, but merely neutral. May 21 to June 20 — Gemini Domestic upheavals may exist for many married Gemini-born this month unless extreme caution is used in the domestic relations. A strained and tense condition is being created this month by the ruling planet Mercury. However, to be forewarned is to be forearmed, so avoid all arguments or controversies that threaten to become bitter, and watch the tongue and temper. The romantic situation should remain about the same, although the duality of this Sign inclines to two romances with indecision ruling the month. Finances are steadier, with a chance to make a change in business that would appear beneficial. The good days are: 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 17th, 22nd, 24th, 28th and_30th. The other days are not especially active, so seek relaxation and rest, and avoid overdoing or worrying this month. June 21 to July 22 — Cancer To what we have already said about Cancer for this month, we may add that the various changes shown by your ruling planet the Moon, are in the nature of startling and radical departure from the ordinary routine of your life. You may find yourself moving to another location, in another city. A new position may be sought out with profit to yourself and your future. The aspects this month favor new romance, or the culmination of a long-standing romance. Good for marriage but not for separations. Those Cancer-born who have not found happiness in marriage should wait a little longer before taking steps to correct this condition. July 23 to August 22 — Leo This romantic Sign of Leo, ruling the entertainment world and the public, comes into high favor at this time. The . cosmic radiations are agreeable for any and all financial ventures, the bigger the better, for nothing can hold you back if you act in unison with your planetary indications. This is Robert Taylor's birth Sign; also Norma Shearer's and Myrna Loy's, as well as about forty other big screen stars. It is one of the Signs that is forging ahead rapidly toward a great goal, so get in line with the energy released by your star and carry your plans through to pronounced success this month ! Romance is favored, also travel, and plans for a marriage in the near future. The adverse days are few this month : the 2nd, 15th, 17th, and 28th. All other days are favorable for routine affairs. August 23 to September 22 — Virgo This month may tend to tear up cer long-standing conditions in your life 1 will really all be for the best. Prepan make mental adjustments to this situat for your ruler, Mercury brings restless; to the mind and a changing scene in departments of your life. Good for sigt papers, real estate, literary or musical tivities, also secretarial work. Money \ come from some unexpected source. As: ance or promotion is favored in busir Prepare for a change in the home, the gree depending on whether you are ha or not. Romantically you are in line 3 change and an opportunity may come to at this time to make that change poss September 23 to October 22 — Libt This month is excellent for most Li born. It is Janet Gaynor's birth Sign the romantic fulfillment that came to only a few months ago is evidence most Libra-born will have ample rorn£ opportunity this year to find happines love. You may settle down more than have in the past year, for your n planet, Venus, also rules love, and g you the dynamic energy and attractive at this time that is sure to attract on more interested parties. Finances may be unsettled, but they are improving stea This month favors activities in cosine restaurants, office work, designing, or terior decorating. Also rules over acti-s of teachers and actors, or those in the tertainment world. The adverse days 1st, 4th, 8th, 18th, and 30th. The c days favor business, romance, travel, health. October 23 to November 22 — Scorp The activity of Mars during this m may cause you to act without first thin out every move. You may be restless anxious to make a change under these v tions, and the month is one that holds promise of unusual conditions for pro ing your own interests. It favors sellin promoting products, also publications, vertising, writing, or other contacts those in 'the literary world. A good to step out into business for yourse you have saved enough money. You sh take a definite step toward indepenc and freedom, for financial worries and 1 have taxed your energies lately. Ro;| tically no change is advised unless a s tion becomes intolerable. The best day ' seeking advancement are : 2nd, 6th, 14th, 15th, 18th, 21st, 23rd, 27th, and « November 23 to December 21 — Sagitt The ruling planet for your Sign is ter, ruler of money and business, and month you are under benefic rays should bring you close to the attainme your goal in money matters. A suddei: unexpected source may be revealed will profit you financially. Good for in ments in stocks and bonds, real estate, safe business venture, but avoid par ships. Splendid musical and artistic v tions come to this Sign this month Romantically you are not under pres and have plenty of time to seek happ in romance in the future. Reserve you cision regarding any present romanc marriage that may exist in your life this month does not favor radical cht in affairs of the heart. There are no ticularly adverse daysthis i. December 22 to Januar "aprie The slightly on of S; that you raaj lg yc due to pass •••». his m Look for a i bai s that materially bengfil you ; iter the fifte i The sudden up n in ih ers o: Capricorn-bon screen is an in j 78