Screenland (May-Oct 1940)

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use their great powers of mind constructively, they come into the true destiny for which they were born. Like the lion which symbolizes this sign, they are kings of all they survey. We have been so busy giving the wrong signs for marriage with one born in Leo that we must not lose sight of the fact that there are compatible signs also. They are listed in the following order of preference: Aries, March 21 to April 20, (Bette Davis and Joan Crawford are typical of girls born in this sign, and William Holden and Spencer Tracy are two Aries men). Sagittarius, November 23 to December 21, is second best — (Deanna Durbin, Susanna Foster, Frances Dee and Dorothy Lamour types, and among the men Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.) Aquarius, January 20 to February 18, is the third best sign for romance and marriage — many Leo persons have found supreme happiness in marriage with those born in Aquarius. (Adolphe Menjou and Jack Benny are typical of this sign). To prove that Leo subjects have been under a solar eclipse for some time, let's catalogue the movie players born in this sign and follow what they have been doing. Take Dolores Del Rio, one of the most stunning and gifted women ever to grace the screen. She is now coming out of the lamentable oblivion in which she has languished during the past few years. Her marriage collapsed, due to no fault of her own, and owing to sun spot afflictions. I feel that a reconciliation with her husband within a year is possible and advisable. When this negative phase passes, Dolores and Cedric Gibbons can find happiness again. Leo people do not give in easily to grief because they are optimistic and progressive by nature, but when they are floored by fate they rise with renewed determination. This sign is truly invincible, and generally most fortunate ; but like all good things that nature lavishes on her subjects, Leo people are forced to pay a terrific price for their great heritage of birth. Selfpity is unknown to Leo-born ; they simply rise from the depths of despair and go on to new conquests. No star in Hollywood has ever known greater tragedy than Paul Kelly. A lesser sign than Leo would have surrendered to the series of unfortunate circumstances that have besieged him for years. Mr. Kelly has just grown stronger with each blow, which is why those of us who know him feel that the loss of his wife, the bitterest Norvell says Lloyd Nolan, who has been slowly but surely emerging from under the cloud that's been affecting Leo-born, will do some fine character roles in the future. Ten Baby Fingers... and Ten Million Germs! BABY SANBY-miiiion dollar baby now starring in Universal Pictures' "Sandy Is A Lady". Her surroundings are kept extra clean wit h " Ly sol " solution . Help guard your child against the risk of germ Infection from contaminated objects... clean house with "LYSOL"! Baby sandy, favorite of movie fans, is cared for with all the safeguards money can buy. An important precaution taken for her welfare is . . . cleanliness! Surroundings kept extra clean with "Lysol's" help. You can give your own baby the same conscientious care. It costs so little to keep bathrooms, nurseries, and playrooms, hygienically clean. All it takes is a liberal use of "Lysol" in your cleaning. Ask your druggist now for your copy of "Baby Sandy's Health Charts". . . complete health routines for children of all ages, prepared by a famous expert. Included is a special children's gift ... a full-color Baby Sandy Cut-out Doll and cut-out wardrobe. IJl! » FREE! WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF "LYSOL" Baby Sandy Health Charts— a fullcolor Baby Sandy Cut-out Doll and complete cut-out wardrobe A gift to you while they last, with every purchase of "Lysol". Don't wait until these grand presents are gone. See your druggist . . . NOW! Copyright 1940 by Lehn & Fink Products Corporation YOUR DRUGGIST IS NOW SPONSORING BABY SANDY'S HEALTH CRUSADE SCREENLAND 83