Screenland (May-Oct 1940)

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blow of all, will not stop his interesting career. Robert Taylor is another Leo-born star who has suffered somewhat in his career in past months ; but this affliction is by no means a total eclipse, for the Taylor lad has staying power, and may make certain prophets of the past eat their words. Although Andrea Leeds, another Leo subject, is happy in the personal side of her life, her career has suffered several setbacks. In last July's issue of Screenland, I predicted her marriage, but now unless Andrea is cautious her home duties may interfere with her screen career. I do not feel she will retire, but predict that she will be able judiciously to combine her future maternal duties with new artistic triumphs. Gene Raymond, another star born in Leo, is emerging from his retirement. Goaded by unfair publicity, Mr. Raymond was forced to return to the screen. He will not regret it, for new laurels await him. A Leo lady whose light has been buried under a bushel of Lane sisters is Gale Page. May I call to the attention of the brothers Warner that right on their own back lot they have a potential star ? Her chart shows great ability and determination to succeed and her 'oomph' (or hadn't you noticed, boys?) is not something that comes out of a paint pot. Another Warner stock player who will emerge is Gloria Dixon. Gloria gave one of the most brilliant performances ever seen on the local boards in a WPA production. It had the drama lovers agog. Signed by Warners, she was cast in tripe and photographed badly, but time will prove her an actress and make her a star. Gloria, as you no doubt guessed, was born in the Sign of Leo. You can't imagine the voluptuous Mae West lingering under the slight shadow of any solar affliction. Neither the Hays office, the New York Police Department nor the Radio Communications Commission has ever stopped this merry gal on her appointed rounds. She suffered perhaps less' than any Leo star from the fatal Sun spots. Her temporary retirement from the screen was a manifestation of her ruling sign in affliction — now witness her triumphant return in "My Little Chickadee," which is proof again of Leo triumphant. Jumping from Miss West to the sublime, let us consider the case of Ingrid Bergman, another Leo-born. In Miss Bergman the solar rays have blossomed in the fullest effulgence ; not only does she possess the great talent often found in these clever persons but her destiny is so manifest that home ties, marriage — nothing will keep her from being one of the greatest stars the screen has ever known. Those of you whose birthdates fall in other sections of the Zodiac may be interested in learning what fate has in store for you this month. Select the section below that deals with your birthdate and find out what the future holds for you. Aries — March 21 to April 20 A generally good month for business and financial affairs. The aggressive planet Mars assists you materially in bettering your fortunes, but you will have to take aggressive action and ask favors or seek out opportunities. Change in residence or employment is favored this month. Work of a creative nature may engage your attention. Favors those in literature, arts, music, advertising, designing, beauty parlors, radio, and theatrical work. Short trips only are favored. Jupiter brings advancement in all your interests. Romantic ventures may prove exciting but not conclusive. Wait for more favorable vibrations before making a decision regarding marriage. Favorable days this month are : 3rd, 4th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 23rd, 25th, 27th, 28th, 29th. Other days neutral. Taurus — April 21 to May 20 Better business conditions should exist in your life this month. Jupiter favors expanding, changing, or seeking favors from superiors. New ideas may come that bring money. Investments in stocks favored especially— also the building trades, signing of contracts, leases and legal papers in general. On the 4th and 19th, some danger may exist in connection with vehicles, or through secret enemies ; use caution, and avoid complications in romance or marriage. The planet Venus favors a new love affair, but jealousy and some quarrels are predicted this month. Do nothing rash or ill-advised connected with love, for you may regret hasty action. Vacation pleasures In "Ghost of the Cisco Kid," Cesar Romero has Sheila Ryan playing with him. He thinks she's a cute little trick and we fully agree. favored; travel by land or sea appears safe and pleasant. Visit relatives, friends ; seek social contacts. Good days this month : 1st, 3rd, Sth, 7th, 8th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 22nd, 23rd, 26th, 28th, 30th. Other days somewhat adverse for anything but routine matters. Gemini — May 21 to June 20 Mars brings warnings of misunderstandings and confusion this month. Be careful not to make enemies by being hasty. Watch your words and actions, also avoid affixing your signature to legal documents on the 1st, 3rd, 16th, and 23rd. Health matters should improve, and finances come under more steadying vibrations. Most of your progress this month is up to you, for the vibrations from the stars are of a mixed nature and you can make them good or bad, depending on your attitude. Romantic matters appear somewhat disturbed — choose someone whose birthdate happens to fall in Libra, or Aquarius, if you wish perfect happiness. Financially your progress may be slow and uncertain; make up your mind to one course of action and stick to it. You are better in executive or creative work — this sign favors the following occupations for this month : Librarians, hostesses, clerks, salesmen, beauticians, florists, designers, milliners, teachers and musicians. Travel is favored at this time. You may meet one or more members of the opposite sex who profess interest. Not a good month for an engagement, but good for social events. Favorable days this month: 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 14th, 17th, 18th, 20th, 22nd, 24th, 25th, 27th, 29th. Other days are neutral and favor normal activities. Cancer — June 21 to July 22 The solar rays this month give additional interest to financial conditions in your life. You are definitely coming into a cycle of progression and accomplishment. Avoid nervousness and uncertainty ; develop confidence, for you need it in your business relations with others. You should have brilliant ideas, and if you carry them out, you may be on your way to attaining your life's goal. Love affairs come under changing aspects of your ruling planet, the Moon, this month. Be careful that your heart does not rule your head, for you are easily influenced by the one you love — if you choose wisely it should be someone born in Pisces, Scorpio, or Capricorn. Change cf residence is favored this month ; also travel by land or water. Favorable Myrna Loy and her husband, Arthur Hornblow, Jr., entertain Gwili Andre at the Cocoanut Grove. Proof that Myrna is still crazy about her husband is the fact that she can still laugh at his jokes. However, Gwili must have heard that one before. 84