Screenland (Nov 1941-Apr 1942)

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Her apartment on upper Fifth Avenue, abutting the Fark, seemed to be on the Louis Quinze side, with none of the halfdozen carved chairs scattered about comfortable enough to sit in. Full-length oil portraits of Gloria and Joseph graced opposite walls. Oversized match packets marked G S on the tables. Telegrams and flowers bespeaking the sought-after woman littered the room pleasantly. A secretary bubbled about lowering shades and closing doors. Gloria was a few minutes late. "I was with Michele," she said. "I'm making it a point to see a lot of her. When Gloria was young I had a governess take care of her. That was a great mistake. The woman really became so attached to the child that she began to think she was her mother. It made for a highly unpleasant situation. "I was career-building then. I guess I 11 always be career-building. When I wasn't concerned with pictures I launched other enterprises. I simply can't be inactive and lazy. Life is action to me. There must be something going on all the time. If there's a lull, I manage to start something. But Michele will have my companionship. I'll not make the same mistake twice. Would you like to see her?" Michele Farmer is a slim, bright child with bangs and laughing eyes. She had seen her mother on the screen for the very first time the evening before. "I liked her," she -aid. "I enjoyed the picture, too. I didn't go to sleep once." In the afterglow of her success with De Mille, Gloria attempted to produce her own pictures, with indifferent success. One was "Perfect Understanding," made in London. Gloria was a success socially in the English capital but her picture fell flatter than a cookbook cake. "That's when I decided to do 'Queen Kellv,' " she said with a wry smile. "Queen Kelly" was that dream of every actor's life, a picture to be made just the way the actor wanted it, without production brakes or front office restrictions. "We put everything in that but the kitchen stove," said Gloria. "Raoul Walsh collaborated on it with me and then after shooting a hundred reels and the entire bankroll we found we had half a picture, very little of which would have passed the censors . . ." It was the most extravagant gesture in a career studded with such gestures. "I think it's safe to call it the most expensive picture that was never released," said Gloria, "but please let's not say another word about it." Swanson has a daintily arrogant manner, a pretty disdain. She is definite in her views, and completely unconcerned whether you share them with her. She is a feminist, an individualist, and a show-woman. If you are looking for split personalities, hers "is exhibit A. She talks straight facts about business matters, then it occurs to her that she is a glamour girl again, being interviewed, and she gives out with something like this : "I don't see many pictures because they take so much out ' f me. When I watch a film I positively project myself into the character of the heroine, and I suffer with her, share her sorrows, and struggle with her over her problems. I go out of the theater completely exhausted. I've been through everything the cast has been through !" Of course while she is talking you are permitted to watch her electric grey-green eyes, lighted from some inner dynamo. You may admire her determined chin and her vivid mouth with prominent white teeth, flashing and attractive. You note that the backs of her hands are smooth ; no signs of _ age here. There are no lines on her face, no crow's feet, no tiny bags under the eyes. Life has been full for Swanson hut Nature has been kind. She says moderation is the thing. r TS THIS YOU . . . with the extra long face . . . feeling sorry for yourself? You . . . with the date of your life for today's game and the big dance afterwards. Any other girl would give a full week's allowance to be in your wedgies! But you're all worry and woe, ready to give up. There's no justice ... it had to be today ! If only you could be like the others who never seem to let trying days of the month get them down! Well . . . why not? Why not safeguard your comfort and your disposition the way most girls do ... by choosing Kotex sanitary napkins? You'll find (as they have) that Kotex is more comfortable because it's made in soft folds. So naturally Kotex is less bulky . . . less apt to rub and chafe. Be like the others you envy! You're due for another pleasant surprise when you discover that with Kotex there's no reason to feel ill-at-ease feel fussed and fidgety and waist-line conscious. That's because the ends of each Kotex pad are flat and pressed... no telltale bulges . . . your secret is safe. Actually, you can forget about you! You won't have a minute's worry because the new moisture-resistant "safety shield" in Kotex provides extra protection. Helps give you the kind of confidence and poise you need to sail through the day without a care in the world! So now you know why Kotex should be your choice. Why it is the choice of more women than all other brands of napkins put together! Be confident. .. comfortable ... carefree — with Kotex* ! \OTex WHERE'S A GIRL TO LEARN what to expect, what to Jo and not to do on her "difficult days'"? All the answers to your intimate questions are in the new free booklet : "As One Girl To Another". Mail your name and address today, to P. O. Box 3434, Dept. S-ll, Chicago, and get a copy free! ★Trade Mark Reg. O. S. Pat. Off. SCREENLAND 67