Screenland (Nov 1941-Apr 1942)

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Louisa laughing uproariously as they toid of the game they had seen Lucy and Albert playing with some policeman down on the marshes. "Albert was so annoyed!" Louisa giggled. "Because they caught him and Lucy too. Oh, Ellen, it was so funny." Then she saw Ellen putting on her cloak. "Oh, Ellen, do you have to go out ?" she begged. "Can't it wait?" "No, dear," Ellen tried to smile. "It can't wait. I — I have to see those policemen, too." "We found these jackdaw feathers down by the Priory," Louisa said then with one of her quick changes of mood._ "You ought to go into the Priory Garden one day," Ellen said slowly, impressing each word on them so that they wouldn't forget. For the nuns would take care of them. She was sure of that. "They have such lovely flowers, and the birds come down and feed out of the nuns' hands. You would like it." "How long will you be, Ellen?" Emily asked. "I don't know, darling." Ellen tried to speak gaily. "I may be quite a time." She opened the door and the winter sunlight flooded the room and there was a feeling of spring in the air. "Oh, it's a lovely day !" she whispered. She held up her head as if she were reaching for the warmth. And then quickly, without a backward glance, she walked over the marshes toward Decoy Farm. Inside the Stars' Homes Continued from page 15 beets will color the sauce, and the sauce will add a new and interesting flavor to the beets. CHOCOLATE MINT ROLL Make a sponge cake in a long pan, pouring very thin so that it will roll easily when done. Take it from the oven and wrap in a damp cloth after rolling until ready to serve. Whip your cream and flavor with essence of peppermint (Burnett's), color with green coloring and keep in refrigerator until ready to serve. When ready, spread the cake with cream, roll, slice and serve with thick chocolate sauce. CHOCOLATE SAUCE Blend 1 cup sugar, Y2 cup Runkel Brothers cocoa, 3 level tablespoons flour, *4 teaspoon salt. Add 34 cup of boiling water and 1 tablespoon butter, and cook until thick, stirring constantly. Remove from stove and add vanilla. Claire lives in a white French Provincial house on a poplar-lined street in Brentwood. Five years ago, when Claire first saw the house, there were no near neighbors ; now, rows of fine dwellings extend up and down the curving avenue. "Mother and I spent weeks looking for what we wanted," Claire recalled. "We visited this place four times before we decided we couldn't resist it. After that, Mother put in her days selecting furniture and samples with a decorator at one of Los Angeles' best stores. I was working, so in the evening I would go down to the store and they'd open it while Mother showed me what she'd found and I'd choose what I wanted. We have much the same tastes, so usually whatever she had picked out I liked. There was always a selection of patterns for drapes, upholstery, wallpapers, rugs and so on." Jean Parker and Chester Morris appearing in "No Hands on the Clock", a Paramount Picture. Thousands of loved girls keep their hands enchanting with Jergcns Lotion. Girls who are greatly Loved have soft. # tender j/0jt§ says Jean MP av«ingHoUv*°o (Cap Have this almost professional hand care at home — keep your hands thrilling re your hands disagreeably harsh? Your hand skin's too dry! But there's Jergens Lotion— a constant source of new softening moisture for your skin. So easy and quick to use— Jergens Lotion is never sticky. And 2 of its fine ingredients are the same as many doctors use when a patient's rough skin needs softening and smoothing. 50<i, 25^, 10^— $1.00 at beauty counters. Be sure and use Jergens Lotion! ARV SO, SUE BEGAN TO USE JERGENS LOTION, TOO, AND NOT LONG AFTER . . . FOR SOFT, ADORABLE HANDS (AND JERGENS LOTION TO HELP PREVENT MY HANDS FROM GETTING ROUGH.) FR£E/ ... PURSE-SIZE BOTTLE MAIL THIS COUPON NOW (Paste on a penny postcard, if you wish) The Andrew Jergens Company, Box 3925, Cincinnati, Ohio. (In Canada: Perth, Ontario) Please send me — free — my purse-size bottle of the famous Jergens Lotion. Name— Street City State SCREENLAND 75 B23