Screenland (Nov 1941-Apr 1942)

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BUT HEADS WILL TURN if your Smile is Right! There's magic in a lovely smile! Help yours to be sparkling — with Ipana and Massage. IOOK about you, plain girl! The most j popular girl isn't always the prettiest girL It's true in the world of the stage and screen— it's true in your own small world. Heads do turn— eyes do follow— hearts do respond— to even the plainest face if it flashes a winning, glamorous, sparkling smile. Make your smile your beauty talis man. Keep it as enchanting as it should be. Help it to be a smile that wins for you the best that life has to give. But remember that, for a smile to keep its brightness and sparkle, gums must retain their healthy firmness. "Pink Tooth Brush"— a warning! If you ever see "pink" on your tooth brush— see your dentist right away. It may not mean serious trouble, but let him decide. He may say simply that your gums need more work . . . the natural exercise denied them by today's soft foods. And like thousands of dentists, he may suggest "the helpful stimulation of Ipana and massage." Ipana is specially designed, not only to clean teeth brilliantly and thoroughly but, with massage, to help firm and strengthen your gums. Massage a little extra Ipana onto your gums every time you brush your teeth. Notice its clean, refreshing taste. And that invigorating "tang" tells you circulation is increasing in your gums— helping them to better health. Get a tube of Ipana Tooth Paste today. | "A LOVELY SMILE IS MOST IMPORTANT TO BEAUTY!" say beauty editors of 23 out of 24 leading magazines Recently a poll was made among the beauty editors of 24 leading magazines. All but one of these experts said that a woman has no greater charm than a lovely, sparkling smile. They went on to say that "Even a plain girl can be charming, if she has a lovely smile. But without one, the loveliest woman's beauty is dimmed and darkened." SCREENLAND IPANA TOOTH PASTE A Product of Bristol-Myers