Screenland (Nov 1941-Apr 1942)

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toim:t LUX I ; It IKS It ubble your troubles away with Valse de Fleur luxurious Bubble Bath. . . For mountains of billowy bubbles. : . . In gift package as shown— $1.00. At your local store'. Special Offer Send 25c in stamps or coin for sample package containing Valse de Fleur Perfume, Eau de Cologne, and Dusting Powder. Address Dept. G. HUNT CLUB, LTD. 100 So. Rtzhugh Street, Rochester, N. Y. NEW! 1942 MODEL I POCKET RADIO! Ufl TUBES riU BATTERIES ' BEAUTIFUL PLASTIC CABINETS Band-Dial— Hi-Q Coil— Magkothoke Fits your pocket or puree — Wt. 5 oze., ABOUT CIGARETTE PACKAGE SIZE FIXED power crtstal! Clear reception — Simple to Operate, owners report M. L. of ILL eaye: "radio works fine!" I GUARANT EEDFTO WORK-ONE YEAR SERVICE GUARANTEE I Sent complete ready to listen with instructions for UBe in homes, | offices, hotels, in bed, etc., no electric "plug in" bequired — NT PLAK ICCMn ANIY CI All (cash. M. O., cheek) nnd pay postm dtraU WrlLl 9X.UU p|„a poet!ie<, on arrival or send $2.99 for postpaid delivery! limited number left— get tofr NEW midget now! — for real enjoyment! Ideal gift for anyone — obpeb now! MIDGET RADIO CO., Dept. SC-1, KEARNEY, NEBRASKA SONG POEMS WANTED TO BE SET TO MUSIC Free Examination. Send Your Poems To J. CHAS. McNEIL A. B. MASTER OF MUSIC BIO-V So. Alexandria Los Angeles, Calif. Would you like a PEN AND INK DRAWING OF YOURSELF — or favorite photograph? If so write to ARLENE KEYES Box 1064 Saugus, Mass ED H HOUYWOOD I nil ENLARGEMENT Just to get acquainted, we will make a beautiful PROFESSIONAL enlargement of any snapshot, photo, kodak picture, print, or negative to 5 x 7 inch FREE. Please include color ot eyes, hair, and clothing for prompt information on a natural, life-like color enlargement in a FREE FRAME to set on the table or dresser. Tour original returned with your FREE PROFESSIONAL enlargement. Please send 10c for return mailing — Act quick. HOLLYWOOD FILM STUDIOS 7021 Santa Monica Blvd., Dept. 155 HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA International Lady — United Artists A fast-paced spy story in which George Brent, FBI agent, and Basil Rathbone of Scotland Yard, are friendly rivals in their efforts to get the goods on a spy through whom they hope to trap some saboteurs. Ilona Massey is the spy whose beautiful singing radio voice is a code that tips off the enemy. Brent and Rathbone give smooth performances, and Miss Massey's portrayal of the alluring spy is effective. A good film with suspense, romance, humor. All That Money Can Buy — RKO-Radio _ Don't let the fact that this film has no big star names keep you from seeing it or you'll miss a fine film. It's an adaptation of Stephen Benet's "The Devil and Daniel Webster," the story of a man who sells his soul to the devil and broods when his time's up. Edward Arnold, as Webster, helps Jabcz (James Craig) redeem himself. Walter Huston as Scratch (the devil) and Craig give good portrayals. Jane Darwell, Anne Shirley are in cast. The Men in Her Life — Columbia Career vs. marriage and home life is the topic of this film. It relates the struggles oi a ballerina (Loretta Young) to achieve success, how her career conflicts with her private life, and of her love for Conrad Veidt, her instructor-husband, Dean Jagger, her second husband, and John Shepperd whom she loves, but who's killed. The mother-love angle wiil stir your emotions. Loretta plays the difficult role -with feeling. Ballet scenes are beautifully done. Buy Me That Town — Paramount An excellent laugh-getting gangland c.medy about a group of racketeers who buy up a bankrupt, unincorporated town and turn the jail into a hotel where refugees from the law can hide for $1000 per week. Lloyd Nolan's the head man who_ makes civic improvements at the suggestion of Constance Moore, whom he loves. Barbara Jo Allen's (Vera Vague) interpretation of a prim spinster alone is worth your time and money. Don't miss it. Down Mexico Way — Republic Singing cowboy Gene Autry in another fine Western. In this one, Gene, Smiley Burnette and other citizens of Sage City are victims of swindlers posing as Hollywood film producers. Gene and his friends follow the crooks to Mexico where they've gone to work another fraud on a much larger scale on the town's richest man, whose daughter they've promised to star, and expose them. Gene's tuneful songs are inter woven with exciting chases and fights. 10 SCREENLAND