Screenland (Nov 1941-Apr 1942)

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iff. ■ Elizabeth B. Petersen Best-selling book becomes big picture! Great cast headed by Ann Sheridan, Ronald Reagan, Robert Cummings, and Betty Field, supported by such splendid players as Charles Coburn, Claude Rains, Kaaren Verne, portrays the power and pathos of this dramatic story directed by Sam Wood for Warners turn to Page 79 for complete cast anil credits would Grandmcre say if she could see ~iim now, about to become a fulledged doctor, offered an important post in the new medical science of psychiatry when he graduated ? Would she smile, that perky, quizzical little smile of hers, or would she only say "Parris," with that French accent she had never lost, that accent which had set her apart from the rest of Kings Row ? But even without it, Madame Von Elm would have been different. "When she passed, how much passed with her," Parris thought. "A whole way of life, the way of •gentleness and honor and dignity. These things went with her and they may never come back to this world." Cassie and Dr. Tower too, would they know how much he understood now, things he had never understood before? Cassie, how the thought of her quickened the sadness, the loneliness, and how it brought back the old excitement too, the happiness {Please turn to page /5) I